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Semi-typical Demigod gaming night for a PUGger

This is why I don't care about stats

By on October 15, 2009 5:53:18 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

For the evening of October 14th

Game 1) Pantheon - Conquest on Cataract. 2v2 actual humans, no A.I. The game is going well for our side because their TB keeps overextending. After about 15 min I lose connection with one of my opponents. We all sit and chat for 5 or 6 minutes because we know one of the two who d/c from each other has to leave... meaning his team loses. I try to play online rock/paper/scissors but my opponent either dosn't get it or has to have a win. I want to play Demigod, not wait, so I apologize to all involved (especially my partner who is going to take the loss as well) and I leave. Game lasts 29 minutes - result L

Game 2) Custom - I decide to host a game so I can balance it using the new overlay so I put up '(US)3vs3 mids, host balances'. The room fill quick (in fact I have to kick one guy so I can keep a slot empty for shuffling). Most of the players seem pretty even, but to prove it is fair I take the least experienced (by games played) guy onto my team so noone cries foul. The game starts and it IS in fact pretty even going but I feel our team is just a bit better overall and we are pulling away in warscore. Unfortunately the noob(this is my own fault as I shoud have insisted on more experienced players before I started the match) I pulled onto my team gets killed a second time, types "I suck", and quits. One of my opponents comments 'why, you were winning?' My remaining partner and I both concede. Game lasts 17 minutes - result L

Game 3) Pantheon - Dominate on Exile. 3v3, again actual humans, no A.I. 2 Regs and Oak (me) vs 2 TB and UB. We are clearly the better team getting 2 or 3 quick kills before one of the Regs on my team drops. Now it's 2v3 but my teamate (fourteensouth - who rocks by the way) and I quickly find a strange synergy with the smartest A.I. I have ever played with and we are rolling. It's basically 'Smiter', 'Double-Smite', etc... until I grab angels and cats at the same time to finish them off. Then one of the opponents (the UB with the * by his name if you care to look at my games) rages and the whole thing goes to invalid game state. For the record, I don't think he did it on purpose based on his history, he just knew he was going to lose and quit. Game lasts 10 minutes - result Incomplete

Game 4) Custom - (US)U.S. MIDS Conquest on Cataract. Finally a game that looks to be good. I recognize names from the forums and previous games (Jotunn, Guderian77, Prizmsurf vs KosmoNovAx77, Xymurgy, Monkey Punch) and the overlay says it's a fairly even match based on games played. Turns out to be a little one-sided, kills are pretty even but we dominate on flag control and have giants knocking on the citadel right after they get their cats. Game lasts 32 minutes - result W

Game 5) Custom - (US) 3v3 US premade Conquest on Cataract. Looks good, truth in advertising. I'm not a premade but I join up looking for a higher skill level in my opponents. The lobby is already full when I join, but the premade is waiting for their 3rd. By the time he joins I'm the only opponent left. I wait for about 5 minutes as people join and leave, but the experience of my possible teamates is VERY low and we never get 3 on our side while I wait. Either I'm stopping another premade from joining by being there or the fact that they actually put premade in the title of the game stops it from filling up. I leave and never would have thought about that game again... except it showed up on my games list as an NA, the details showing that CoolHandLukeII and I both lost even though neither of us ever played. Game lasts 0 minutes - result NA


So to sum up for those of you who were scared off by my wall of text.

2hr 45 minutes logged on trying to play. 88 minutes actually spent in game. 1W, 2L, 1NA, 1Incomplete

In my mind it should have been 3 definite W's, possibly 4, and the NA should not even show. (Of course I'm a little biased here )

I love playing this game, 472 games and counting, but there sure is a lot of B.S. to wade through.

0 Karma | 18 Replies
October 16, 2009 8:41:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yes.  As of late, I feel quite similarly to you, Gud.  I had a night like this early this week, where I must've joined 4 or 5 games, and NONE of them actually finished due to the new Disconnect Screen bug, random crashes to desktop, and invalid gamestates (likely, unintentional).  I hate bashing this game, since I do get such a thrill from it, but it's really frickin' frustrating sometimes.

October 16, 2009 9:46:34 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I had to put up with a lot of that. Last night was fine for me though.

October 16, 2009 9:53:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

similar experience i had yesterday.

i even got called premade with another player, one that i didn't knew because for him it was shown in the overlay that we had 34% games together. well it depedned highly on whom you clicked.

October 16, 2009 1:45:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting CelMare,
similar experience i had yesterday.

i even got called premade with another player, one that i didn't knew because for him it was shown in the overlay that we had 34% games together. well it depedned highly on whom you clicked.

And you ruined the last game of my (already bad) last nite, by not wanting to balance teams in a clearly unbalanced game. Yep, i'm the one who constantly asked to balance teams in lobby, and i did it for a good reason, cos all 3 of you had better win% than all 3 of us and we had a poor noob in our team krinker514, who put the last nail in the coffin by rage quitting after dying 5 or 6 times in the first 10 minutes of the game.

It was this game in case you don't remember:

So thank you very much and pls consider balancing teams next time someone ask for it in a game...

October 16, 2009 2:04:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting nomilarac,

Quoting CelMare, reply 3similar experience i had yesterday.

i even got called premade with another player, one that i didn't knew because for him it was shown in the overlay that we had 34% games together. well it depedned highly on whom you clicked.

And you ruined the last game of my (already bad) last nite, by not wanting to balance teams in a clearly unbalanced game. Yep, i'm the one who constantly asked to balance teams in lobby, and i did it for a good reason, cos all 3 of you had better win% than all 3 of us and we had a poor noob in our team krinker514, who put the last nail in the coffin by rage quitting after dying 5 or 6 times in the first 10 minutes of the game.

It was this game in case you don't remember:

So thank you very much and pls consider balancing teams next time someone ask for it in a game...


why so the noob could quit after dying 5-6 times in the first 10 minutes of the game except on the OTHER team?

Side note:  Did you know, getting a few friends, grouping up, hopping on the demigod free public vent, and playing other groups of friends is the best way to get a balanced game?!  Also, pre vs pre is the highest level of play.  Also, you get to pick the people you play with, so your friends won't be rage quitting on you or saying "i suck" then leaving!  Also, when the connection issues happen, you don't have to curse at your monitor anymore, you can complain over vent!*


*Disclaimer:  Premades are, of course, obviously the devil.  They practice black magic to achieve success.  They suck on their own so they have to cheat and group up and actually communicate to even have a chance at winning.  They are also all idiots.  Also, talking to people online (or in any fashion for that matter) is for nerds and stalkers.

October 16, 2009 2:07:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

nomilarc.... you lie!


1. i agreed to move, remember? i offered myself to move the teams

2. second game i always was looking for a game for 30min, and i just joined a game when you apeared seconds later

and the first thing you start is: mimimi i dont like the teams. i really got sick of it everytime.


after i waited so long, watching players leaving and coming and leaving i didnt wanted to risk anymore leaving peoples. but no, you must have it balanced, balanced based on what? on the fucking stats? i won most games with players apparently having lesser win% just for your info.

so briefly, i offered first time to balance. DONJT SAY IT IS NOT TRUE!

second, i got sick at 3 am waiting for so much time (just finding a full game) of you screaming for balancing. do this when there are enough players. with this game we ahve to be lucky even to get a fuckign game starting.


and now you start spreading some lies in here about me.

October 16, 2009 3:14:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've played this game since Beta 1A, and only managed to play a month after retail before I got frustrated and gave up. Now that Stardock sent out some coupon codes devaluating Demigod to $20 / copy, it reminded me to stop by the forums and see what's up. And so far, it seems they STILL haven't managed to fix their game. Sad. Game had a lot of potential.

October 16, 2009 3:16:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


???????? what exactly in my post does have anything to do with what u wrote in ur answer or with premades? again: ??????????

To CelMare:

I lie? Do I? In this precise game i'm talking about i got flamed in lobby for asking to balance the teams, and NOONE offered to move teams, i repeat, i got flamed for asking it so i just pressed rdy, even though i should just have left. That noob in our team krinker514 had only 28 wins out of 88 games played, and a whopping 62 disconnects record. Compare that to yours and your teammates stats, and if you're telling me the game wasn't imbalanced and ruined before start you are crazy man.

And just for the record i'm whining not cos of a lost game, i'm complaining about that lost and un-fun time. That close-minded attitude of getting a game going at all costs, no matter what is what ruins many many games.

October 16, 2009 3:32:04 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting nomilarac,

???????? what exactly in my post does have anything to do with what u wrote in ur answer or with premades? again: ??????????


You answered it again in your post.  The guy who had 28 wins out of 88 games.. you wanted him on the other team to "balance" , yet what do you think was going to happen if he was on the other team?  Probably die 5-6 times in 10 minutes just like he did on your team.. but because he's on the other team that makes it balanced right?  Doesn't sound like balance to me, sounds like "I don't want the noob.. you take him!"

The premade part is an answer to your balancing issue.. if you form a premade and you play other premades, BAM-balancing issue solved.  Then you never have to deal with noobs on your team.. works great.

so.. ??????????????? why exactly don't you form a premade / get a group of friends and use a free service so you don't have to complain anymore about balancing and noobs on your team? again: ?????????????????

October 16, 2009 3:34:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i explained you what was teh beackrougn in this game

 and you didnt got flamed! we were sick of waiting!


you lie as you say i refused to balance where one game before i offered to switch, didnt i? in this second game we were simply ALL sick of leavers and wating! when you barely get a game going on in hours then it is quite STUBBORN from you.


i joined as you did and sometimes i habe luck sometimes not. so stop telling me to get a premade. if you do not want it as it is GET YOURSELF A PREMADE! you are the one that CRYS FOR TEAMS SWITCHINGS!


if you don't like it, dont join! and stop talking as if i never tried to balance it out i did. but how many tmies do you want me to do that when this most time results in lpayers leaving the game? so sjhut the fuck up!

October 16, 2009 5:03:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oh my god.......


Did i say i wanted the "noob" on the other team? NO! I wanted BALANCE! In that case balance meant kicking the noob or (as im willing to play noobs as we all have been one) split the least experienced/wins% players in different teams. Proof is I went ahead into that game (as into many other games) with a noob AND quitter in my own team, so stop telling to form a premade! I don't want to / cannot, thank you very much. Are you in a premade? Fine! But stop telling everyone to do it, you won't read me telling you to not play with your premade team!!!!!!!!

To CelMare: facepalm

Did i write about any other game? Did i say you refuse to balance every single game? NO!

I'm talking about how everyone refused to balance in that SINGLE GAME. So you agreed to switch one game before? Fine, i'm not talking about that other game! (wich i don't remember btw) So i'm not lying, i'm telling you everyone stubbornly refused to balance in that game i linked, even though it was crystal clear it wasn't balanced nor was it going to be fun at all. I was tired of waiting too, but i felt even more frustrated AFTER playing that stupid game.

So, again, next time, pls take balance into consideration.

Good lord, i didn't think i'd regret so much writing in this thread.......

October 16, 2009 5:21:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

you put it that a way as if this is my attiude! and this is it not. i explained you WHY we refused to waste mroe time with this. but the only thing you think off is you!

you post was so useless here. you was fucked up by a "noob" in your team? leave! and stop spamming the forums around and claiming I ruined your game. you attacked me here for nothing you idiot!


you say stubborn? you ignorant as we were sick of morons like you jumping arround, crying for this and that and no game starts. guys that are NEVER glad with what they get.


edit: btw. i even didn't was the host. why the hell is it my fault? is it so difficult to understand that i was pissed off of waitng. seeing that this will end in leaving the lobby again?

October 16, 2009 5:55:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Oh well, i guess this is what you get when you try to get balanced, fun games going. Thanks for the flaming and the insults, i'll indeed stop "spamming the forums around".  Sigh....

October 16, 2009 6:03:13 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting RAWRRRR,

*Disclaimer:  Premades are, of course, obviously the devil.  They practice black magic to achieve success.  They suck on their own so they have to cheat and group up and actually communicate to even have a chance at winning.  They are also all idiots.  Also, talking to people online (or in any fashion for that matter) is for nerds and stalkers.

October 16, 2009 7:56:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting RAWRRRR,

Side note:  Did you know, getting a few friends, grouping up, hopping on the demigod free public vent, and playing other groups of friends is the best way to get a balanced game?!  Also, pre vs pre is the highest level of play.  Also, you get to pick the people you play with, so your friends won't be rage quitting on you or saying "i suck" then leaving!  Also, when the connection issues happen, you don't have to curse at your monitor anymore, you can complain over vent!*

Yes, this looks like a great option I have yet to try - but I do like PUGging quite a bit when it works, and most of the time it's not nearly as bad as the night I described. As far as pre vs pre, I totally agree... that is where you will find the highest level of competition. When I want a nice challenge I like to play against premade teams, that's when you learn the most. As far as noobs yelling "I suck" and quitting, it is an online game so I'm not surprised at all, I just wish he would have let me help him instead of quitting before I had a chance to respond. Pretty sure we were going to win that one, and the best way to increase the player base is to work w/ the noobs and hope they have fun playing, not to insult them or stomp them. That's something PUGging has going over pre's if you are willing to put in the time and effort.

Quoting RAWRRRR,

*Disclaimer:  Premades are, of course, obviously the devil.  They practice black magic to achieve success.  They suck on their own so they have to cheat and group up and actually communicate to even have a chance at winning.  They are also all idiots.  Also, talking to people online (or in any fashion for that matter) is for nerds and stalkers.

LOL to that. I just want to go on record as saying the whole Pre vs PUG argument is stupid. They both have their place, we need them both. I would also say that being dishonest about being a premade team just to get in a stomp is the worst thing any player in this community can do (PUG stacking is just as bad). You might as well just go bash the A.I. The most you get out of it is a higher rank on a broken ranking system and the false belief you are a good player when you're really just a playa. The worst aspect is you may have just driven someone, especailly a new player, away from the game because you are basically afraid to man-up.

October 16, 2009 8:04:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting nomilarac,
Oh well, i guess this is what you get when you try to get balanced, fun games going. Thanks for the flaming and the insults, i'll indeed stop "spamming the forums around".  Sigh....

thank you for starting the flame here in the forums even though i explained you in what mood i was you make it all my fault. it matters nothign for that i tried just a game before to balance it just because you wanted it to.

no you came here in the forums jsut to insult me. wihtout any interesst what happend.


YOU started to flame and emberass me in the forums. THIS is what you get if you start such a bullshit.

so thank YOU for the flame you started with! stop twisting the reality as you like it!


edit: just in case you start lieing agin: your first post here shows it clearly! you flame, you get it back. this is not for your attempt to balance teams it is for your impertinence here in the thread.

October 16, 2009 8:30:41 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

omfg this becomes a real flamewar.

calm down pls. i know calamary () and he is indeed not an unfair player. he (at least the times i played against or with him) doesnt seem to try to stomp noobs or stack the good players into one team.

and i know that you sometimes are really fast clicking ready. last game i had with you i wanted to ask if your team is ok with the teams because it seemed a bit imba to me (and we won very clearly) but all of you had clicked ready before i could even ask! and im not a slow typer.

and rawrrr... your sarcasm tells me that you perhaps still havent got the point of what the rather mature ones of us think of premades.

October 17, 2009 2:26:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Derog,
omfg this becomes a real flamewar.

calm down pls. i know calamary () and he is indeed not an unfair player. he (at least the times i played against or with him) doesnt seem to try to stomp noobs or stack the good players into one team.

and i know that you sometimes are really fast clicking ready. last game i had with you i wanted to ask if your team is ok with the teams because it seemed a bit imba to me (and we won very clearly) but all of you had clicked ready before i could even ask! and im not a slow typer.

and rawrrr... your sarcasm tells me that you perhaps still havent got the point of what the rather mature ones of us think of premades.

my sarcasm in my posts contains direct quotes from puggers.. not trying to imitate the 2-3 mature ones, merely the vast majority.

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