Yeah, I had a bad game. Yeah, I sucked in the first few minutes. Yeah, I fed the other team. Yeah, I realized how shitty I was doing and voted to concede (one of my other teammates was also sucking).
You happened to join the next game with me and ooooo you had to run your mouth about how I suck and it's an automatic loss and I'm a leaver. At this point it's basically a witch hunt, and there is no way to defend myself, so the host boots me.
At this point I'm in a bad mood, and don't feel like playing anymore.
I had a long day. I was working hard all day. I was tired and hoping to have some fun and unwind with a game of Demigod before bed.
Then it was all "you suck" and "f_cking n00b teammate".
I should have known better than to expect to have fun while playing Demigod. Don't get me wrong, I like the game. It's just that many people who play have some messed up priorities about what is important in life.
Everyone needs to realize that Demigod just a game. People like the one I just mentioned (I won't name names) ruin it for the rest of the community. So you lose ... boo hoo. Now your stats have one more loss. Your whole life is ruined. How about you don't get all bent out of shape when you lose, suck it up and display some sportsmanship.
Ranting aside, tt's really disappointing that the members of the community for Demigod are devolving into the same sort of elitist assholes that populated DoTA (one of the reasons I quit playing that game and never looked back).
Lastly, this is not a one time incident (aside from the people involved and the person it was directed at). I see it all the time. People play the game like their teammates are a necessary evil, and when one teammate is not doing so hot, I see much flaming directed at that player, like "f_ck you. play better."
Anyways, I feel better with that off my chest. I'm curious what other people think. Has anyone experienced this?