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[Guide] Regulus Mine Hybrid

By on June 17, 2009 10:39:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Long version:

Short version: 

1. Angelic Fury
2. Snipe
3. Scope
4. Mine
5. Mine II
6. Mark
7. Fury II
8. Mine III
9. Fury III
10. Shrapnel
11. Mark II
 12. Snipe II
13. Fury IV
 14. Snipe III


Favor: Blade of the Serpent
Early buy: Banded armor + Gauntlets of Brutality
Mid buy: Vlemish/Plenor + Nimoth + Mageslayer
End buy: Ashkandor, sell what you need to get this. 


Keep Angelic Fury up pretty much all the time. Use the splash damage from it to trigger Blade of the Serpent. 
Blow up reinforcements with Fury, and mines later on. 
Don't use Mine I, wait til you can lay at least 2.
Try to lure enemies onto mines, or throw them at the feet of an enemy demigod.  Combo with Mark for an extra large spike.  
 Use Snipe for finishing off fleeing demigods, particularly ones your teammates call out or chase away. 
Try to not engage enemies too long: set up traps and make use of your ranged attack. 

0 Karma | 8 Replies
June 19, 2009 4:03:54 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Why on earth are you wasting slots on mana regen if you have Blade of the Serpent as favour item?

June 19, 2009 8:12:56 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You will have to test it to check on my thoughts but Reggie needs either speed or slows to stay alive. You didn't opt for high health in that build and you have no speed items. Therefore anyone who attacks you will be on you like white on rice and you cant take a beating for long. Your only defence against this is the mines and in my experiance mines are not enought to stop a player who's got my number.  Also you have tons of mana but can't possibly use it when under attack as snipe is useless in close combat and mines have a fairly long re charge. The build might work as a shy regie, but I mean very shy.

   If you find what I say to be true when you play it try putting in tracking device, it is awesome with snipe. Drop a bit of the mana (keep serpent blade though) and add some health or Wyrmskin gloves to improve your ability to bail on a fight gone bad. Consider getting at least one rank of MotB, not for the damage but for the slow ( trust me when somone is trying to kill you they will use their abilitys so it will go off). Let us know if any of this makes it go beter or if your strat works beter as is.

June 19, 2009 8:37:41 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting tradjik,
Why on earth are you wasting slots on mana regen if you have Blade of the Serpent as favour item?


Just BotS usually isn't enough to supply mana for Mines, Mark and Angleic Fury if you use them often.

June 19, 2009 9:53:35 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

tradjik, as per IllegalDustbin, having the ability to refill my mana bar every 45s is more useful if you have a larger mana pool. 

Grotto, often times I'll throw in a Tracking device into my build, just so snipes are more powerful. But as this is currently a snipe-light build, I usually omit it. Also, if you didn't see it, my build does use Mark.  It's just called "Mark" not "MotB". And yes, I do tend to use this build more for hit-and-run type tactics.  Lay some mines, engage, pull enemy onto mines,mark, more mines, and hopefully by then they're scared/ready to die. 

June 19, 2009 10:43:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah, no speed + no slow + low health is a bad bad combo.  At a minimum you need Boots of Speed (instead of Gauntlets), and even thats a little slow.  Maybe if you added in Wand of Speed and Boots of Speed it would be good.

As it is now, you had better be godly with mines unless you plan on just hugging your towers.  I've found that when people play this type of build against me, they had better pray that they dont have a bad mine throw.  Because if I can get around the mines, they die since they cant run and cant fight me if the mines miss.

June 19, 2009 1:13:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Your progression is very weird.  Mine 3 is such a huge upgrade that I can't imagine this build getting the pretty mediocre AF 2 instead of it at level 7.  Similarly you get AF 3 at level 9, and so do not get mark rank 2 until level 11.  Mark 2 is awesome sauce, especially with shrapnel mines, whereas AF gives.... +25 damage.

Lastly I agree that both Vlemish and Plenor is too much. Yeah mana is nice, but you should be either a bit more careful in your ability useage, or use the BotS a bit better, Grab unbreakable boots for mana instead of the Plenor battlecrown.  Half the mana, but you get some much needed HP too.


June 19, 2009 1:25:06 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I woudl agree that going for mines III faster would probably benefit the build a bit. Another option is to save lvl 9 and get Shrapnel and Mark II at 10.

And I'm slightly confused.  Do you think I'm getting both crowns (I say to only get one)?  Or are you saying to skip crowns altogether and go with the Boots? 

June 19, 2009 1:31:27 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I had been assuming you got both, getting just one is pretty reasonable.  Though I admit that I often opt for just the Boots though, but I also go with Blood of the fallen, and eventually land a heart of life. So these are pretty different builds in general.

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