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Demigod and League of Legends

By on August 26, 2009 3:24:14 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Well i know this has been brought up and I know that you might have heard it before but I just got accepted to beta test this game (LoL) and well all that stuff about LoL being the Demigod killer is well.... crap.  Its a remake so far from what I can tell of DoTA but with a little better graphics and a few different ideas thrown in.  Demigod is on a whole different level and is such a different game that you really cant compare the 2.  So for all the people out who would like to try to compare they are as has been said very very different games and each im sure will have a great fan base.

Also if you want to flame me for even bringing this up so be it but these games are different and cant ever be compared.

0 Karma | 90 Replies
September 10, 2009 9:30:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yup.  Just kill it and start working on DG II, with many (x3) lessons learned from this attempt.

With a proper project proposal from someone, complete with timeline forecast, funding, manpower, feasibility study, features, market analysis, profit projections and all legal/ownership issues settled, perhaps.

If only games were as easy to develop as "Just kill it and start working".

September 10, 2009 9:52:44 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

am i the only one who cant stand to look at the character models of HoN? i mean atleast there is style in LoL and demigod has some pretty damn good art and gfx. But HoN is just not pleasent to look at and they are charging for it. Look at Zeno clash a game built on the source engine by an indie studio. It looks amazing, but i guess if they are trying to copy dota they want the same graphics as well =/


i havent played HoN though, but will try it shorty so i cant comment on the gameplay

September 10, 2009 11:47:51 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting SyDaemon,

Yup.  Just kill it and start working on DG II, with many (x3) lessons learned from this attempt.
With a proper project proposal from someone, complete with timeline forecast, funding, manpower, feasibility study, features, market analysis, profit projections and all legal/ownership issues settled, perhaps.

If only games were as easy to develop as "Just kill it and start working".




September 10, 2009 8:37:02 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Been playing LOL and HON quite a bit lately and I have to admit that the game play is better than DG IMO. Demigod is fun and has been fun from release when it actually worked. However the biggest mistake they made was not haivng an open beta to flesh out all the major connection issues. They really screwed the pooch on release and it doomed their product. Even with a sucessful expansion, DG is irreparably damaged.

September 10, 2009 8:37:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

double post my bad.

September 11, 2009 2:07:03 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



I play SupCom and I'm familiar with the SupCom scene. What is it you wanted me to see?

September 11, 2009 2:41:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I believe he is referring to the Stand Alone Expansion pack and the subsequent lack of updates to the original Supreme Commander once it was released.

September 11, 2009 3:23:28 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Demigod is an amazing game. I enjoy the feel of combat much more than HoN and I prefer the more complex trees to LoL and HoN's approach of providing more simple heroes.

What doomed DG was when GPG decided not to host it on I think it's hard for SD employees to read this kind of criticism because they pulled off a networking miracle in the weeks after release to get this game functioning at all, but ultimately the matching system and general connectivity issues are a major turnoff and mortally wounded this game.

Ultimately I think SCII is going to kill both LoL and HoN though. SCII/Bnet will have an apple-type app store for the game which is going to allow players to make MOBAs with a much more robust graphics system and way, way, way larger playerbase than LoL/HoN, and there'll be cash incentives to do so.

They already showed how they were able to make a first person shooter with the game's pre-packaged editing tools, the possibilities seem pretty endless.

September 11, 2009 1:13:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I believe he is referring to the Stand Alone Expansion pack and the subsequent lack of updates to the original Supreme Commander once it was released.

It's very likely that Forged Alliance was already part of the plan even before SupCom was released. Regardless, my point still stands. It must make business sense to commit to any project. "Killing" a project simply isn't something to be taken so lightly. However, I realise I'm simply making a big fuss over some carefree comment stated by someone I don't even know anyway. I do forget I'm on the internet sometimes.

September 11, 2009 5:51:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

As moddable as SC2 will be, I think all 3 current MOBAs can co-exist and establish a player base before anything substantial comes out of SC2, and they each tackle slightly different variations.


Demigod provides much more choice for any given character.


HoN is basically DotA2 and will rake in the hardcore crowd.


 LoL is going to be free and it is very accessible I think.


Demigod is the only one so far that's had a chance to screw up, and it took that chance with both hands unfortunately. However I'm hoping the modding scene can really start fixing and expanding DG, because I really want to have more excuses to play DG over HoN/LoL. I personally would be willing to pay for some Demigod DLC/Mini-Expansion, however I'd be worried that providing non-free content will only serve to split the community. The only way this could be done is if paid content could be used against non-paid players, but of course, this couldn't function with new maps.

September 11, 2009 8:00:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Nubby,
Been playing LOL and HON quite a bit lately and I have to admit that the game play is better than DG IMO. Demigod is fun and has been fun from release when it actually worked. However the biggest mistake they made was not haivng an open beta to flesh out all the major connection issues. They really screwed the pooch on release and it doomed their product. Even with a sucessful expansion, DG is irreparably damaged.

IMO, I totally disagree. LoL and HoN are both very one dimentional when it comes to gameplay. There isn't very much variation on how you can play your character and people tend to all do the exact same things. Demigod allows you to play your character many different ways, many times leaving your oponent guessing what your build will be. The maps are also multidimensional as you have control points that offer different advantages, and you can actually upgrade the map.

Also, demigod did have an open beta. The only catch was you had to pre-order the game to get in.

September 11, 2009 8:14:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Also, demigod did have an open beta. The only catch was you had to pre-order the game to get in.

In hind sight, that was what they did wrong. You can only draw in so many people in to such a beta test when the player has to commit the purchase first. The lack of volume of players meant that many of the connectivity issues remained hidden till post release.


September 11, 2009 9:01:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting SyDaemon,

Also, demigod did have an open beta. The only catch was you had to pre-order the game to get in.
In hind sight, that was what they did wrong. You can only draw in so many people in to such a beta test when the player has to commit the purchase first. The lack of volume of players meant that many of the connectivity issues remained hidden till post release.

While your point is entirely valid, I also think that many games don't do well because they have an open beta that anyone can get in, they play the game for a few weeks and never buy it because they got what they wanted out of it for free. I recently played the beta to section 8 and I have no plans to get the game. I am in the HoN and LoL beta, but when they come out, they won't get a cent. When I preordered the Demigod game to get into the beta, when the game finally came out I felt a bit obligated to play it. I am glad I stuck with it. I just hope that it can survive through Christmas.

September 11, 2009 11:17:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

While your point is entirely valid, I also think that many games don't do well because they have an open beta that anyone can get in, they play the game for a few weeks and never buy it because they got what they wanted out of it for free. I recently played the beta to section 8 and I have no plans to get the game. I am in the HoN and LoL beta, but when they come out, they won't get a cent. When I preordered the Demigod game to get into the beta, when the game finally came out I felt a bit obligated to play it. I am glad I stuck with it. I just hope that it can survive through Christmas.

That's a good point. However, I'm inclined to believe that those who are only willing to get into the beta because it's free (and subsequently not buy the official release) will not be buying the game one way or another. If anything, the most probable course of action for such players would be to pirate the game to create a "free beta" for themselves and subsequently not buy it after they've "done" with the pirated copy.

The converse to your point may also be true, that there exist significant groups of players who, having participated in the open beta, feel like they have a vested interest in the development of the product and will buy the game, promote it to their friends, and stick around for a long time.

Being unable to accurately predict which of these groups are in the majority, I'd still say that a controlled, free open beta to stress test the game's robustness is more desirable than that risk of boring players with short attention spans.

September 14, 2009 5:27:11 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I´v played HoN and LoL too.

But you can´t really compare those two with Demigod. Demigod offers you a much more deeper character development. The basic idea is the same. Go with your team and destroy their citadel. But Demigod offers you other gamemodes, too (not those game modes like "random heroes" etc.). Sure, compared to HoN you might think that Demigod suffers more demigods. I don´t know how it´s in the current build, but in the past I allways skilled my demigod a bit different. In HoN/LoL it´s allways the same. You got 4 skills, every skill maxed out. In Demigod it´s a bit more deeper. YOu have to watch the enemy, what´s he doing? Maybe I´ll take this skill instead of this etc.

One thing we can compare easily are the graphics. The maps and demigods in Demigod are just 

The graphics and UI in LoL are just ->

In my opinion the graphics in HoN are ok (compared to the WC3 DotA). Compared to Demigod, they´re not as stunning as we got it here, but I still like them.


An other point I came across: The amount of players:

In Demigod we maybe have an amount of x players. In HoN we have 7*x players. Some people are adding "And it´s in closed beta!" Well, it´s not really "closed". Everyone who´s in the beta is getting about 5-9 new invites per 2 weeks or something like that. And the biggest point: You don´t have to pay yet in order to play HoN. I´m sure, there won´t be such a high player amount when HoN gets released.

Don´t know what´s the situation in LoL is. But it´s free2play and will remain as free2play.


In short:

Demigod is for people who like some new gameplay beside DotA.

HoN is for people who wanted a DotA2.0

LoL is for people who wanted to have eye cancer.

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