please fix the following:
- more connection issues with 1.1 (takes very long to get a custom game starting). was working fine before 1.1
- still lobby bugs with people being in a different slot than the screen is showing
- favor items have to be bought all over again
- framerates are dropping very low some times! (but get better 1min ater..)
- my characters get stuck all the time or abort movement when i active skills or items, some skills like ooze activate and deactivate only every second time i press the button
- sometimes the buttons (1-4, f1-f4) wont work at all... i have to use the mouse in this case 
- alt tab is crashing the game almost always
- unhandled exceptions when starting a custom game, damn often (almost always by now)!!! followed by invalid user error, while trying to log in (some mates even cant get the game closed in this situations, neither with ctrl+alt+del, nor with alt+f4) <--- makes the game unplayable!
- games not counting in the statistics after playing a custom game, or being lost although they had been won.
- ui bugs all the time (radius missing, not casting spells, character standing at one place)
- the statistics page and forum is annoying slow... feels like you are running all game related issues on a pentium 1 with a 1mbit connection?? 
- the new chat window is ugly and blocks to much of my sight
- impulse chat sends messages way to late and most of the time they dont show up at the screen of the person you wrote to, so you dont get a reply
- random demigof feature not working and the scrollbars are ugly too. 1 option for a random demigod should be enough.
- teamplay awards i.e. for casting shields on allies, or for healing them...
- keep options from ingame settings. every start of the game i have to press tilde many times to get my preferences. (just want to see the healthbars of all demigods)
- make the game options be always visible to the custom game lobby. its just annoying to check the game options in the lobby all the time to see if the host has set up some strange things like strong towers, strong grunts etc.. would be nice if you could see the game´s options while mouseover a game in the custom games list.
-i really would like an option, which lets me decide what happens with the camera when i die and when i get back to life. its annoying that the cam spins around, zooms, whatever...
- After finishing a custom game it would be nice to get back to the online lobby, NOT the main menu!
- would be nice if there would be less gold for kills, but a longer death penalty. this way the lossing team could come back easier and it would make sense to buy the deatch penalty upgrade in the citadelle
- make the win/loss ratio of a player visible in game! annoying to check the stats of all the players with the slow homepage and alt+tab... (i have to play windowed mode in order to be able to see how skilled someone is) else you have no chance to see if the teams in custom games are balanced
- line of the skill´s radius more visible. i.e. the radius of regulu´s snipe... this deep red isn´t easy to be seen