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game crashes on loading a lot...

By on August 14, 2009 1:26:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

often, while loading the map in custom games my window tells me "no response" for a few seconds. than it is going to load further or crashing.

i´ve sent in enough log/dump files for now... maybe i will do this later again...



c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(475) Not available

Program : D:\Demigod\bin\Demigod.exe
Cmd line arguments : /skipintro


Reactor version: 1.00.59
Demigod version MAIN.1.10.0164
Last 100 lines of log...

A full record of the log is stored in the Demigodlog.txt file

info:         hgsa0121={ goal1=204, progress=203 },
info:         hgsa0122={ goal1=3, progress=2 },
info:         hoak05={ goal1=3, progress=2 },
info:         hoak06={ goal1=3, progress=2 },
info:         hoak07={ goal1=3, progress=2 },
info:         hoak12="true",
info:         hoak14={ goal1=59516, progress=58516 },
info:         hoak15={ goal1=11, progress=10 },
info:         hoak16={ goal1=43, progress=42 },
info:         hoak18={ goal1=9, progress=8 },
info:         hoak19={ goal1=99327, progress=99290 },
info:         hoak20={ goal1=99, progress=81 },
info:         hoak22={ goal1=35, progress=34 },
info:         hqueen02="true",
info:         hqueen03={ goal1=2, progress=1 },
info:         hqueen04={ goal1=2, progress=1 },
info:         hqueen13={
info:           goal1=0,
info:           goal2="true",
info:           goal3=0,
info:           goal4=0,
info:           goal5=0,
info:           goal6=0,
info:           goal7=0,
info:           goal8=0,
info:           progress=1
info:         },
info:         hqueen14={ goal1=5860, progress=4860 },
info:         hqueen15={ goal1=2, progress=1 },
info:         hqueen16={ goal1=3, progress=2 },
info:         hqueen20={ goal1=7572, progress=7544 }
info:       },
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Difficulty=2,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Hero="hgsa01",
info:       Human=true,
info:       InGameName="dantegaara",
info:       OwnerID="50845",
info:       PlayerColor=8,
info:       PlayerName="dantegaara",
info:       Ready=true
info:     },
info:     [11]={
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Human=false,
info:       OwnerID="74134",
info:       PlayerColor=11,
info:       PlayerName="TEAM_1",
info:       Ready=false
info:     },
info:     [12]={
info:       ArmyColor=1,
info:       Civilian=false,
info:       Faction=1,
info:       Human=false,
info:       OwnerID="74134",
info:       PlayerColor=12,
info:       PlayerName="TEAM_2",
info:       Ready=false
info:     }
info:   }
info: }
info: CVP_GameData:
      szGameName: (RS) XvsX EU
      szHostPlayerName: Renz0kuken
      szMapName: Exile
      szGameSpecificXML (size): 3532
      szGameGUID: 92510335-c885-442a-bb63-e27f150c1898
      szGameToken: FGwgwUFlgN8BaKkBT23w9AmMa/D8bH9I95HuufI5AcB9Ph1Rxj8dCISPM/SAcijgDArCgUTseF1Tj2yIEbe1y4FR0VUGO/tVA3jIgFfrTQJC8QLk3Yj8HAxYxrbq1nk/M+QHrjE7WxGqyhn1w6LWbEWsHS0XnqhPBlwtrp8bOgtaXqLtwseegaZIiMzocCfFpHwfHuo2+9sHczfuaz8GpDEW37ACkrptwqggGgN1v+g0Af/MH7xqKvOBWEDNwQcyLu5JLu0KP7Bxdz/llMmRxAWadS4s3G6ibssFwJJRC54WYCFXN/KqN94eIgZmVzuLP2u9A2JvQjA8t2alWEvZrA8lcJKHA2X5Q670cvZiyy9DDyLnPvfpdtRGID5UtnSg7oI6i3CfFcxksA9UE5EUE28QFJg8BpEjXmIh9mH+nzfUZfr2qAmzcOqwxkfFhrOvCj7bQvmdSfQ=
      szStartTime: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
      szLastNotificationTime: 2009-08-14T13:12:50.557
      dwHostPlayerID: 74134
      dwHostPort: 0
      dwMinPlayers: 1
      dwMaxPlayers: 2
      dwGameTypeID: 5
      dwGameMapID: 59
      dwNumPlayers: 1
      dwGameID: 863493
      bRanked: 0
      bPrivate: 0
      dwHostTeamID: 0
      dwHostEntityID: 0
      dwWinningTeamID: 0
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::UpdateGameData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::UpdateGameData()
info: Calling CVPUpdateGame. gameDataXML [len]: [3532]
info: CVP_GameData:
      szGameName: (RS) XvsX EU
      szHostPlayerName: Renz0kuken
      szMapName: Exile
      szGameSpecificXML (size): 3532
      szGameGUID: 92510335-c885-442a-bb63-e27f150c1898
      szGameToken: FGwgwUFlgN8BaKkBT23w9AmMa/D8bH9I95HuufI5AcB9Ph1Rxj8dCISPM/SAcijgDArCgUTseF1Tj2yIEbe1y4FR0VUGO/tVA3jIgFfrTQJC8QLk3Yj8HAxYxrbq1nk/M+QHrjE7WxGqyhn1w6LWbEWsHS0XnqhPBlwtrp8bOgtaXqLtwseegaZIiMzocCfFpHwfHuo2+9sHczfuaz8GpDEW37ACkrptwqggGgN1v+g0Af/MH7xqKvOBWEDNwQcyLu5JLu0KP7Bxdz/llMmRxAWadS4s3G6ibssFwJJRC54WYCFXN/KqN94eIgZmVzuLP2u9A2JvQjA8t2alWEvZrA8lcJKHA2X5Q670cvZiyy9DDyLnPvfpdtRGID5UtnSg7oI6i3CfFcxksA9UE5EUE28QFJg8BpEjXmIh9mH+nzfUZfr2qAmzcOqwxkfFhrOvCj7bQvmdSfQ=
      szStartTime: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
      szLastNotificationTime: 2009-08-14T13:12:50.557
      dwHostPlayerID: 74134
      dwHostPort: 0
      dwMinPlayers: 1
      dwMaxPlayers: 2
      dwGameTypeID: 5
      dwGameMapID: 59
      dwNumPlayers: 1
      dwGameID: 863493
      bRanked: 0
      bPrivate: 0
      dwHostTeamID: 0
      dwHostEntityID: 0
      dwWinningTeamID: 0
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::UpdateGame()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::UpdateGame()
info: Error from CVP. Response XML:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><CVPUpdateGameResponse><ResponseCode>-99</ResponseCode><ResponseMessage>You are not authorized to make this request.</ResponseMessage><GameToken /></CVPUpdateGameResponse>
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::StartGame()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::StartGame()
warning: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(873) Invalid call
info: Sounds process locked
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/loading/
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/loading/
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/loading/
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/loading/
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/loading/
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/loading/
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/loading/
warning: error loading batched texture: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(788) Not available
info: Unable to load texture from file: /textures/ui/common/bg/
warning: Unable to load texture: d:\demigod\bindata\textures\ui\common\game\cursors\
info: Aborting background task "Map loader /maps/map09/map09.scmap"
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/map09/map09.scmap" aborted.
info: Aborting background task "Map loader /maps/map10/map10.scmap"
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/map10/map10.scmap" aborted.
info: Saving replay to "E:\Eigene Dateien\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod\replays\Invisible\LastGame.DGReplay"

+14 Karma | 3 Replies
February 13, 2010 6:00:45 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have this exact same Issue.


Edit: This was after a new computer build... I turned sound off of "High Quality" and put it on low and I haven't hit the issue again (it was an itermittent thing).

February 13, 2010 6:28:48 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If you are experiencing crashes, please download this zip file and run the .cmd inside. It will gather a variety of debugging info and generate another zip file in My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod\reports which you can email to They will then pass the info on to the developers if they cannot help solve the issue.

February 13, 2010 7:40:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

warning: c:\Work\forge\main\code\src\libs\gpggal\DeviceD3D9.cpp(873) Invalid call

Well there's your problem. It's not your computer, it's just the game. There is nothing we can do until GPG fixes the issue (if they do)

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