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New Demigod! Jungle king

By on July 8, 2009 4:07:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

 I decided to work more on my Jungle king idea, and ive done this entire thing in one night so give me some feedback and suggestions.

Story: Far back in the kingdom of Oraz, a king had just recently died. Two brothers where heirs but both of them could not rule. Later it was decided that the brothers would prove themselves inside of the great Chaos Arena, where they would fight to the death. Karedon, the older, crueler brother, decided to cheat. He would pay the council to change around the rules and to force his younger brother to fight a tiger instead of him. He had the gold to do so.

So at midnight he went forth to the council and payed them handsomley. The fight was tommorow also. Exseiries, the younger brother was an honorable and strong fighter, but the next day he could not prepare for a tiger to jump out of the shadows and feast on his neck. He lost the battle and his brother won kingship. His body was dumped out into a neighboring forest.

 When Exseiries awoke, his neck wounds were gone, and he felt faster, smarter and stronger than ever. An odd marking had formed on his chest, a lion. After nearly a month of wandering in the jungle and feasting fruit and small animals, an odd feeling overtook him. He felt a stab of pain penetrate through him at an alarming rate. Suddenly his body morphed. Fur covered him, his bones bent and changed shape, he grew claws and massive teeth. He had turned into a tiger!

With this newfound power he discovered that animals responded to his will. He learned to morph into more and more animals until he could morph into five devastating animals: the cheetah, the tiger, the rhino, the alligator and the ape. He then and there declared himself the king of the jungle and swore to ravage his brothers kingdom.   Abilities:

 Call of the wild: The Jungle Kings roars into the sky, summoning his beast from the jungle!

Level one: Summons one Loepard with pounce, 350 HP 35 AT ( Pounce, where you leap at your target dealing double damage and stunning them for 3 seconds, 1.5 seconds for DGs)

Level two: Summons two leopards with pounce 400 HP, 50 AT, and one monkey ( ranged unit) with 150 HP, 55 AT

Level three: Summons three leopards with pounce 500 HP, 65 AT, and two monkeys with 200 HP, 70 AT and longer range

Level four: Summons four leopards with pounce 550 HP , 80 AT, 3 monkeys , 3 monkeys with 300 HP, 95 AT, longer range and also summons A Rhino with Pounce, Charge( you charge at your enemy dealing 300 damage on impact and knocking back  all enimies directley behind primary target and deals 150 damage to them.) 500 HP, 100 AT and splash attack

Will of Nature: Your target gains the will of nature for 1 minute, giving them 50% life steal attack.

Level two: Target gains will of nature for 1.5 min, 65% life steal, 25% bonus damage.

Level three: Target gains will of nature for 2 min, 80% life steal, 50% bonus damage,  target explodes after duration ends dealing damage eaqual to 50% amount of life stolen to 12 enimies.

Hunger for Blood: The KJ has a sudden lust for blood overcome him, forcing him to lose all of his mana, deal small aoe damage.                                             

Level two : large aoe, 50 bonus damage on auto attack

Level three: Huge aoe, 75 bonus damage, 50% attack speed.

Ill add more abilities latter, but dont be afraid to give me some feedback on these!

Alligator Morph: JK morphs into an alligator, he deflects all ranged, small aoe, and his bites cause enemies's HP to degan at a rate of 5 HP per second.(JK will automaticly get this ability when he hits level 3) But he suffers from same HP Degeneration.

Tiger Morph: JK morphs into a tiger,  his attacks destroy 50 armor per attack, pounce, and he does double damage!(JK will automaticly get this when he hits level 8) But, he cannot Regenerate HP or be healed in this form

Cheetah Morph: JK morphs into a Cheetah, giveing him double move speed/attack speed and has Feral Instincts( he penetrates all armor , but he has no armor also) (He automaticly gets this at level 5

Rhino Morph: JK morphs into a Rhino, giving him 500 bonus armor, charge and massive HP regen, but he moves 90% slower.(He automaticly gets this at level 10)

Ape Morph: JK morphs into an Ape, giving him massive aoe, 500 bonus HP, pummel(you strike your primary target so hard that half of your damage leaks into units behind) but JK has reduced attack speed of 50%. (He automaticly gets this at level 12

+11 Karma | 5 Replies
July 8, 2009 6:28:55 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

seems like an interesting idea.  

July 9, 2009 12:46:13 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Jungle king- Monkey ???

July 9, 2009 7:59:19 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Sounds very, VERY overpowered in all aspects.

July 9, 2009 8:37:50 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

yay dokey kong!

he can have like a barrel roll move similar to the rooks boulder! and lay snare-bananas like reguls' mines

July 9, 2009 12:43:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok thanks for feedback, ill be sure to tweak its power down a bunch:) U guys have any ideas for abilities just write about it in a reply. I could use the feedback.


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