Type: Assassin - melee
Would be high in health and defense but slightly lacking in offense with somewhat decent mana.
Totem of Reflexes
1 sec cast
Recharge: 20 secs
Range: Slightly less than totem of revelation
Mana: Med and increasing
Defensive Totem is placed on selected area, and lasts for 10 secs.
Allies in range receive 5%/8%/10%/15% dodge rate and attack 5%/8%/10%/15% faster.
Totem of Durability
1 sec cast
Recharge: 20 secs
Range: same as reflexes
Mana: Med and increasing
Totem of Durability is placed on selected area, and lasts for 10 secs.
Allies in range recieve 10%/15%/20%/25% less dmg from enemy skills and gain +100/200/300/400 armor.
--LVL 15 - Empower Totems - requires both totem skills to be lvl 4.
Totems now last 2 secs longer and you gain 5 energy regen while standing in any of your totems.
Imbue Power
0.5 sec cast
Recharge: 10 secs
Range: Targetting range of heal and shockwave radius of tbs circle of fire.
Mana: med
Target ally (can target self also) is healed for 20%/25%/30% of their max health. A shockwave pulses out of ally interrupting and dealing 500/600/700 dmg to enemies around target.
0.3 sec cast
Recharge: 18 secs
Mana: Low
For 6 secs, your Movement speed and attack speed is increased by 10%/15%/20%/25%.
--LVL 15 - Shout! - requires lvl 4 haste.
When haste is used, nearby (tbs circle of fire) allies recieve the same effect.
Grants +10/15/20 dmg.
While enchanted with haste you deal an additional 10%/15%/20% dmg.
Grants +10/15/20 health regen.
While enchanted with haste you gain and additional 20%/30%/50% health regen.
Watchful eye
Increases your vision radius by 6.
Character inspired by lukas' idea of totem of silence