Mrappard your suggestion would never work against two talented Dog players. If the Dog player is going for a health build which he pretty much will, snipe will immediately be nulled out, this is because you will not get any pushing power because of your suggestions.
In the early stages Oak can't push dog by himself and according to what you suggest, snipe can only be used when the beast is running away, this is because Regulus has no mana...Buy Armour? not likely, you suggest buying Universal gadgets and getting and anklets of speed. Forget Regulus healing oak, if you buy Gadgets immediately and SA..Regulus has 1420 health, with one spit from a dog he is gonna find himself with half his health and no means to push with without risking himself by throwing himself into the enemy. So Regulus will be low on money, with no real offensive and items that had one time uses which he's not getting back...Meanwhile the Co-ordinated dogs are melting through your towers like a hot knife through butter and taking extra flags. By this time the talented Dog players are getting progressively stronger with the extra income from destroying towers and leaving you defenseless while you and Oak have to go on damage control, even if you kill the dog's once or twice, it is still dominate, they will just bounce back.
You purpose a lot of spending without a real sustainable way to keep income flowing in, mines maxed do (450x3)x2 =2700 under the conditions you lay out 6 maxed mines and a dog sets off all of them, it would all be in vain unless you had your Oak friend there for direct support and the quick attack (The Dog would not run after setting off the mines if you are alone, he would stun and drain). By the time you got those levels the Dog would probably have about 5000 health..So he drops down to 2300, he still has many options and most likely on a small map like Cataract, the other dog would be near by! Of course again, by this time in the game, you will have no tower defense and the entire game will be played by hopping flag to flag maintaining the lead via the dogs. This results in A)The oak and Regulus always accompanying each other to each flag and trying to pick off dogs resulting in the steady rise of the warscore of the Dog players or
Split up, grab flags (Nice, big chance of getting killed). These are not solutions of how to win the game, even if you destroy the enemy defenses you have spent so much money on 1 time use items that any stun on you with be your downfall because you didn't buy long lasting wares. I mean mines are a bit useless for a player that focuses on speed, because hopping flag to flag means you are left no trap premises. You will also be left with snipe, which at max level and max distance does about 1050 damage, which is rather useless in something like dominate and to dogs which have about 5k health.
Your suggestion just falls flat because even with that play style, you will just fall when both dog's attack together which they probably will do because of the size of the map, so when you get pushed off, they will immediately go for the towers and get more flags. If you used gadgets and didn't kill you would just be even more handicapped. Hell, even if you did kill you'd get about 600 gold in the early stages with a 12 second res time, dogs' aren't really phased by that. You focus way to much in speed and assume that the dog's will be running away, without the initial means to make him run away. I mean, Davinaldo asks about getting pushed off the flags to often, so you suggest being faster? That would not work for the mere reason dog will destroy the weaker of the two Demigods first who would get pushed off even faster by purely focusing on speed and Universal gadgets (Regulus).