When i see our ladder system i feel much dissapointment. Why so? Complaining.
1) To be the one of first 1000 u have to be ecxellent player or play in a team. Good? For teamplayers yes of course. But for a ladder - not much. 90% of top players just gank 29000 others in a team to gain a needed favor. Favor is not gained by skill but by stupid noobfarming. Its totally unaccettable
2)People who plays all over their time always on the top. Good for them course but there are much other players that play not worse in 50-300 than top 50. They just play RARER. not by 30 games a day just by 15))
3)Games team vs team not needed by teams, they can farm some favor far faster and without risks to lose. Awful
My suggestion. To bring more competition for high-ranked teams in the first 1000 i suggest to lower favor for winning bottom-or-middelist players (or give 10 times less favor) and even subtract much of their favor when high-ranked loose. When the weakest team beats the strongest they got plenty of favor and the strong team looses a plenty too. And vice versa if u are a topplayer winning topplayers you will get the same quantity of favor by beating them. But if u beat losers u wont be a topplayer soon
just a confident middle even with stats like 90% win . Then, if u wanna be on the top u should have not only to win all over the time but to win the strongest.
I am confident somebody already knows about this. I just suggest an adapt the Elo system used by chess players all over the world. Its quite difficult to understand without any math knowlege, but if u wanna see closer - see there
PS Sorry for shortness but its not easy to complain matematically-full ranking system with my poor english fully) I just suggest to adapt it for teamplaying.