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ISP Throttling Suggestions

I need some suggestions on how to deal with Comcast

By on October 6, 2009 11:47:36 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Lately, I've begun to suspect that I am being heavily throttled by Comcast during "prime-time" hours of internet usage. This has resulted in totally random drops during game play (though since the stat-reset I only have 7 drops out of close to 100 games I think) which is very annoying. Has anyone else successfully argued thier case against Comcast, and if so, how did you go about doing it? shows far higher download and upload rates than what I usually get, and when downloading from Impulse, I can watch the download start around 1.5 mbps, and suddenly drop and hold steady at about 800 kbps after roughly 30 secs (the throttle kicking in). What solid proof do I need to argue with them? I already know there standard response is that it is the fault of what ever site/server I am connecting with. I really hate how easily ISPs can get away with such shady dealings! The US needs its own Pirate Party in congress to push the agenda!

+4 Karma | 2 Replies
October 6, 2009 10:01:11 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You really cant argue with them if thats their policy. Check out they cover al sorts of providers, cable too. 

If they are in fact throttleing you, it is becasue of the P2P type connection.  Try using a torrent application and see if it trottles back with that, so you can see if you are in fact being throttles.  You may beable to have them stop if you let them know it is becasue of a game and not illegal torrents.

Keep in mind that just becasue your connection is fast does not mean who/what you are connecitng to is.

In all likelyhood, the only solution is to let them know by leaving them and goind with a different provider.

October 6, 2009 10:38:58 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I would leave if that wan an option, but to do so would mean getting DSL. Unfortunately, only Comcast and Qwest are available in my area, and Comcast is by far the faster of the two. I realize that speed often times depends on what you are connecting to, but I have pretty much ruled it out. I have also noticed the throttle with torrents. However, the vast majority of my p2p connections are via games. 

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