Hi guys, this my first post. Sorry for my mistakes with english, but i`m still learning.
P.S. if i made mistake (with grammar or something) please tell me, don`t blame instead, i will correct.
I hate when peoples, don`t look to web dictionary and use words, when don`t know real meaning.
[or listen 13 years boys with complexes (yeah, they don`t look at Dictionary too)]
Go to the point.
Newbie = Guy playing game first time (or just started, whatever), or playing casually.
Noob = Guy playing game first time, but saying, he knows about game everything, annoying teammates and blame others when somebody tell him [like, "you doing it wrong"].
Noob imo is relative to internet troll.
But this is my definition, what google says?

I don`t understand how big this problem is.
70% or more sites have wrong meaning.
So, sorry for that about 13 years boys with complexes and about aren`t looking at sites.
But i search deeply i found something what i want.
The game definition of noob (variant spelling, n00b) is usually someone, often in online games who acts in offensive ways to other users or people that surround them and refuse to go away, or stay by any other methods for the sole purpose of annoying others. The word noob can also mean in an online game someone who did something stupid, or asked an obvious question. For example, if someone asks a question answered in the FAQ or is common knowledge, others will call that person a noob. The word derive from the word 'newbie' and 'boob'. In which the former word means a new players, and the latter word means an *****.
Newb is also considered a relatively new person to a game that is inexperienced and doesn't know what they are doing. This term is often addressed as newb (Newbie). However, in recent times this term is infrequently used and has been widely accepted as being replaced by noob.
Link to site with this - http://forum.gametribe.com/showthread.php?t=10757
Edit: look here too - http://www.playpark.net/forums/viewthread/8650/
But why i so stubborn at this?
Well look at first post, this good example how peoples makes wrong meaning of this word.
Well, i remember, 3-4 years before, 'noob' wasn`t so popular word and meaning was correct.
But, why i make this topic?
Because i hate when games for newbie (like me), have name "noobs game" or "noobs only".
Damn, i don`t want play with some noobs! Or another problem. Guids for noobs.
0_o What is that? Some guide how don`t blame other peoples or don`t let anger take over myself?
Ok, that all what i want say, what is your opinion?