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playgroundlegend's power rook build for cataract

By on October 27, 2009 5:02:23 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


+10 Karma | 28 Replies
October 28, 2009 1:07:32 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

How do you have the mana to sustain yourself in the field with just Vlemish?  Or are you constantly teleporting back to base to get more mana?

October 28, 2009 1:41:23 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

No offence, but you seem to have a gameplan up to about level 10 that is it.

Most games with rook seem to start turning his way when you can 2000 slam/roll, swipe trhough all the wvaes of creeps, and damage towers for 400+dps.

I would suggest swapping your teleport for +15% boots or staff of renewell, and using that extra slot for some more mana/slams or more hp/tanking.


Other then that, apart from choosing god strength over the later two tower of the power choices, that'd be my skill progression too.

October 28, 2009 2:10:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

just learned a new trick from watching your replay, its how u place the towers early game just at the corner. You ketp that erebus away from the flag anytime you were there.

However you said that

You always want to be 1 stage ahead of the enemy.

but in this game, you were always 1 lvl below all other players even if you switched lane many time to cap and farm. I think its because you went back to base more than the other players.

October 28, 2009 2:40:16 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Really nice guide .. the way you place your tower to tear the other towers down is a nice trick.

Maybe i would use Blade of the Serpent instead of Amulet of Teleportation.

You got a little bit mana more 400 and when you can do your hammer slam you get much mana back 75% of damage in mana.

But then you need allways some Scroll of Teleporting. Also i would allways buy Universal Gadget, so you can stay longer in the fight (more xp) and maybe kill the enemys that just wanted to kill you.

Haven't tried it with the BotS so i don't really know if it is good, just thought about that.

Maybe someone has tested it?


October 28, 2009 9:28:07 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


10:00 you almost died to spit, very lucky with 15 hp left.
11:00 nice fake
13:00 nice Boulder right when RWAR wanted to run
15;00 RWAR stuns your Hammer and then chases you to death (but you are revenged)
16:40 Good choice to cancel that teleport
17:37 Obvious death at a locked enemy flag: you asked for this gank
19:00 Good choice to take down their towers while they focus on hp flag side
20:54 Triple lock.
22:50 Should have ran after Boulder
24:30 You lock their baseflag, they fail to lock yours. Erebus is a good defender.
25:50 Hammered RWAR at their side flag.
27:30 GG, theres no way you get that flag back.

The rook only works if you have a responsive team, that knows when and where to aid the rook. You still died 3 times, atleast 2 of which could have been avoided.

Since towers get weaker late game and you never really had more then 4, you might want to consider only going to tower II and getting something else instead.

Otherwise this setup is good, you might wanna run a bit more early if you face an opponent with more health/dps like UB, Erebus.

October 28, 2009 10:12:08 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

just learned a new trick from watching your replay, its how u place the towers early game just at the corner. You ketp that erebus away from the flag anytime you were there.

However you said that

You always want to be 1 stage ahead of the enemy.

but in this game, you were always 1 lvl below all other players even if you switched lane many time to cap and farm. I think its because you went back to base more than the other players.


His "stages" consist of Early, Mid, Late, and End.  He said you want to be a stage ahead of your enemy, not a level ahead of your enemy.  Depending on kill count and warscore, being higher level doesnt always correlate into being in a better position to win.

October 28, 2009 10:15:22 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums






October 28, 2009 11:17:49 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Do you really think that, if game would go to lvl 17-20, stats are better than god strenght?! God str is must for me.

btw, i also when playing rook always take shoulder upgrades asap, they are the best

October 28, 2009 11:40:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Also, dont get amulet, it shares cd with normal scrolls, better get bof. more hp is ALWAYS good.

October 28, 2009 11:43:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

for his descriebed playstyle amulet is better as he often jumps between lanes and tp-scrolls cost money. if his strategy is good or not is a different story.

October 28, 2009 1:03:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


October 28, 2009 3:43:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

God strength is a waste imho. I can count how many times I melee someone with the rook on my left hand.... btw, did I mention I lost my left hand back in 'nam?

Ok, i can understand you if you are not using your normal attack much (but that would mean you are leveling up with just (well mostly) using shoulder upgrades & towers - not really logical way if you want to lvl up fast imo - & i'm sure your being little sarcastic and exaggurating ('i'm not using my left hand' )

BUT!  You've being very wrong about God Strength - it is definitely not waste!!

Do you know that GOD STRENGTH not only gives you +50 dmg, BUT ALSO SPLASH dmg AND ability to kill creep(s) with just one normal attack?!!

You can set creeps on 'high' - they have more than 800 hp - and with GS youll kill all wave with 3 - 4 attacks! and your base damage can be lower than 300 then, it doesnt matter cause GS knocks them out > instant kill. Try it. You will lvl up faster with just 1 point GS early on.

I always take it on lvl 6 or 5 (yes, even before boulder)


edit: i actually cant believe in possibility that you dont know that. If you do know, than it's IMO waste not to use GS early.

October 28, 2009 4:21:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


October 28, 2009 5:00:44 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nah, I know how god strength works, I used to get it. But with all the shoulder cannons, I can walk through a creep wave and tag all of them for xp.

a legendary response.

October 28, 2009 6:41:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

actually a rook gets splash damage without god strength too, you get it around lvl 6-8, dont remember exactly but I've seen it when playing rook, I didn't have god strength but still killed a full creep wave in 1 or 2 hits

October 28, 2009 6:46:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I didn't have god strength but still killed a full creep wave in 1 or 2 hits

are you sure? Or was it because of shoulder upgrades

October 28, 2009 6:55:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm pretty sure, read this in another rook build thread and wanted to try it out.

Someone should double-check though

October 29, 2009 12:08:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes, this happens naturally when you hit a certain amount of Weapon Damage. I am  too lazy to look it up in the LUA but it is either 250, 300 or 350. GS guarentees this number @ level 5 (after the +50) based on a 'naked' rook with no points in Attributes.

If you want to get it earlier, you can always use Gloves of Brutality (+25 weapon damage), then sell it later.

October 29, 2009 12:29:41 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nice guide! As the creator of the first hybrid Rook guide, I can say that this build is fully playable with the amulet of teleportation.

The teleport amulet is friggin amazing on Rook. I use it as a "rejuvenation potion" to teleport back to my crystal. This solves most of my early game mana issues. It halves your shopping time and allows you to easily gank. Sure, BotF will give you more lane control, but with the teleport ammy I can run my HP into the ground and then teleport back to heal. Also, there are several DGs that are excellent counters to Rook, such as Reg. If Reg is in my lane, I'll just teleport to the other side where I can maintain an advantage.

If I may make a suggestion, I would recommend adding the Orb of Defiance to your build. You don't need to conserve consumable slots since you have the tele ammy, and it hilarious using it inside your tower farm as you're about to die. With the low amount of health in this build, it helps your HP and armor quite a bit. I've had games where I will activate it when I'm at low HP, and my entire team will teleport over to my tower for a gank. I would substitute it for Narmoth's Ring.

Also, I'd suggest perhaps switching Trebuchet for Tower III. The trade-off is 6 towers at level 7 instead of 6 towers at level 13. I sort of think they are more scary at level 7, personally. Also, it allows you to throw up 3 towers on each side of the map, instead of 2.

I'm partial to God Strength, but usually I will only get it after level 10 (see my guide for more info).

EDIT: Combat mana potions only cost 200????? WTF? Thx for the info.


Maybe i would use Blade of the Serpent instead of Amulet of Teleportation.

BotS is the friggin worst favor item for Rook. If you want a mana favor item, use CoPM (on Leviathan) or EoM. EoM gives Rook freaky levels of mana early game.

October 29, 2009 12:39:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

One note of caution, this build will suck if your teammates don't protect your towers or flags. I've played many games where I have nowhere to teleport to because of poor lane control.

October 29, 2009 12:46:37 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks for taking the time to write this up. 

October 29, 2009 3:48:05 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

God Strength will always be better than Stats. I can understand you sacrifice it earlier for your build, but not for late game Stats. Even if you estimate you never AA, have you seen the huge difference with or without GS when destroying building? They just fall down.

October 29, 2009 5:01:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


October 29, 2009 6:05:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Bobek_XY,

God strength is a waste imho. I can count how many times I melee someone with the rook on my left hand.... btw, did I mention I lost my left hand back in 'nam?

Ok, i can understand you if you are not using your normal attack much (but that would mean you are leveling up with just (well mostly) using shoulder upgrades & towers - not really logical way if you want to lvl up fast imo - & i'm sure your being little sarcastic and exaggurating ('i'm not using my left hand' )

BUT!  You've being very wrong about God Strength - it is definitely not waste!!

Do you know that GOD STRENGTH not only gives you +50 dmg, BUT ALSO SPLASH dmg AND ability to kill creep(s) with just one normal attack?!!

You can set creeps on 'high' - they have more than 800 hp - and with GS youll kill all wave with 3 - 4 attacks! and your base damage can be lower than 300 then, it doesnt matter cause GS knocks them out > instant kill. Try it. You will lvl up faster with just 1 point GS early on.

I always take it on lvl 6 or 5 (yes, even before boulder)


edit: i actually cant believe in possibility that you dont know that. If you do know, than it's IMO waste not to use GS early.

i GUESS YOU don't know anything.. god strength doesn't give splash damage.

It is naturally given when rook recheas the certain level. god strength sucks

Rather i get both tower and hammer as soon as possible


October 29, 2009 6:14:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'd probably go 3 points of God Strength late late game rather than stats.  150 damage a swing is noticeable, and I feel like late game the Rook will probably be meleeing a lot more as opponent demigods build stronger resistance to his towers through armor.  A lot of "to the death" battles are fought at key flags such as portal flags, and after a boulder and slam, it's gonna turn into a melee fest.  The stat bonuses are kind of trivial that late in the game, the extra damage will be more useful at demigod focus fire.  The Rook is also usually a target of focus fire so he should have something to swing at.

Also he gets some snares late game like poison arrows and dizzying force which makes him meleeing things more viable.

That having been said Playground's Rook is really good.  I stopped playing Rook with him because his is just too leet and I don't like being second best.

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