My Graphic card has 307 MB of memory. 128 MB is the minimum, i see no problem. 247 of it is dedicated, 60 is shared (wth i dont understand it lol)
I have my computer set to automaticly update all drivers on a weekly basis.
I get the "Hardware based instancing required, please ensure drivers are up to date" (something like that) error.
My computer runs all games well, 3D ones too. I mostly play online games (mmorpgs, most are 3D and have good graphics), also i play Mount and Blade (Dont comment my games choice please
) at the highest resolution lagless.
This is the first game i have a problem with, ignoring the games that arent vista-compatible.
I also noticed the game doesnt support Intel chips. As i said i have a :
Processor: Genuine Intel(R) CPU T1500 @ 1.86GHz (2 CPUs), ~1.9GHz
Is that the unsupportable one?
When i bought the game i looked it up at games for windows site, and that wasnt stated there.
Maybe i just bought the game and wont be able to play it at all. That would be sad 
@Dash I don't know whether these cards can fit in my laptop. Also the numbers dont run like Nvidia GeForce 6800, Nvidia GeForce 6801, Nvidia GeForce 6802, Nvidia GeForce 6803... When i look in the shops there are different series, different numbers. How do i know which is newer than Nvidia GeForce 6800?