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MMO game suggestions?

By on October 21, 2009 2:54:42 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

So recently I found out the current MMO I am on called Mabinogi, is going to be switching over to the new Heros based in in Korea and is going to fuck all of us old players up in the process. So because of that I quit Mabi for good, now I am in the market for a new MMORPG, to replace Mabi for me.

I really don't know much titles that are free, as I am waiting to jump on EVE, so right now I just wnat something to fill my void, Does anyone know nay good MMO's games that are ether Sci-fi base or Fantasy based? that they would recommend?

0 Karma | 32 Replies
October 26, 2009 6:00:05 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Raven X,

Vanguard Saga of Heroes     <---------- I Highly Recomend This. It has a Ton of cool content and has sadly been overlooked by a Lot of MMO Players.

It wasn't overlooked. Vanguard is the textbook case of a bad launch. It was quite possibly the worst launch of any MMO post-WoW, when most players are no longer willing to tolerate buggy unfinished garbage that won't run at higher then 10fps on their computers. (And that pretty much was Vanguard at launch.)

I hear its actually working now, but when 90% of your players quit in the first month because you released something that was nowhere near ready, you have to expect that a lot of them won't come back.

October 26, 2009 6:12:01 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Tridus,

It wasn't overlooked. Vanguard is the textbook case of a bad launch. It was quite possibly the worst launch of any MMO post-WoW, when most players are no longer willing to tolerate buggy unfinished garbage that won't run at higher then 10fps on their computers. (And that pretty much was Vanguard at launch.)

I hear its actually working now, but when 90% of your players quit in the first month because you released something that was nowhere near ready, you have to expect that a lot of them won't come back.

Very true and well said. It is indeed fixed now. Honestly it's the only MMO I've found that's "newer" that even comes close to the old school depth of UO. In Vanguard you can build your own house, get a flying mount that can actually fly Anywhere without being on "rails" (like most of Wow's flying mounts up till recently). The PvP and class structure in it are pretty well balanced. I would have kept playing it but as you said the player base all but vanished which is pretty sad considering how awesome the game actually is.

October 27, 2009 3:24:43 AM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

Well, the suggestions above are great. I myself keep intending to return to EVE, which is probably the greatest of them all if you want the ultimate and are willing to pay for it.

An often overlooked game you should consider is Perfect World, which resembles AION, though I think the truth is AION resembles it. PW has been out in the US and Europe for a bit over a year.

Very deep game, good community, graphics arguably the best in free mmo class. Flying by level 30, or right away for the Elves. Swimming, underwater combat, aerial combat, extensive beastiary, crafting, land mounts at 40, over 5000 quests, 3 races each with its own starting area, expansion out this Winter with a 4th race and two more classes for a total of 8. Mail system, auction house, bank; all you would expect. A bit more "geek" than WoW, stupid people need not apply.

Free to download, free to play; and honest to goodness you really do not need to spend real money in their Cash Shop. No bots either, unlike the unfortunate AION which is being botted silly. Here is how it works. There is an ingame money called Coins. Coins in large quantities are required to buy ingame items and keep rolling. The Item Mall only takes gold which can only be purchased from the Cash Shop for real money. There is no way to transfer gold directly from one player to another. But, the Auction House has a gold exchange where people who have bought gold can sell it for ingame coins. So if you're a good player and about half smart, you can eventually afford to buy all the gold you want for ingame coin and get stuff from the Item Mall if you so desire. So, it really is free to play. This video just shows an elf priestess flying through the incredible scenery, eventually to turn in a quest. The graphics quality is lower than WoW or GW; but what they do with the graphics in PW in terms of scenery and eye candy is simply fantastic.

I've gotten a Venomancer and a Barbarian up to mid thirties. The game is very very good.

October 27, 2009 4:38:59 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Raven X,
In Vanguard you can get a flying mount that can actually fly Anywhere without being on "rails" (like most of Wow's flying mounts up till recently).


if by recently you mean for the last ~2 years, then yes, I suppose so ...

October 31, 2009 2:40:28 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Lord of the Rings Online.  My first MMO in 1/09; still playing and anxiously awaiting the expansion for Siege of Mirkwood.  Check it out; get one of those free to play for a 2 weeks/month keys and give it a look.  Game is just absolutely huge as far as the world goes.  If you at all into Tolkien's magnum opus, you owe it to yourself.  Turbine has done a wonderful job in keeping with the spirt of the book.








October 31, 2009 3:07:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting wilebill,
An often overlooked game you should consider is Perfect World, which resembles AION, though I think the truth is AION resembles it. PW has been out in the US and Europe for a bit over a year.
Yea I got into this game yesterday so far its awesome and its free so try it out you'll love it. I'll also mention Jade dynasty really fun to me though it was a bit on the grinding side but still should give it a try.

October 31, 2009 6:12:40 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I have a suggestion for an MMO... Starbucks... every time you grind (coffee beans) you get a minuscule amount of XP, at the end of the week you get money. It is boring grind-fest like any other MMO. only you get money instead of paying money.

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