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MMO game suggestions?

By on October 21, 2009 2:54:42 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

So recently I found out the current MMO I am on called Mabinogi, is going to be switching over to the new Heros based in in Korea and is going to fuck all of us old players up in the process. So because of that I quit Mabi for good, now I am in the market for a new MMORPG, to replace Mabi for me.

I really don't know much titles that are free, as I am waiting to jump on EVE, so right now I just wnat something to fill my void, Does anyone know nay good MMO's games that are ether Sci-fi base or Fantasy based? that they would recommend?

0 Karma | 32 Replies
October 21, 2009 4:05:05 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

EVE Online

EVE is absolutely brutal to new players. PvP is impossible as you will get one-shotted by folks that have been playing longer. Asteriod mining can be one of the most boring grinds in an MMO. And, the missions can get pretty repititious as well. However, once you accumulate some skill points after several months and can competently fly good ships, it gets much better. EVE boasts the most player-created content and sandbox of pretty much any MMO out there. The drama, backstabbing, and massive wars are so epic there are academic papers written on it. EVE has a 2 week trial available with some skills disabled.


World of Warcraft

If you do not know about WoW, You have been living in a cave. The quest content is rather grindy, the 5-man dungeons pretty good if you get a decent group, the battlegrounds mini-game is cool as well. WoW's real call to fame is the 25 man raids, where 25 players get to take out bosses. Only thing with WoW is you probably will not be able to participate in any groups other than the occasional lower level pick-up group or battlegrounds for quite some time because the majority of the playerbase is at max level of 80. Even then, you will may have trouble getting groups unless you are of a needed class and have the gear. Some of the top level, geared players can be rather prickish about grouping, too.The cost of the base game plus 2 expansions may need to be considered too. That said, WoW has hands down the best interface of any MMO, and they constantly patch and add new stuff. Love it or hate it, Blizzard does put out polished products. WoW has 10 day trials available.

Warhammer Online

Mythic's answer to Blizzard's WoW. WAR is a very PvP-centric MMO that has players fighting over control of world objectives such as keeps combined with battleground mini-games. Object is to control enough of these objectives to eventually sack the opposing faction's city. Like any MMO, most of the activity with this is at top level, and you will have a grind to get there. WAR doesn't seem to be as polished as WoW if you ask me.


Dungeons and Dragons Online

Now free-to-play with some items purchasable with real cash on online store. Heavily instanced game with almost no meaningful player versus player. It is all about the dungeons. Decent combat system. Bad thing is, past the first couple of instances, it is impossible to advance further without a group. Based on Eberron Campain Setting using rules based off of 3rd edition dnd.


Those are the ones I have played, i am sure with a little research and google, you can find what you need. Just remember, MMOs are that type of genre where you have to put quite a bit of time into to really get anywhere. A bit too much time for not much gain at times.


October 21, 2009 5:15:26 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

May I strongly recommend Lineage II?  It isn't as popular in the US as those mentioned above, though it is far more popular in Korea, Japan, China and many other parts of the globe.  Perhaps the prime reason for the difference in popularity in Eastern versus Western societies is that it is not EASY.  In WoW, for example, you can get to "top' level in a few weeks of serious play.  In Lineage II you cannot.  I am over five years into it, steady play, and it will take that long again to max out. 

Like WoW it is a mideival fantasy world but not nearly as cartoonish, more realistic in appearance.  It is delightfully complex, I still learn something new almost every day and there are large parts of the world that I have not yet explored.  Unlike most games, the developers allow people to be both good and evil, players can scam and grief each other, so you actually have to be sharp and attentive to thrive.  If you foolishly let someone talk you into letting them hold your weapon, it is probably gone and the GMs don't replace it.       Mail me if you want a server rec and a hook up with good ppl in game.

Some playesr cheat with bot and real money purchases, sadly.  Avoid ppl like that to maximize your fun.

October 21, 2009 7:13:19 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting cfrpgeek,
EVE Online

EVE is absolutely brutal to new players. PvP is impossible as you will get one-shotted by folks that have been playing longer. Asteriod mining can be one of the most boring grinds in an MMO. And, the missions can get pretty repititious as well. However, once you accumulate some skill points after several months and can competently fly good ships, it gets much better. EVE boasts the most player-created content and sandbox of pretty much any MMO out there. The drama, backstabbing, and massive wars are so epic there are academic papers written on it. EVE has a 2 week trial available with some skills disabled.


That stuff about PvP being impossible is just wrong. Sure, you won't solo people anytime soon, but in a group you can be useful from day 3 or so (that's enough time to train the necessary skills to be a tackler, the one that tries to keep enemies immobile). And if you die, it's not a big deal, with the price of frigates - if you have luck and kill somebody who then drops Tech 2 equipment, that alone will be enough to pay for a dozen frigates including fittings.

However, if you want to stay by yourself (In a "Massively MULTIPLAYER Game" ) PvP is probably impossible. But I seriously don't know why somebody would NOT join a good player corporation as soon as possible.

October 21, 2009 7:14:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

WoW is simply amazing.  The amount of content is staggering.  The amount of people playing the game is ridiculous (more than 11 million?  ).  I can log on my server between 4-11 a.m. (most people have gone to sleep or are at work or school) and there are still easily over 200 ppl online.  The community is outstanding.  They have multiple sites providing all the information you need to do anything in game.  "How do I get this item?!" look it up, find out where it comes from.  "Oh it comes from a pattern, okay I need these materials:  Where do I get the pattern and where do I get the materials?" bam - "pattern drops off this boss and materials come from mining nodes, flowers, and these mobs"  "okay great but now how do I kill this boss?"  - look that up too.  Incredibly detailed discription of boss strategy.. people analyze soo far into the game.

The world is HUGE.  SRSLY.  And between areas, no loading screen.  Only loading screens are when you login, when you portal somewhere, and when you leave / enter a dungeon.  Automated flight paths that go 310% of your walking speed can take 11 minutes to go from one destination to another just on one continent (there are 4 continents).. while that can be shitty.. that should give you a decent indication of how large the map is.  It's all filled with quests and interesting lore.  You can easily spend 200 days of PLAYTIME and not fully complete everything.. especially since new content is released in a timely fashion.

On top of all the PvE aspects.. the PvP system is incredible.  Battlegrounds are between 15-40 people, take 2-5 minutes to fill up and get going.. you can join by yourself and do fine, or with friends and enjoy yourself.  You earn honor through these battlegrounds, and you get rewarded for acquiring honor by being able to purchase more gear.  They aren't just pointless   Then the arena system is where you que up in a 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5.  You have a preset team, you go in, and you kill the other people.  The matching system is great You get matched up against people in your bracket.. sometimes pro's restart teams, and you might face a couple in your bracket, but most of the time you get people at the same level as you.  If you DO happen to face a pro team that didn't restart, you lose practically nothing and they gain practically nothing (say 2 points when average is normally 15).. however if you WIN.. you gain / they lose a ridiculous amount (24-30 ish).  The ranking you get allows you to buy more gear to compete in the higher brackets.


You might be concerned with the price.. but think about it:  if you play 3 hours every day, which for an MMO is pretty low, that's $0.16/hour ($15 / month).  You already bought the game yes, but, they continually release major new content as well as constant balancing fixes and bug fixes without having to buy another expansion (one expansion released every 2 years or so).  By far the best gaming experience I've had online.  K I'm done rambling

October 21, 2009 7:51:03 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Damn, thought this was a thread about ideas for a NEW MMO. I could write a book...

Um, my favourite MMO to date would still have to be Vanguard. Haven't played in over a year though as Sony did their usual thing with it (absolutely nothing for years, slowly evolving it into a more boring and stereotypical game).

Most freedom, best crafting, best exploration, no instancing, grown-up population, etc. All the things I'd want. Drawbacks were always the poor quality engine (much improved since launch but still paused to load stuff from disk when it didn't need to by the time I quit. Most people no longer notice but for a nerd who understands what's going on it was annoying) and low population (ah, the irony).

Has a free trial which is worth getting and playing on its own, very well put together - one of the best experiences I've ever had in an MMO.

Of my top 10 "nights in an MMO", probably 7 of them were spent in Vanguard exploring one of the countless dungeons with my friends. (The other 3 being my first few nights of EQ many, many years ago )


October 21, 2009 7:55:02 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Oh and despite being an EVE player for many years, I don't recommend it for anything other than obsessive PVP play. The PVE game is absolute garbage and the PVP *continually* intrudes on it.

PVE progression is massively capped - last I checked there is STILL no real PVE content for capital ships.

October 22, 2009 12:44:05 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting Eidolon94,

Quoting cfrpgeek, reply 1EVE Online

EVE is absolutely brutal to new players. PvP is impossible as you will get one-shotted by folks that have been playing longer. Asteriod mining can be one of the most boring grinds in an MMO. And, the missions can get pretty repititious as well. However, once you accumulate some skill points after several months and can competently fly good ships, it gets much better. EVE boasts the most player-created content and sandbox of pretty much any MMO out there. The drama, backstabbing, and massive wars are so epic there are academic papers written on it. EVE has a 2 week trial available with some skills disabled.

That stuff about PvP being impossible is just wrong. Sure, you won't solo people anytime soon, but in a group you can be useful from day 3 or so (that's enough time to train the necessary skills to be a tackler, the one that tries to keep enemies immobile). And if you die, it's not a big deal, with the price of frigates - if you have luck and kill somebody who then drops Tech 2 equipment, that alone will be enough to pay for a dozen frigates including fittings.

However, if you want to stay by yourself (In a "Massively MULTIPLAYER Game" ) PvP is probably impossible. But I seriously don't know why somebody would NOT join a good player corporation as soon as possible.

I must debate that one with you Eidolon.

While it is true in 3 days (more realistically a week or two) you can train to be a tackler, from my experience most of the groups wanted you to bring T1 Cruiser minumum to thier little fleet ops and frowned on anything lower. Also, most good corps are asking for API key to make sure you have more than a certain number of skill points. Maybe it was the folks I hung with back then. T1 frigates are pretty much dispoable ships. I always tell newer folks Battlecruiser minumum with the ability to use microwarp or Interceptor/ Cov-ops before you can acually start to get somewhere in EVE. Also, it is  very common among the player base to multi-boxe. They will have one or two industry players semi-afk mining in a Hulk while to provide cash to thier PvP character or even a "newbie" character they can place as a spy. Paranoia runs deep in EVE.

TLDR version: It is possible to PvP from day 3 in a group, but most folks you group with are going to want you in a BC or T2 frigate. Plus, it is a common tactic for folks to make a newbie account to "spy" in a corp. They are going require min. skill points to join.

October 22, 2009 12:59:14 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Dragonica Online.

I'm serious. Its free to play and great.

October 22, 2009 1:20:02 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

I will check out Linage 2 and Vanguard, thanks for the suggestions


Though I am not going to play EVE for its PVP I hate PVP in all games I never ever do it, thats what I have xbox live for! I mainly just want to play EVE to fly around in space with my ship with friends and do PVE, And what not. I am weel aware of how easy you can get killed by a single missile from ahigh lvl ship and what not thats why I plan to stay in a group for the most part until I can venture out on my own.


And haa for WOW my GF been trying to get me into that a bit now >> I hate WOW I will never sign up for it that game just seems to repeditive for my taste.


Though I am debating waiting for the new KOTOR MMO coming out, That looks like it is going to be freaking awesome? anyone got their opinions for that game.


October 22, 2009 1:36:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Don't play EVE with that in mind.

October 22, 2009 1:40:11 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

My take on most of the modern MMOs out there:


EVE Online

Extremely hard to get in to, unless you know people already playing then you will need to make friends fast or get in an active Corp. fast if you are going to enjoy this game.  The quality is fantastic, atmosphere and an authentic feeling of being in a massive galaxy in an awesome sci fi setting.

The 'leveling' is a superb idea, choose what way to develop your character and he will learn skills over time if you are online or not.  This means you will plan learning routes and really get in to how you will develop your character.  I spent many hours just planning and sorting how I am improving my character.

I don't have any experience of high level or PvP because despite many tries I could not get attached to this game.


World of Warcraft

Without a doubt the best MMO on the market right now.  The content is massive, the leveling process one of the most fun and fleshed out in any MMO out there.  The PvP system is one of the best although as a new player you will probably only ever get to above average in PvP now because the length some people have played.  End game can feel kind of grindy and extremely demanding of your time much like any other MMO.  Graphics are becoming very dated but the overall aesthetics and atmosphere are still very good.

I haven't played for almost a year because I have played it so much you begin to hate too many things about it because of over familiarity.  It's not a reflection on the game, just human nature to eventually want to do something else.


Warhammer Online

Almost completely PvP centred game.  The leveling isn't bad, quite a lot of good ideas, and a very good conversion of Games Workshop's (modern) vision of the Warhammer world.  Anything you do gains you xp apart from crafting so do whatever you like in the game and you will be leveling.  Crafting is rubbish in this game though.  The main trouble with the game is the lack of variety, it feels like you are doing the same things every time you play, PvP always feels the same no matter what Scenario you do and Public quests are almost always just kill x number of this etc.


Age of Conan

Probably one of the best if you want to role play an authentic fantasy world, the graphics flashy and realistic compared to other MMOs.  The main disappointment is the combat system.  It doesn't lend itself to PvP and it's too involved for PvE.  By that I mean in any MMO you are playing you will be playing lots of hours.  You don't really want a combat system that requires as much button presses as a Street Fighter game every fight, it's too demanding.

Don't even think about rolling on a PvP server though, ever since adding rewards for PvP you cannot do anything in a group without getting nailed.  Even going to do a dungeon you have to travel to the dungeon as a group as there will be a team of gankers waiting at the dungeon entrance for any poor souls wanting to do some PvE.



Warcraft 2.0 (almost).  Lovely graphics and theme, looks fantastic and some great imagination has gone in to create a fantasy world unlike most other generic fantasy settings.  Much of the game feels like Warcraft, in terms of quests and combat.  Except the higher level you get and the more experienced you get with the game you will begin to see the cracks in the illusion.  Slowly leveling becomes more and more a grind fest like any other Korean MMO.  Also combat is nowhere near as cleverly worked out as something like Warcraft.  Combat is almost always the same attack cycles with very few spell cool downs to effect what you will do.  I am only up to level 30 though so draw from that what you want.

The flying is a nice addition but is a mixed blessing in both PvP and PvE, I wont go in to why, too long to explain, it's just not all good.

October 22, 2009 2:06:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You can look these up yourself, they are all free to play or has that option.

Anarchy online

Runes of magic

Dream of mirror online

if your looking for a hit than quit it game

grand chase

s4 league

rumble fighters

more or less Rakion

lunia online

gunz online

October 22, 2009 6:44:12 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Eve Online is the best PVP I will probably ever see... 200+ man fight is the biggest I have been in(3 way fight us the militia vs other militia vs pirates). (Can only dream of the 1300+ fights.)

PVE = money and PVP is where you spend most of your money... Well you can work the markets to if ya want.

Faction Warfare can get ya setup nicely. Also there are corps that can teach ya the trade. Find a good group of people to hang with!

When you cant play eve you can skill train... its great coming back to a bunch of level 4-5 skills and new stuff to use!

Free expansion comes out in early December...(Planets, stars and backgrounds being updated) note that is one of many things coming in this expansion.

But if your patient... the rewards are plentiful to be had... This game has lots of good memories. 

October 22, 2009 7:42:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

starwars the old republic. shame it aint out yet

October 22, 2009 7:45:40 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Polynomial,
Dragonica Online.

I'm serious. Its free to play and great.
Pretty good game I got bored with the grind after a while though....but it is free so try it out.

Also I've been playing Guild Wars for 3 years and it's still fun for me i suggest trying it out. (have to buy it first but NO monthly fee.)

October 23, 2009 2:31:24 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Quoting KodeEgret1,

And haa for WOW my GF been trying to get me into that a bit now >> I hate WOW I will never sign up for it that game just seems to repeditive for my taste.

You're really going to hate Lineage II then. When people say its "hard", its because they're mistaking difficulty for stupidly long and repetitive. (MMO players make that mistake all the time, "you can level cap quickly!" is the most classic example of this mistake.)

The hardest raid bosses in WoW are genuinely hard, right now there's under 100 guilds worldwide capable of doing it. That doesn't mean you need to spend 3 years grinding levels before you're allowed to attempt it though.

Wow has its flaws, but if you don't like it because it seems repetitive, you had better stop looking for an MMO right now. It's not even close to the worst culprit, the entire genre is known for that.

(I've heard Runes of Magic is pretty fun, and its free. Personally I'd go with WoW if your GF is already playing. Playing together will make her happy, and its pretty fun.)

October 23, 2009 2:37:27 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Infinity - The Quest for Earth

Not finished yet, but looking awsome!

October 23, 2009 3:06:49 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

And haa for WOW my GF been trying to get me into that a bit now >> I hate WOW I will never sign up for it that game just seems to repeditive for my taste.

I played WOW for 3 and 1/2 years pretty addictively. My wife ended up hating the fact that I played it (she's not a gamer at all), and I cancelled my subscription exactly one year ago and I don't miss it much.

You, however, are in a different position. You have a GF who is trying to get you into the game. That, my friend, is a rare gift from heaven above. Take it now and enjoy. As has been said, WOW has it's flaws just like every other MMO but it is still a great great game (especially for someone who has never played it). The fact that you could play with your significant other is even better.

I don't play any MMO's anymore but if I were to go back to one it would be Lord of the Rings Online. The player community is very mature and helpful. And they have given the adventurer many many tools to help them along their journeys. It's a great game that, for me personally, is the best one out there at this moment.

Lastly, Star Wars: The Old Republic just might bring me back to MMO's. We'll see.

October 23, 2009 3:09:18 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

DDO has a wonderful price for a high quality MMO.

If you can stand playing D&D then you should give it a try.

October 23, 2009 4:43:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Found another one Eudemons online been fun for me so far.

October 23, 2009 10:54:57 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

Quoting Tridus,

Quoting KodeEgret1, reply 9
And haa for WOW my GF been trying to get me into that a bit now >> I hate WOW I will never sign up for it that game just seems to repeditive for my taste.

You're really going to hate Lineage II then. When people say its "hard", its because they're mistaking difficulty for stupidly long and repetitive. (MMO players make that mistake all the time, "you can level cap quickly!" is the most classic example of this mistake.)

The hardest raid bosses in WoW are genuinely hard, right now there's under 100 guilds worldwide capable of doing it. That doesn't mean you need to spend 3 years grinding levels before you're allowed to attempt it though.

Wow has its flaws, but if you don't like it because it seems repetitive, you had better stop looking for an MMO right now. It's not even close to the worst culprit, the entire genre is known for that.

(I've heard Runes of Magic is pretty fun, and its free. Personally I'd go with WoW if your GF is already playing. Playing together will make her happy, and its pretty fun.)

I will give it a whril then I mean I did the trail thing for it, I don't knock a game until I try it, It was okay and all Not the worst I've played or the best, yes everygame has there flaws thats always going to be the case, no game is perfect. I looke dat Lineage, it was a huge turn off the second I started digging into it, I rather play WOW then that game.

Quoting Charvel1,

And haa for WOW my GF been trying to get me into that a bit now >> I hate WOW I will never sign up for it that game just seems to repeditive for my taste.
I played WOW for 3 and 1/2 years pretty addictively. My wife ended up hating the fact that I played it (she's not a gamer at all), and I cancelled my subscription exactly one year ago and I don't miss it much.

You, however, are in a different position. You have a GF who is trying to get you into the game. That, my friend, is a rare gift from heaven above. Take it now and enjoy. As has been said, WOW has it's flaws just like every other MMO but it is still a great great game (especially for someone who has never played it). The fact that you could play with your significant other is even better.

I don't play any MMO's anymore but if I were to go back to one it would be Lord of the Rings Online. The player community is very mature and helpful. And they have given the adventurer many many tools to help them along their journeys. It's a great game that, for me personally, is the best one out there at this moment.

Lastly, Star Wars: The Old Republic just might bring me back to MMO's. We'll see.


Is it a rare gift now? I've herd quite a lot of coules play WOW togethe, Guess the number on that 1 was overeistimated, She plays her WOW alot, So much I call her my WOW queen >> yes chessey name I know, She likes it though >> and I am sorry addicting online games neve rhelp relationships unless your both playing them. I once read somewere this guy got divorced by his wife cause he played EVE to much and now he is paying child support  I found that kind of funny.

I never looked at LOTR online really, I will give it peak. Though yeah KOTOR is looking decent so far, they started doing this thing for beta testing if you wanted to play the beta sign up at the site and fill out the info and you may get selected for it, if your interested of course

October 25, 2009 3:54:16 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

well I myself am going back to EVE , again...

its addictive and so beautiful to watch...

i got offered a renewal of 6 months @ 49.99 , can't beat that.

October 26, 2009 5:20:15 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Runes of Magic is good and free. Plays a lot like WoW IMHO.

Personaly i like Aion the most atm. Great visuals, good gameplay and you really feel like you are something special.

LOTRO for great graphics and well designed PVE content.

City of Heroes. My alltime favorite. But only if you like superheroes.

October 26, 2009 5:44:06 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Eve is a hard game to get into, but it's also really rewarding when you do. Also, Eve, has a looot of aspects appart from PvP or PvE (=kill monsters). You can try science, commerce, manufacturing, etc. I you try Eve, the best idea is to join a good corporation that helps new people (like Eve University), that will make the start of the game muuuch easier in general.

October 26, 2009 5:55:29 AM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

Ahh MMO's. I've been around the block and back with these. I played the First MMO. Ultima Online. Without UO you wouldn't have MMO's today. It started it all. Here's a list of my MMO experience. I started UO while I was in college and started working for Origin Systems as a Volunteer Staffer before I got my AA in Comp Sci.


Horizons    <---------- This was actually a Lot of fun until I found out it Didn't have PvP

Lineage 2


City of Heroes

Earth and Beyond    <---------- Using some of my old UO contacts from back in the day I was a volunteer on the beta team for this and was given credit in game for being a "founding father". It was a pretty decent game but sadly it too went under.

RF Online

Vanguard Saga of Heroes     <---------- I Highly Recommend This. It has a Ton of cool content and has sadly been overlooked by a Lot of MMO Players.

I'm done with MMO's now and for the foreseeable future until Star Trek Online comes out. Once that's out I figure I'll pretty much bounce back and forth between it and Elemental until I die of old

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