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Pantheon without AI

Are you fed up playing with AI ?

By on October 6, 2009 3:32:42 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I dedided to write this post cause tonight, in pantheon mode, i havn't reach to finish FAIRLY one of the ten games i tried.

Let me explain myself :
when i say FAIRLY, i mean a game with an equal number of REAL players in each side (light and darkness) from the beginning of the game, until the end.

Personally, i would like to see on the web the stats i deserve to have. I'd like to see a FAIR rank for players, and not a rank that reflect the luck we had falling a lot of times in games where we fight one or severals AI.

In my view, AI screws totally the Pantheon stats, because even in a game with players that have the same level of practice, if a team has more AI player(s) than the other, this team will lose.


I know that AI are useful because :

   - they avoid to wait so long if they are only connected players from the Light side (it works for the Darkness too

   - they replace a player that can't reach to connect or leave the game before it starts.


But in my view, i prefer wait longer before a game starts if i'm sure to play a FAIR game. I mean wait the necessary time to reach at least a 2v2 with 2 Light and 2 Darkness REAL players.

What's more, it could be soooo sweet if when a player can't connect to the others, the game wait a amount of time, and then wait to replace this player by another from the same side (Light or Darkness).


I don't know if what i suggest is possible, but i would like to know players opinion about it, and for the ones who think the same, maybe suggest solutions to inspire the Demigod developers (who have done an amazing work until now allowing us to finally share so much fun, cheers guys

0 Karma | 8 Replies
October 6, 2009 3:46:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

if your team is completely composed of AI, you can concede within the first minute of the game starting and not recieve a loss.

October 6, 2009 5:07:46 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You're right, but in that case the gain of favor points is still based on a loss (40 favor points).

October 6, 2009 5:19:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting kalmah9,
You're right, but in that case the gain of favor points is still based on a loss (40 favor points).
The favor points won't count.


However, AIs should definitely be removed from the game. There is absolutely no point in uneven match ups. 2v2 or more with equal amount of AIs on each side may be fine, especially after the experience and gold nerf, but uneven match ups are absolutely pointless.

October 6, 2009 5:31:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

personally, I think it's absurd that AIs are used in the Automatch system.

October 7, 2009 3:59:01 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Spooky__,

The favor points won't count.

However, AIs should definitely be removed from the game. There is absolutely no point in uneven match ups. 2v2 or more with equal amount of AIs on each side may be fine, especially after the experience and gold nerf, but uneven match ups are absolutely pointless.


What do you mean by "won't count"? Do you mean that in that case, this favor points are just numbers displayed and nobody really earn it, neither the forces sides total amount ?

I don't know how the "Experience" is computed in Pantheon mode, but i'd like to know how it works.

I don't know too if the number of favor points contributes in this experience. However, it's the amount of favor points which make a side (Light or Darkness) win, so in my view favor points are useful.


Furthermore, if X number players of the same side wait too long for players of the other side, i suppose that the algorithm put them in a match versus AI players (or complete this other team with AI players). In that case, this X players should win easily. So it would give more favor points to this winner side.

I have looked the number of players in each side during this Pantheon : since the beginning, there have been always more players in Light than in Darkness. Now if my supposition about the algorithm is correct, the side with the bigger number of players would have more chance to fight AI. So during this Pantheon players from Light would gain more favor points from AI than the Darkness players.


I'm still now sure about what i'm saying, i'm just supposing with what i saw during my demigod sessions. Does anyone have information about the algorithm which place players in match ?


October 7, 2009 4:32:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

What do you mean by "won't count"? Do you mean that in that case, this favor points are just numbers displayed and nobody really earn it, neither the forces sides total amount ?
Yes. Only games that are not marked as N/A count towards any statistics.


Furthermore, if X number players of the same side wait too long for players of the other side, i suppose that the algorithm put them in a match versus AI players (or complete this other team with AI players). In that case, this X players should win easily. So it would give more favor points to this winner side.
Yes, this has been discussed in another thread. A guy named Prussian-Havoc even exploited this in order to get to the top of the ranking.

October 7, 2009 4:43:14 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Spooky__,

Yes. Only games that are not marked as N/A count towards any statistics.

Good to know, that sounds fair to me.

Quoting Spooky__,

Yes, this has been discussed in another thread. A guy named Prussian-Havoc even exploited this in order to get to the top of the ranking.

Thanks, i will search this topic so.

October 7, 2009 4:58:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting kalmah9,
Thanks, i will search this topic so.
That's the one I meant :

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