I'm sorry, but removing shambler damage from compost and entourage would bother me. I play QoT a lot, and always take both. Because the damage added is multiplied by four shamblers, they really are useful abilities. I think the uproot idea is quite worthy, because I've never seen anyone use it. Compost and entourage though, please don't bash.
I don't want to reduce total damage output or HP. I want to add Entourage's previous effect into Compost. With my plan when you had three stacks of Compost you you would have shamblers equal to how they currently are with both Compost and Entourage active.
The concept behind the idea is that Oak and EB effectively produce minions for free, but to do so they've gotta get near combat. With my idea QoT would summon weaker minions any time she wanted, but if she were actively engaged in a battle she could ramp up their HP and damage and keep their mana cost to a minimum, emulating but not imitating the functionality of EB/Oak.
I like the idea of charging up minions, using those minions to kill more and build up a new charge, and then that charge to build new ones and start the process over again. With Mulch you would constantly be saving and rebuilding compost, which would make the stacks much more dynamic and meaningful than they currently are, because as-is the few people who actually use compost just build up 3 ranks and maintain them indefinitely. It's effectively a completely passive buff like Entourage.
I'm sorry, but if you're ever on my team please don't play the QoT by going compost and etourage... and even if you're playing against me, still don't do that. I enjoy a challenge.
I agree with this... If you go QoT and get both compost and Entourage you simply cannont rank up shield and mulch high enough to be effective. Personally as queen I ignore Compost completely and rank up Spike Waves at level 15+. 1v1 I'm not sure it's beatable.