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A few suggestions from a new player

By on June 17, 2009 9:48:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hello!  So I've only been playing this game for a week, absolutely adore it and can't wait for even more.  I'm happy with just about everything in the game really, especially since seeing that the game will allow grouped pantheon and skirmishes soon which was going to be a gripe if you could only play ranked games with randoms... anyway...

1.  Give MP a pause option, I've seen other people suggest the same thing, but a pause option whether it be via vote, or one person pauses but anyone can unpause (better idea), is a good idea to let groups of people (especially at LAN's) attend to RL issues and come back to the game they were enjoying.  It would be useful online too if you're just playing with friends, perhaps limit it to one pause per person (which should definitely be enough online) to prevent people spamming it.

2.  Favor point pool.  I understand why there are three separate pools, but at the end of the day and with some of the difficulty it appears the favor item is still dealing with, why not just have one consolidated Favor pool?  Yes this would mean some people can farm points single player or mp more easily, but at the end of the day if someone is generally terrible online the favor items wont save them, and skilled players probably play enough to get them all in a short enough timeframe anyway. A consolidated pool could simplify the databases on SD's end, and streamline the game for the rest of us.

3.  This may seem trivial, but any chance we could rename our single player profiles?  Some of those achievements are a grind to get, and it's a shame knowing I have to create a new profile and start again cuz I made a stupid name choice at the start.  Trivial I know! But it's just single player/LAN so surely the ability to rename it wouldnt hurt anyone.

+4 Karma | 6 Replies
June 17, 2009 10:11:08 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

1. There is an option to allowing pausing in the game options allong with starting level/warrank/ gold etc. It is called timeouts and can be set to none/three/infinite, it defaults to none.


2. Not sure but I only have two pools offline and online. It is an alright idea but I think it is fine the way it is.


3. I don't see why a name matters in sp or lan but each to there own.


One thing I would like to see though is hotkeys for the menus e.g. "m" for multiplayer "s" for singleplayer etc and looking at the menus there doesn't appear to be any clashes. Being forced to use the mouse in menus can get annoying.

June 17, 2009 10:35:39 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks for the reply,

1.  Ah, glad to know it is there, it seems I've jumped the gun on that one then.  Glad to know it's there.

2.  I believe there online skirmish/pantheon favor pool is separate from the online custom games pool?  I could be wrong.  Either way, I'm not -overly- fussed, but earning the items once would be nice, and simpler on stardocks end surely.

3.  You're right, it shouldnt, but a right click rename option surely wouldnt be hard to implement either way, as you said each to their own.



June 18, 2009 1:07:38 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey - welcome to the community Vier and thanks for the post! 

June 18, 2009 9:25:43 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Hey Vier, if you want to change the name of your singleplayer/lan profile simply edit your game.prefs

(it's a textfile in which your options are stored; it's located in MyDocuments/MyGames/Gas Powered Games/Demigod)

you could even unlock all the favor items(for SP/Lan), but who would need that anyway

June 19, 2009 6:20:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Thanks for that Creep666 Really appreciated.  I'm not big on cheating, would rather earn those favor items!

I noticed that changing the profile name in that file erases my SP Tournaments, shame!  Do you know if it's possible to get around this?  I'll take a look myself.

You have to replace all the old names with the new name you want in the TournamentSave file in the 'savegames' folder, fixed.

I noticed whilst I was in that file that it had data from other profiles I had deleted, not that it would affect performance in any way at all, but is this simply an oversight in the code?  One file per profile could have made things neater (for people like myself who fiddle, lol)

June 19, 2009 7:14:35 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Regarding to names I reliase the ID I used here is different to the one I used to play by missing hiphens beside the letter X lol.

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