Quoting Janook, reply 4This build get's raped hard all day every day by a spit/ooze UB. I've tried it but it doesn't hold up in competitive 3v3 matches against other UBs. It sacrifices too much damage output for the sake of a small HP boost and speed buffs/debuffs.
This is very much the truth. You give up a 1650 damage spit at level 10... for 10% movement and attack speed. And you have maybe 800 more health. 800 More health isn't as good as 1650 spit damage.
...sigh I was expecting this
I don't lose to this build
have beaten orcun_bl's spit beast
kalel's spit beast
kira's spit beast
rawr's spit beast
it's the race to acclimation. You are weak early. Then strong later. You level quickly because of boots of speed. You cap flags like ea maniac and ooze through creep waves.
Later on in the game the other beast needs 1-2 mana helms. Thats where i put my groffling warplate
and boots of speed
I end up with 9k hp standard, then over 12k with sigil
Move speed out the ass
and acclimation is dumb
Spit does damage over time, this gives me 10 seconds to run away and get to the crystal. I always have mana for grasp, and if an ally gives me a priest I have no reason to go back to the citadel ever.
WATCH THE REPLAYS FOR CHRISTS SAKE. me raping top players with 1 hand tied behind my back because I have ooze and acclimation and 2 extra spots for more armor / speed.
here's a story about a guy named pantz. Played a 3v3 with a oak, regulus, erebus. pantz went beast on the other team. he got level 20, i was level 20 oak, my allies are at 18.
We have giants, pantz tries to take our portal flag, we 3v1 him at the portal while our giants are smacking him in the face, he fought us off. a 3v1. with giants. he made us run. he came to recap with only half hp, he went to run away, popped a sigil and wand of speed. we were hitting him from our portal allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way back to his base, penitence, bite, charm, surge, mines, maim, snipe. NOTHING, dude lived.
I'm not putting my strats up online for advice, or to get opinions. i already know they work because I own everyone in this game for free. Not a premade I haven't beaten, not a premade my premade's lost to. I'm putting this stuff up here so the guys who still play this game can read the strat, understand it, then watch a replay of it to have it make sense to them, and replicate it themselves so they can put up a fight against the top players.
I already know this owns top players, because.... I owned them.