interesting and scaring statement. you mean: "pay the money and if you don't like it shut up"? sorry, for this rude interpretation but from many post i saw from you more or less this is what you want to say. of course some people go to far in their frustration but on the other side i never saw you having at least some understanding for them, cause under the current situation it is understandable. instead i saw you calling other "idots". you react pretty much the same as the people you condam.
If someone wants to argue the game is dead or provide other unconstructive feedback, they are free to do so -- somewhere else.
If I ever gave the impression of our forums being a haven of free speech I apologize in advance. 
Now, to the original topic:
A user created tournament isn't likely to be successful unless you have a huge base of competitive players. Demigod doesn't. Most competitive players are probably playing HoN or have gone back to Dota because those games, IMO, are better when it comes to providing the kinds of features that appeal to those users.
For instance, as a former PGL player I can tell you that Demigod lacks certain basic things that are (IMO) necessary for it to be used in a tournament-style competitive scene. And I say that as someone who has worked for months to try to get Demigod to be in that position to no avail.
Let me name just a few things Demigod would require to be competitive as a tournament-style game:
- Allow observers in games.
- Greatly increase the latency threshold necessary for the game to be playable (you have to have too good of a connection for the game to play smoothly)
- Decrease the bandwidth requirements
- Random Demigod feature must choose a demigod that isn't already in the game (i.e. no duplicates).
- Bullet proof statistical tracking (i.e. can't be manipulated via a network packet sniffer).
Those are just 5 things off the top of my head.
Does that mean Demigod isn't a great game? No. Demigod is a great game IMO. I love playing it. I play it nearly every day. However, the reality is that it doesn't make a good tournament game presently and won't without a lot of changes that I just don't see happening.
Now, I never promise to tell people what they want to hear. I only promise to tell them the truth as I am aware of it. So there it is for what it's worth speaking on behalf of myself.