Super Support Sedna (A map specific build)
At some point in time, I’m sure you’ve seen a support Sedna. This build focuses on supporting your teammates without playing a front-line role. Some may say that it is weak since Sedna isn’t acting as a tank. Does it sound sort of wimpy? It’s better than you would think at first glance if done correctly.
Map: Leviathan
Leviathan is a fairly common map. The main reason this build works is due to the 15 MPS flag. You are going to need a substantial amount of mana for this build, so the flag will come in handy.
Favor item: Cape of Plentiful Mana
What? You’ve never used this favor item? It’s better than you would think. It gives you +400% Mana for 10 seconds, and it stacks with the mana regen flag. It runs on a 45 second cooldown. On Leviathan, this averages out to about 13 MPS without buying a mana helm. The mana regen almost rivals that of the Vlemish faceguard, and you get it at level 1! It’s like having a free mana potion every 45 seconds. Also, the Mana Cape is AoE. Everyone right next to you will get the mana boost as well when you cast it. They don’t have to stay next to you for the entire 10 seconds; it works just like the Wings of the Seraphim in this aspect. Your teammates only need to be close to you when it is cast. It’s like giving them a free mana potion.
Build order
I. Heal I
II. Healing Wind I
III. Pounce I
IV. Heal II
V. Magnificent Presence
VI. Healing Wind II
VIII. Inner Grace I
IX. Save Point
X. Magnificent Presence II and Heal IV
XI. Pounce II
XII. Pounce III
XIII. Pounce IV
XIV. Save Point
XV. Magnificent Presence III and Life’s Child
(Insert Counter-healing where needed if opponents have priests.)
You should get Magnificent Presence as soon as possible. It reduces the cooldown of the Mana Cape, allowing you to spam it more. Plus, it allows you to heal more often. As an aura, it will reduce your teammate's cooldown. I only get one rank of pounce in the early game for the interrupt. Heal costs less mana than Pounce, and it heals far more than the damage that Pounce does. Pounce should only be used as a finishing move.
Level I Priests
Banded Armor
Unbreakable Boots
Vlemish Faceguard
Level 4 Priests
Nimoth Chest Armor
Hauberk of Life
As a support Sedna, it’s important to assign your priests to the Demigod you’re supporting when you don't need them. You can do this by selecting “0” and right-clicking on the Demigod you’re want to assign them to. Also, be sure to run right next to your teammates when you use the Mana Cape. You’ll be a little squishy at the start with this build, so make sure you don’t engage unless you’ve done the HP math. Once you buy a Vlemish Faceguard, you'll have about 60 mana per second. You’ll have very few mana issues with this build and should be able to heal with few issues. This build starts off with significant mana regen, and this offsets the fact that you aren't using BotF.
Sedna + TB:
This works really well with a TB. The healing should keep a fire TB alive, and the Mana Cape will help him keep Mana. The Mana Cape also stacks with Permafrost on an Ice TB. He is heavily cooldown dependent, so Magnificent Presence will increase his ability to spam. It’s an excellent combination. This is the only one I’ve really tried, and it works very well.
If two teammates both choose this as their favor item, they can benefit from both Mana Capes if they are activated 10 seconds apart. With a Vlemish helm on Leviathan, two Mana capes add about 60 mana per second for both Demigods if the capes are used sequentially as soon as the cooldown ends. In total, both Demigods should have over 90 mana per second with only an item slot and a favor slot taken. This is INSANE mana regen for only 2 slots each! This requires coordination and would work best with a premade. Can you say full heal spam with no mana issues?
In summary, Sedna supports her teammates through the following:
Heal, Healing Wind Aura, Magnificent Presence Aura, Priests, and Cape of Plentiful Mana
It works really well on Leviathan.
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