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Regs lvl15 snipe skill change

By on October 21, 2009 8:38:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Join Date 01/2009


we've all established that its completely useless, so i propose this change.

"snipe now takes 1 seconds to cast, and completely stops targets health regen and drops targets armour by 800 for 7 secs."
this allows for easier coordinated attacks on a target, and can even go very will in conjunction with UB's spit.


"snipe now takes 1.5 seconds to cast, and completely stops targets health regen for 7 secs. Has a 30% chance of dealing a 1.5x critical hit"
extra burst dmg is always nice late game.


"snipe takes 2 seconds to cast, and completely stops targets health regen for 7 secs. Stuns target for 1.5 second"
allows team mates to catch up on a fleeing target.

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April 19, 2010 9:33:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I liked the idea of lowering the cast too. I just think it would be sick if someone needed an interrupt, Reg could snipe and soandso's next hit causes the stun.

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