Heya Sorian, thanks for the info. I realize i may be barking up the wrong tree here, but if you could pass a bit of info along to whoever would make that kind of call could you basically them this for me and a fair amount of players:
Basically there's been so much player speculation on whether or not fire mode is bugged because fire aura both enhances speed and auto-attack pretty dramatically. A 15% attack speed, 15% movement speed, and then a +50'ish damage increase, just don't add up the way you'd expect them to when more often than not you literally only fire once or twice per fight.
I'm not even exaggerating there, the way it ends up you typically spend the first 1.5-4.0 seconds casting FB/CoF/FN, then you'll fire once or twice before recasting fireball. Typically your target will be in motion and if it's away from you you can no longer attack because you've gotta move to do so. If he's not meant to attack frequently then honestly I think reworking the aura to focus less on auto-attack damage would make more sense.
Also TB's fire spells all have cast times, so it seems there's already a built-in counterbalance to his speed and autoattack damage, in that you would have to rubberband in and out of attack range (if you could make it back in at all) if you stay on a runner for an especially long period of time.
The end result is that (to me anyway) fire TB just feels kind of incomplete, and while it's really cool to be able to buff your team's movement and attack speed, it just feels like the fire aura doesn't make sense in its current implementation.
I apologize for the derail and don't let this post make you think I'm not having a ton of fun with the game and looking forwards to 1.2!