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New Map Idea: Ocean Wave (with pics)

By on June 28, 2009 5:08:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums External Link


Join Date 04/2009

well it's been a while since i put up a map idea, so here goes:


Map Idea: Ocean Wave


# of Players:

6-8 players    (good for 3v3 or 4v4 matches)


Good for all game modes



Like the name suggests, this map would on the ocean.  actualy rather than being by the ocean i think being by the ocean would be better.  having the map surrounded by miles of water with the sun setting in the distance.  not much for senert i know but to make it more interesting i thought every time the side portals send out a wave  there could be an actual wave (of water) come crashing up on the sides.

obviously we need some 3D artisans to perfect the image but u get the idea.  the pic to the side hee is pretty close to what i had in mind





here we have the map with the 2 citadels  on the left and right.  one portals in each base with 4 more portals situated around the edges.

here is the pathing for the grunts.  basici idea is for the waves (if equal numbers are controlled) then all the waves should cancel each other out in the middle.  however if the portal numbers are not equal then then one wave will overpower the other than advance on the enemy citadel (like an ocean wave).

hee is an example:


as you can see i haven't put much effort into figuring out where the flags and towers go, so i'm looking for suggestions.  my idea though was for only the main body of the citadel to be protected and the rest to be open for grunt advancement but if anyone wants to make some suggestions, feel free.


like i said its all about the waves... ocean like waves of grunts that build up and push into the base like the ocean.  holding more portals then you enemy is key to winning... either than or have a heavy AoE Demigod on you side.  this means DG's with low anti-grunt skills have a purpose in controlling portalsd while the AoE ones will fight it out iun the middle when the portals are out of wack.  if there are quesitons or suggestions feel free to add them.


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June 28, 2009 6:02:35 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It looks too short IMO. The path to the enemy citadel is short, and a couple of structures put between the two won't last very long. For a short game it makes sense and seems fine however. Also, the portals on the same side should probably spawn the creeps, not one on each. That's going to make too short a route to the enemy base. Just my feelings.

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June 28, 2009 6:38:24 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah i say back the citadel portals up and maybe make the map more of an oval. Also don't like the positioning of the outer portals. Maybe if you increased the angle of the parabola so they are father back aroudn the circle that would be better. And i'd say switch the angles of the parabola. So the 2 arcs meet then the center but there is an arc on the top and bottom.

Sorry if that is confusing please let me explain if needed.

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June 28, 2009 9:19:16 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Needs another creep wave imo, maybe around the outisde. Having everything centered will make the map Rooks playground and Heaven's Wrath essential.

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June 28, 2009 9:26:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i think there would be maybe a problem about getting exp in the start when all demigods meets in the middle... maybe there could altsaa be 2 waves wich goes around the middle in the outter circle?

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June 28, 2009 11:51:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

It's the new prison!

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June 29, 2009 1:04:12 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

actualy i would be the new prision... with a ring around it...


as for size this would be a bit bigger than Cataract with that middle path being a bit longer than Prison map.  i'm not too oppossed to putting crunts around the edge, but the idea was for focus going to the centre and controlling portals.  if i have some time i'll redo the map to XaviorsFists preportions.

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June 29, 2009 11:47:16 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Woooo i'm being listened to. Sorry did you understand all my vagueness... I don't know how to put a picture to words. The 2 arcs would be rotated 90 degrees so the portals would be in the sameplace but the arcs would bend up and down not left and right. Don't really like the ring connecting the back sides of each arc either. It would make it TOO easy to take those portals just by running around the outside. Unless it started with lots of towers. Have the arc around the back but break it when it hits the side portals. Otherise it's mandala and prison combined and that would suck. I want a bigger map like prison not a bigger map like mandala and prison because mandala if i'm right is the LEAST played map. Otherwise great idea.

The ocean may be hard to do so I'd suggest against the ocean background. Something that would be less impact on slower computers though.

I also say 4vs4. 3vs3 would be too little. 

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June 29, 2009 11:56:00 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Sorry for the bad job at editing your picture. I just did it in paint in 5 minutes but this is more what I wanted. Purple is the pathing i wanted and i just erased what I didn't like. Have it arc more than i have it, but i was just demonstrating a point. So the portals would be farther around.

edit* I posted as picture first and that failed so just providing a url. Also sorry for double post.

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June 29, 2009 10:55:50 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

excellant map again I love the giant battle in the middle +1

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June 30, 2009 5:59:59 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Nice map! I made a few alterations...

Using t3h Paint (yay)

I *tried* to keep the map idea same... Somehow i think i couldn't. I added possible flags and tower spots. Pushed base portals back a bit, so that when enemy units start getting in, your creep spawn would kill the enemy units in base, not outside it. The creep waves in the middle are seperated a little, so someone just cant be TB and wipe out all enemy units (initially i thought the creeps pathing would criss-cross, but yep that TB thought ruined it). I obviously over-towered it by quite a bit. The middle-most flag wouldn't be essential, because when thinking about it no flag really fits (if it would have to be something, then probably a flag for 2 goldmines because an EXP flag would be murder since the creep waves are so close). The other 2 middle flags would be health/mana regen flags or health/mana flags. The flags on each sides, well... sides, would probably be flags for 2 gold mines each. If thinking about map size then it would probably be Mandala-ish sized on the longer bit and Leviathan-ish sized on the shorter bit. Just my opinion(s).

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July 1, 2009 2:20:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I like it, though it'd be good to find a way to separate out at least two creeping areas so everyone's not all thrown into one spot early on.

What if the four paths were extended to loops back behind the citadels?  They could meet a bit apart from one another in the middle -- a winner creep wave would fall upon the flank of the other.  It'd essentially be three interlocking circles: OOO but overlapping, instead of the )O( you have.

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July 1, 2009 4:33:12 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i actually like the original idea ... i can see a lot of intense situations happening in a map like this.

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July 1, 2009 10:26:57 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This map is trully epic.

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July 1, 2009 1:48:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

ok, finaly got some time to redo these maps a bit.  now i've taken XaviourFist's idea with the reversed porabolas as well as cwsault with the 000 thing.  they might not be exactly the same so let me know if they still need editing.  i have 2 seperate ideas that i'd like to hear your opinion on which is better:

in Both of these the waves would meet on the left and right edge of the circle before advancing into the middle.  this allows for more spread out battles as well as a larger middle battle after the waves are done.  i did try having an extra wave do around the edge of the oval but that l;et to there being 10 portals all spawning up to 18 grunts which i think might crash the game.

let me know what you think.

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July 1, 2009 5:53:09 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Like the bottom version  a LOT. Seems more what i was asking and looks better I'm glad you made it more of an oval so those sides are harder to pass. Also like the fact that the portals stick out a little so it makes it harder to cap.

Top version not so much. The cappable portals seem too close together.

Overall like the idea of taking out that center connection to the outside loops. I think that would have made it too easy to cap portals and cap locks would become to powerful.


Also like drake's idea except the map may become too big with the way it loops out. And I think there should be a very generous amount of towers on this map that rise as you get more warscore potentially tripling defenses around the edges and doubleing your defenses in the center. I say also be generous with the flags in the center. Maybe one in the middle where the 3 differant waves converge on each side and one for the middle point for something such as xp 2 gold mines and the artifact shop. The 2 flags in between the middle and peoples bases could be 10% damage and 15% cooldown or if you could get both of them as 15% cooldown. Also a few flags before the cappable portals. I also say the nuetral portals should actually be guarded in the begining by towers much like exile's health flags. This makes it so it isn't INSTANTLY about taking the most portals and it may take more than one person to take them.

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July 2, 2009 5:46:58 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I like the bottom version. Top one makes me think of Leviathan without the central gap.



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July 8, 2009 6:38:51 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The bottom version looks better because in the top version, it seems like the side creep portal flags would be seriously close together. There needs to be some crazy towers between each team's side portals I think.

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July 8, 2009 11:57:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Why mobs in middle, its nigmare to take a level , iff you need to fight against all demigods

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July 9, 2009 11:05:23 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting justMK,
Why mobs in middle, its nigmare to take a level , iff you need to fight against all demigods

Exile is almost the same and in my mind the creep waves wouldn't MERGE together they would become more of a wall with gaps.

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July 9, 2009 3:27:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Just thought of this, and it could be a problem. If all the creeps meet in the middle, then AoE characters are going to be leveling FAST. I was just thinking of how me and my friends played a 5v5 on "The Brothers" with spawn rate to high. I randomed and got TB. I was level 15 when everyone else was 10 .


Seems like an AoE man camping the mid would get some serious farming done.

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July 9, 2009 9:44:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting drugfreeboy,
Just thought of this, and it could be a problem. If all the creeps meet in the middle, then AoE characters are going to be leveling FAST. I was just thinking of how me and my friends played a 5v5 on "The Brothers" with spawn rate to high. I randomed and got TB. I was level 15 when everyone else was 10 .


Seems like an AoE man camping the mid would get some serious farming done.

As I said the best thing to do would to spread out the creeps like an american football team (for all you europeans sorry you won't get this referance). There would be gaps but it basically is a wall. AoE would dominate but I think we could come up with something some special rule this map gets only because it is so differant.

EX: A flag each side starts with that if they hold it it doubles the cooldown of AoE spells on opposing team. This way farming wouldn't be as easy and you'd save up a little more. And if you take this flag and you are torchbearer well good farming to you. You probally already won.

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