First - OP wants this randomizer to not put duplicate demigods on the same team
- Making it randomize based on current choice takes away the random factor. If I didn't want to play with DOUCHBAG8 I'd pick the same demigod as him, and bang, the randomizer fails because it wasn't random because if it worked like you said then it would separate us.
- NOTHING is wrong with duplicates - two spits is the same as one spit and a hammer slam. It's not the two spits that killed you, it was coordination by the two players - both using their main damaging ability.
- This game has counters - that is good, but the randomizer shouldn't pick the teammates based on this (see point 1). Counters allow you to create a better team if the other team is oblivious and won't change their demigod picks - counters allow better strategy in game when both teams have counters of each other.
- Having two of the same demigod does not increase or decrease the odds of having a better or worse counter. Odds of having the same demigod(if random) are 1/64 - odds the other team has two of the demigod that is your direct counter are 1/64
Are you still with me? Ok, so for our sake, let's say regulus is rook's counter and oak is ub's counter(all opinionated here)
odds of having a regulus oak team - 1/64 (1/8 chance for reg times 1/8 for oak) and the odds of having a demigod team that they are counters too are 1/64 as well.
OMG same odds as the duplicate demigods.
BUT WAIT - you can change your demigods. So not only do the odds not matter because you can both get teams you like, if they did matter the odds are equal
AND if you are saying two of the same demigod is overpowered then here's the math from earlier proving that theory wrong
Basic math, are you ready?
x = Rook
2x = two Rooks
Let's say z = Sedna and y = TB
Theoretically, z=x=y=a=d=g=h(All demigods are fairly balanced, of course some are better against others, but in teams, it should be fair)
So 2x = z+y
Not to you, you think 2x > z+y
Since z and y are equal,(in theory they all are balacned well, I'd say go to stats but they are broke), they are now represented by only y
You think 2x > 2y
x > y
Essentially saying that the duplicate demigod, Rook in this case, is overpowered regardless of how many people on your team are him. It's not a matter of having two or more. However, we could say any demigod was the duplicate, so to you, every demigod needs a nerf.
So when people say duplicatess are unfair, it doesn't make sense.