I searched the current list of forum issues and haven't found this topic, I appologize if the topic has already been discussed.
Currently there's no method for adding attachments in the forums. I've been on other game forums where attachments are allowed and believe this feature would be appreciated by the community as well. It's very useful having a single trusted location where gamers can provide not only a topic describing their game map, game utility, technical issue, game mod, etc., etc., but the related files as well.
EDIT: I realize there's concern regarding "Hosting the files becomes a liability issue so Stardock would have to moderate the attached files... such as the liability due to a virus distributed". However I recognize several other game forums have been hosting files for several years. Wouldn't it be possible to contact these other game forums and ask for advice regarding these fears? If the only barrier is liability concerns then the solution would be investigating HOW the other gaming forums have solved this problem.
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/ Multiple forums for independent games (has allowed attachments for years)
http://www.heavengames.com/ Perhaps something can be done which matches what's provided by heavengames? They provide a section for uploading and downloading files, but it's a single trusted location.