This is the newest statistic of average Favor Points per Demigod per game (Custom Games only).
It has been now been adjusted to not include the Favor Points for Wins and Losses according to each Demigod.

Interestingly, Regulus (although rather low on the Win/Loss ratio) gets, on average, more Favor Points than the "stronger" (Win/Loss ratio) Demigods (UB, Ereb, Sedna). All 3 "support" Demigods are on the lower end. Regulus gets 56% more Favor Points than QoT.
The graph displays the average Favor Points for a game per Demigod. It does not matter how often the Demigod is played and the Favor Points for Wins/Losses are also excluded (extra for each Demigod).
It's not a measure of Demigod strength!
It simply shows that Regulus gets some Favor Points (Kills, Kill Streak, Assists, Buildings destroyed) easier than other Demigods. I guess that the Torchbearer is so high up there because he usually gets most damage and most reinforcements killed in a game.
The support Demigods are the lowest on the graph because you not only get zero Favor Points for supportive actions, but also because supportive actions are disadvantageous for your Favor Point Statistic (think Heal (no reward) instead of Pounce (damage, or kill reward); both cost you a lot of mana). Heals and Shields are of course advantageous for the allie you supported, who can perhaps kill another Demigod because of it. That's teamplay. It's just not encouraged through Favor Points. Hence this idea of mine.