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Frogboy - Stardock - I bring you more hackers

By on October 23, 2009 2:04:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums




Notice the last comment in the picture.

The following premade hackers post games called "100% bug free"

See below:


At the 2 minute mark, we get the connectivity bug. We concede under 3 minutes, but get a loss. That was game one.


We rematch them.

Needless to say, we embarrassed them. Easily.




Invalid gamestate was forced on us. UsedCondom's game crashed, piznits game crashed. I stayed. Then invalid gamestate.


I find it ironic that a team of premades plays pug games, calls them "100% bug free." Then hacks you 2x in a row.


Here is the replay:


Examine Invisible_XXI record and games list here: 383-70

Look at all of the N/A and incomplete games he has. Too bad invalid gamestates don't even show up otherwise God know's how many people he's hacked before.


Check out SickNik's record and games:

38 wins, 7 losses.


Games 56-68 = N/A games. IN A ROW.

Perhaps cuz it's epoch 1? I'm not sure.


Invisible_XXI: "Noobs"


Who's the noob now hacker?


I'd say thanks for the free win I got off of your premade with my pug, but you invalid gamestate hacked it like every other game you ever played.


And for those people who read this and don't believe me, watch the game. Tell me they play like 383-70 players. My rec is 355-74 and I made this guy with more wins and less losses look like a 20-5000 player with his pre. I had a field day with all the free kills I got off these scrubs.

Disclaimer: a scrub is different from a noob. Do not be offended. A noob = new player. A scrub = player who has lots of games, but never learns from their mistakes yet thinks they are good.


+10 Karma | 7 Replies
October 23, 2009 2:22:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Be careful what you wish for...

Their game histories look normal to me (lots of losses), but maybe I'm wrong here, Stardock should have more data.


At the 2 minute mark, we get the connectivity bug. We concede under 3 minutes, but get a loss.

There's no loss in your game history.


Games 56-68 = N/A games. IN A ROW.

Which were his first 12 matches in this game from May 3rd to June 14th. Kinda looks like initial connection problems to me (few matches over long period).

October 23, 2009 2:23:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hosting a game that says 100% bug free, disconnecting, then calling someone a noob after they lost fair and square is the equivalent of socialistryan saying he will disc hack, then blatantly do it. It's this sense that you can cheat with no repercussions - this arrogance, that ruins games.

Sorta like the kid in middle school who hands in a plagiarized paper to his teacher, when asked if he cheated he says no, but he forgot that when he copy / paste the paper, he left the website URL in it.


October 24, 2009 6:19:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

1662, salem massachusetts and the book "The Crucible" was also based off this.

1953, "The crucible" was written in response to McCarthyism black list

2009, Demigod __________________.


Now what goes in the blank of what's happening here?

October 24, 2009 10:41:53 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

my mate named the game ironically 100% bugfree, cause the game is very far from bugfree as you can see with this invalid gamestate error.

you are right, the invalid gamestate saved our asses this time! but it saved the asses of many other guys several times which left me as frustrated as you are right now most notably, when the win was well deserved.

and you are right, your team was superior to us. but sicknik and myself have played only a few games the last months so the stats are a little "old". and we were never a premade, just friends playing...


on the other side, your mates lagged or crashed out the second time in a row which made the game crash and produce this invalid gamestate in the second game. so its more of your mates fault.


"Games 56-68 = N/A games. IN A ROW."

take a closer look, thats all epoche 1

October 24, 2009 3:24:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Invisible you moron. The game is "bug free", getting a desync error is very very hard to do. Either one of you has some corrupted files or one of you is intentionally changing game files midgame.


October 26, 2009 6:56:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think u guys should stop pointing fingers, because this is clearly a BUG in most cases. Also, Invisible is quite an old player around here and I'm sure he doesn't do shits like this.


This became a witch hunt, really

October 26, 2009 8:24:10 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Invisible_XXI,

"Games 56-68 = N/A games. IN A ROW."

take a closer look, thats all epoche 1

End thread? I think Playground jumped the gun on this one, as this was the ONLY compelling evidence he stated.

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