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I do not get it

By on June 30, 2009 10:34:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

why when i give karma is there spell check, but not in regular posts?

+21 Karma | 26 Replies
June 30, 2009 10:52:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The post editor uses a special javascript-based UI which Firefox can't properly handle with the spellchecking. Andrew planned to eventually implement a built-in spell check via google so all browsers had it available, but since Bara took over as forums dev I'm not sure where that ranks on his to-do list.

June 30, 2009 11:13:26 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Because then half the posts on these forums would end in somebody having a bloodied fist and a broken monitor. Nobody likes being constantly corrected.



June 30, 2009 11:18:41 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

I'd personnaly like a spellchek (misspellings intended )

By the way, whatever happened to the watchlist function?

July 1, 2009 12:10:29 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

By the way, whatever happened to the watchlist function?


July 1, 2009 1:10:08 AM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Typographical error(s) and Unix silly manners for popping underlines in the wrong order!


July 1, 2009 2:24:26 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

Wachlist is high up on my todo list.  Spell checker... isn't.  I'll look into it though.


July 1, 2009 2:32:12 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

What's a spellcheck?

July 1, 2009 2:42:36 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

What's a spellcheck?


Say no more

July 1, 2009 3:00:38 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

What's a spellcheck?

Did you spellchex that?

July 1, 2009 5:59:42 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

How about a banana checker? 

July 2, 2009 2:44:41 AM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

Check this out; i hear the bare bear is near the pier eating a pear or drinking a beer here but if i'd swim towards him i'd also skim the rim while my dream is filled with cream only to scream for being out of steam. You or You_s always puzzled me though. Spill the beans or spell it clean, it still means i pull rug like a tug to bug with a mug under fog.

No wonder voice might confuse -- too many words sound exactly the same; so, pay attention or speak slowly in a sharper tone. High or i, y or why, sky or shy - does the trick(s).

Are you off or of, t'day?


July 2, 2009 7:27:33 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

How about a banana checker?

Good thing you're a doctor, you can check that permanent dent I'm going to put in your health record...

July 2, 2009 7:54:39 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I think Zyxpsilon has a mild case of unspellcheckeritis. I don't think it's contageous though. To pull a rug like a tug? No no no...the beer with the bare bear on the pier with a pear near a clear with his scream cream outta steam? OMG...him off the feed again.

July 2, 2009 8:00:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'd like a Meercat comparer please.

July 2, 2009 12:12:16 PM from GalCiv II Forums GalCiv II Forums

At least, someone got the joke or -- was it a choke or a stroke to poke?

July 2, 2009 1:53:02 PM from Stardock Forums Stardock Forums

I'd like a Meercat comparer please.


July 2, 2009 2:46:12 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting messiah1,
How about a banana checker?

Good thing you're a doctor, you can check that permanent dent I'm going to put in your health record...

i'd have to be a vet. i been around da munkeh way too long.

July 2, 2009 5:33:53 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I um...ahem...that banana looks um, perfectly ripe there...that is, if I knew anything about bananas...which I don't.  But if I did, I'd say...its uh, scuze me for a second...

July 2, 2009 5:52:02 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Who sez you know about de banana?

dis is de new  s-t-r-e-t-c-h-a-b-l-e  m1 dock from....errrr....doc. 

July 2, 2009 10:38:49 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

I wouldn't answer your door if you hear a knock if i wuz you...




karma whore.

July 2, 2009 11:21:57 PM from Elemental Forums Elemental Forums

He's a karma whore?


Most of mine is for being a dick, and I've got more...

July 2, 2009 11:54:05 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

Quoting messiah1,
I wouldn't answer your door if you hear a knock if i wuz you...

Oh sh!t!  Either I just shot a UPS guy or m1 was disguised as an over ripe banana....btw m1 looked funny in brown shorts....they were white until I opened the door.


karma whore.

I know I should be ashamed.....but I'm not.

July 3, 2009 7:42:44 AM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums


July 4, 2009 2:17:45 PM from WinCustomize Forums WinCustomize Forums

He's a karma whore?

Most of mine is for being a dick, and I've got more...

Over in WC land you only have 4.  Now my chypering ain't the greatest but...

July 4, 2009 2:25:39 PM from Sins of a Solar Empire Forums Sins of a Solar Empire Forums

I believe whore is spelt hog

(kinda reminded me of RushHour 3)

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