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Color blindness disability in Demigod, doh

By on June 15, 2009 10:09:45 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums


Yes, I am color blind. It wouldn't be bold to say that Demigod is mostly a game with a male dominated player base. That means that around 7-10% of the players are also color blind. Please, please, please can we have something that will help us, the color blind people, to distinguish between normal grunts and enemy demigods (I'm talking about the smaller model demigods). One time when I was playing, an Erebus was attacking me from behind while being inside a group of grunts. His model color was (to my eyes) very similar to the Forces of Light color. I didn't even notice he was hitting me for quite a while until he killed me. At which point I said "WTF? I didn't even see the guy". I have the same issues with Regulus or a Frost TB. They are hard to notice due to small size and (sometimes) same color palette (again, to my eyes). I am not talking about them hiding in a group of giants or near a Rook (this is a different problem altogether).

A glow around the demigods perhaps? More contrast between demigod colors and grunt colors? Bigger models for TB/Reg/Erebus?

Please take us into account Stardock/GPG (I know GPG don't read the forums, so please pass it on).


+6 Karma | 30 Replies
June 19, 2009 2:01:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

When I get back from work I shall try out some different colour setups, with pure white and black for the teams, and with more vibrant colours for the Demigods, and then take some more screenshots of a more frantic clump of dudes 

June 19, 2009 11:56:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Messed around some more! I know that the pink and purple look pretty close, and the non-light blue looks horrible on the unclean beast, but aside from that, do you think that these colours go well? I set Light to pure white and Dark to pure black.

June 22, 2009 12:43:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Very nice, looks so much better, lol! I hope they implement this in the game. FROOOOGBOOOOYYYYY!!!

BTW I don't even know what blue/purple you're talking about, lol!

June 23, 2009 9:16:48 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

That is some great work Chirmaya!   Even though I've gotten used to working my way through most color issues in games(still can't find ten seperate custom colors for races in GC2 that I can distinguish) every little bit helps, and I hope the devs are watching.

Besides easily losing DGs, I sometimes have to tell whos creeps are whos by the direction they are running

June 23, 2009 6:10:07 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Are the grunts actually red and green?  I'm colorblind and just thought they were kind of a dark grey and light grey.  I can only pick out like two or three colors in the lobby, the rest look the same.  Another solution would be to just add players' names over their heads as an option.  This would fix the problem of losing small dg's in groups of creeps, as well as save me the occasional tightening of the backside when I see a ub coming at me from a weird angle prior to mousing over their name.

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