The Forest Keeper
The forest keeper is a demigod idea I thought up, I thought it would be cool to have a good forest like guy- not like the evil qot. He is a general on the light side and has many defensive spells and has kick ass strong minions. I haven’t implemented it but I imagine his spells cost a decent amount of mana.
- Has many strong defensive spells to help out allies
- Has very strong defensive minions
- Does not have any burst damage spells
- His spells can have long cast times
- Needs a lot of mana
He looks a bit like Furion in WC3 but he has greyish pink skin and smaller horns, he has a tattered green cloak and carries an oak staff with him.
He has lived in the huge forest next to the kingdom for as long as anyone can remember, he is rarely ever see him. But one day a greedy king or something (lol bad I know) decides to cut down the forest for wood. As gangs of wood choppers were about to start work at the forests edge. An unearthly cry pierced there ears. Suddenly it seemed as though the trees them selves where crying out and many bizarre creatures that no one had ever seen rushed out of the forest. Then walking calmly through there mist was a mystical strange man he cried ‘you shall not defile the forest of the ancients!’ the king was called and he came down with a royal escort to talk with this ‘crackpot wizard’ the king sneered ‘I had no idea these forests where so… sacred’ his subjects jeered in appreciation. ‘If you don’t move wizard’ we shall cut you down as well as your beasts. The wizard replied ‘so be it…’ the king mistaking this as resignation laughed, then the strange man cried ‘KILL THEM ALL CHILDREN MAY THERE BODIES FERTALISE THE ANCHIENTS.”
- there is a huge forest where the kingdom once was.
Base Stats:
His stats are similar to Oak but has less HP and more Mana
His minions are called Rumples. These guys are designed to be really tough and take a lot of punishment; they are very defensive.
Appearance: they are like a cross between a turtle and a bear- in other words fuck yes.
HP: 910
A: 100
D: 25
AS: 0.45
MS: 5.6
- As you can see they have huge hp and even a little armour, but they have less AS and MS to compensate.
Summon Rumple: Levels, 1, 4, 7, 10, 15
The Keeper summons a Rumple, a strong defensive creature to defend him and the forest from evil doers. More levels increase number of rumples and increase there hp and armour.
- Summons 1 rumple 2 max +200hp +100A
- Summons 2 rumple 2 max +400hp +160A
- Summons 2 rumple 4 max +600hp +220A
- Summons 4 rumple 4 max +800hp +280A
- See Parting Gift
Parting Gift: Levels, 15
When a rumple dies it heals you for 200hp and heals other rumples for 150hp
Spiky Shell: Levels 2, 5, 8, 15
The rumples grow a spiky shell on there back: increasing there attack damage and giving them damage return (for normal attacks)
- +10 D 15% D return
- +20 D 25% D return
- +30 D 35% D return
- see Granite Shell
Granite shell: Levels, 15
Reduces all physical damage to rumple’s by 35%
The Watch: Levels, 3, 6, 9
The Keeper summons 2 permanent birds that fly around him in a circle scouting for him and scouting him an easy path to travel. Gives the keeper a movespeed bonus and vision from the birds.
-birds have a sight range of 11
- +5% MS aura birds fly 5 distance from keeper
- +10% MS aura birds fly 10 distance from keeper
- +15% MS aura birds fly 15 distance from keeper
Ivy Creeper: Levels: 5, 10, 15
The Keeper summons a permanent pet of deadly ivy (think the druid' vine spell in diablo2) that follows him around and deals damage to enemies – targets enemy demigods over others.
-it attacks when you engage and even when you are running away. It is fast.
- 40 D 1 sec AS slows enimes MS by 5%
- 50 D 0.75 sec AS slows enimes MS by 7%
- 60 D 0.50 sec AS slows enimes MS by 9%
Healing Totem: Levels, 2, 5, 8
The keeper creates a magic totem of rock that heals allies. – Kind of like an immovable priest.
- They heal once every 4 seconds, has 7 seconds cooldown, instant cast time
- 1 totem max Totem has 900 hp Lasts 20 seconds Heals for 150 hp
- 2 totems max Totem has 1400 hp Lasts 30 seconds Heals for 200 hp
- 3 totems max Totem has 2000 hp Lasts 42 seconds Heals for 250 hp
Ivy Tangle: Levels, 3, 6, 9, 15
The keeper creates a tangle of ivy in a target area that greatly reduces the enemies’ movement speed. AOE is a bit less then TB’s circle of fire
- has 1.5 second cast time, 15 second cooldown
- lasts 7 seconds slows by 20 percent MS, 10% AS
- lasts 9 seconds slows by 30 percent MS, 15% AS
- lasts 11 seconds slows by 40 percent MS, 20% AS
- See Posion Ivy
Posion Ivy: Levels, 15
Any target that is in the ivy gets stunned for 2 seconds
Wind Chant: Levels, 1, 4, 7, 10, 15
The keeper starts chanting ancient words of the forest that empower all friend’s of the forest with powers of wind. Gives friendly units increased MS and AS
-Has 2.5 second Cast Time, has 16 second cd
- 13% AS and MS for 9 seconds
- 20% AS and MS for 11 seconds
- 27% AS and MS for 13 seconds
- 34% AS and MS for 15 seconds
- See Rhythmic Learning
Rock Chant: Levels, 1, 4, 7, 10 ,15
The keeper starts chanting the ancient words of the forest that empowers all friends of the forest with powers of stone. Gives friendly units increased damage and Armour
-Has 2.5 second Cast Time, has 16 second cooldown
- +25 D for Demi +5 D Minion and + 300A Demi +100 minion for 9 seconds
- +35 D for Demi +10 D Minion and + 450A Demi +180 minion for 11 seconds
- +45 D for Demi +15 D Minion and + 600A Demi +260 minion for 13 seconds
- +55 D for Demi +20 D Minion and + 750A Demi +320 minion for 15 seconds
5. See Rhythmic Learning
Rhythmic Learning: Levels, 15
The keeper is so used to chanting the ancient words that cast time is reduced on both Rock Chant and Wind Chant to just 1 second
well thats my idea, thanks for reading it hope ya like it!
also feel free to critizes. and bag my shit story.