herm... i read the wikipedia article... and apperently the source code for the origional homeworld has been released... and the source code linked from wikipedia... is it possible to complile homeworld from this source? that would be preety awsome.
if not, at least, does this mean that the original homeworld is now free? or if not, is there a way to buy it? (without the whole ebay-amazon buying the 10 year old "collector item" box thing)
Indeed, the source code has been released and can be compiled. There's actually a project to port Homeworld to other systems. Or at least the yet-unreleased Pandora.
I've seen Homeworld 2 at a number of abandonware sites, but not the original Homeworld. Regardless, I'm still not certain if it's entirely legal.
But wow... Homeworld is already ten years old? I really have to play this.