So i've been playing this game a while now and i couldn't help noticing that some skills/items are rarely used, and when they ARE used they usually end up losing the game. So i've decided to make a list of things that are considered useless to have, or at least only usefull if you REALLY know what you are doing. Ok, so, my list goes as follows:
Sedna's Yetis
I have never seen a successfull yeti sedna. Especially if she sacrifices heal for said yetis. They should be really strong and resistant minions but they get stomped as easily as any other minion with aoe attacks. I really don't see any skill sedna has being worth sacrificing over yetis.
UB's Bestial Wrath
Imo, its just too easily avoided by:
- running away for 7 seconds
- cast a slowing spell on ub and avoiding him
- shield yourself
- heal yourself
- freezing him
- stunning him
- distracting him with minions
- etc
Besides that, it's a real mana leech and it doesn't really seem to do that much to be worth spending skill points in it. Inner beast, post mortem, diseased claws, ooze, spit are way more worth it.
Gogles(favor item)
Dunno where to begin here. Honestly i have never ever used them, they are a waste of favor points better spent on...well....anything else.
Regulus Deadeye
Ok so, forget the uselessness of the 0.3 second stun (which is actually more of an interrupt.....), but omfg 3% chance? Do you know how little that is? It means that if you are lucky enough to land 100 hits on your target you will get that stun no more than 3 times. Honestly i'd prefer a yeti sedna any day. I have never seen anyone get that skill. It should just be removed imo.
Death penalty cit upgrade
Well, it's not that bad actually, but it is always the last thing to buy and only if you have shitloads of money. The ideea is ok but it's simply not used because it's just NOT worth it's price making it useless for the price it has. Maybe a buff or a price nerf would make it more appealing?
ShakeNBake useless items:
Restorative Scroll (250g) remove debuffs from your army. ???
Hex Scroll (500g) 500g!!!! to remove 25% dmg for 10 seconds? much better items to hold in slots
Platemail of the Crusader (4500g) too expensive, no useful stats, proc on hit chance way too low
Theurgists Cap (3000g) none of the stats granted are of any use, 3000g better spent elsewhere
Footmans Sabatons (600g) can get better stats benefits for cheaper
Ironwalkers (3750g) waaaay too expensive for the benefit it provides
Desperate Boots (5000g) waaaaay too expensive, only useful late game, and by then you should be winning so hard you will never drop below the 30% health anyway
Gauntlets of Despair (1750g) never really noticed anyone use these. 15% chance for 100mana could do with increase then maybe its viable. only on fast attack speed demigod too.
Sludge Slinger (750g) rofl 750g
Twig of Life (3000g) not really needed even for generals, maybe has a place in a specialist build
Magnus Rod (3250g) money better spent on a decent mana item
Warpstone (5500g) maybe if range increased, instant cast, and cooldown decreased, would be worth it.
_Golgoth_ useless items:
Saam-els Cloak. For a grand 1620 favour points you get +5% and your speed cannot be reduced by 25% so you can have -20% speed... which is still bad. Especially when compared to the other much better favour items (Cape of Plentiful Mana, Wings of the Seraphim, Diamond Pendant, Heavens Wrath, Cloak of Night).
Magical Coin pouch. Not really that bad. Just not useful enough.
Dako7 : Everything QoT has except Bramble Shield, Ground Spikes, and Spike Wave.
So, that's all i can think of right now but i will add more. Feel free to add some yourself and i will put them here (you will have to explain why you think the skill/item is useless).
Oh and btw, this is not a troll thread i am not criticising Demigod/SD/GPG because i really like this game (as some of you might have noticed). However i just think that a list of skills that the community find useless should be made. This list might be good for noobs so they know what skills/items to avoid, and even SD/GPG so that they know what to remove/buff.