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UB Hybrid Spit/Ooze

Why not have both?

By on June 10, 2009 3:58:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I've seen many UB builds posted here, but the latest seems to be a pure ooze build.  Some of the ooze players say that you sacrifice too much to get spit as well, but I've found that a combination build can be done easily that takes the strengths of both without sacrificing much from either.


Skill Build:

1)   Spit I

2)   Diseased Claws I

3)   Inner Beast I

4)   Spit II

5)   Foul Grasp I

6)   Post Mortem

7)   Spit III

8)   Ooze I

9)   Ooze II

10)  Spit IV

11)  Ooze III

12)  Ooze IV

13)  Inner Beast III

14)  Inner Beast IV

15)  Putrid Flow / Acclimation

16)  Acclimation / Putrid Flow

17-20)  Up to you from this point, I usually either get the last 2 points of Diseased Claws & 2 Stat points, or just straight 4 Stat Points


Item Build:

Favor Item: Blood of the Fallen

1)  Banded Armor + TP Scroll + Combat Pot/Cap Lock/TP Scroll (depends on map)

2)  Vlemish Helm

3)  Boots of Speed

4)  Unbreakable Boots

5)  Nimoth Chest Armor / Hauberk of Life (Depends on who you are fighting)

6)  Heart of Life

7)  Sell Vlemish Helm, buy Narmoths Ring


This is the base item build, it will cost around 13,500 to complete.  The total stats from these items (assuming Hauberk of Life) will be

+3150 HP

+60 HPS

+800 mana

+50% MPS

+10% Movespeed

After this it's up to you, Mageslayer/Ashkandor are good choices, Journeyman's Boots/Wand of Speed are also great if people keep running from you (the 50% movespeed proc is almost always on if you wade into towers/creeps).


This build starts off focusing on Spit (great harasser, can be used against buildings & to get runners/ help an ally easier), and then mid game pumps up ooze.  I don't take Ooze early because I would rather focus on leveling & staying in the lane over melee w/ooze running which make you lose a lot of your hp, even if you win.  You really don't want to go toe-to-toe with the big tanks if they are at full HP until you max ooze & get more of your HP items either.  Heart of Life is pretty key to this build as well, it will keep you from constantly having to run to the fountain, and it gives you a full tank of Mana and a lot of HP every 30 secs.  The ideal way to kill someone is to soften them up with Spits, use the HOL to get back up to full, and then charge in.  If they are already low on life, just charge on in then.  I don't feel that you give up anything (other than you don't become a melee terror until mid game) by taking Spit, and it's great for taking down buildings, runners & adds DPS (& AoE after lvl 15) to your normal fights (still ticks while foul grasp is going off too).  It is a bit mana intensive, but late game you can play it just like a pure Ooze build if you want to save mana (I always keep enough mana to get off a Foul Grasp).  A lot of people think you don't need Post Mortem either, but I find it great for farming & taking on waves of creeps (and the damage hurts buildings & other DG's in the area).  This is basically an all-round build that works great all game & makes UB able to do most anything.

0 Karma | 11 Replies
June 10, 2009 4:13:47 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You won't have the mana to run Spit and Grasp and you won't have the HP/S to comfortably run ooze like the pure spits and pure oozes can. You're a 100 meter man in a marathon game.

June 10, 2009 5:08:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'd focus on Ooze with some Spit (not the other way around), that works best I suppose. You can easily run this with only the UB boots, and all hp/arm items. Spit II and III are very cost effctive. Grasp you only need to interupt.

Don't get speed boots, thats a waste of an armor slot. You can get Wand of Speed if you need the speed.

June 10, 2009 5:14:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

If 100 meter men finish quickly (get the kill) its worth the build, and returning to the crystal everytime is fine.

June 10, 2009 6:02:37 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I play Hydrid UB, my build is somewhat similiar to yours but I dont get inner beast until I maxed out Spit/Ooze. I dont think you need Post Mortem though since you are already doing AOE with Ooze. Plus I use HP gear instead of Speed boot. Wand of Speed is my substitute for Boot of Speed.

June 10, 2009 7:18:28 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i used almost that exact build whenever i play on Leviathan. on that map you start with +15 health regen and +15 mana regen flags let you get away with it.


on a map like Cataract I find it almost impossible to play a build like this. i nearly always start as pure spit and then switch into Ooze around level 11 or 12 just for a strong finish. 


the basic problem is the item tensions in the early and mid levels.


a pure spit build will acquire Scaled Helm from the outset and often use a Swift Anklet. you'll have superior mana and speed even from level 1 and can out-harass basically anything. similarly a pure ooze build is just focusing on health and regen (doesn't bother with Vlemish) so it has greater lane staying power. 


the hybrid style works well under certain circumstances but the "sprinter" mentality is problematic anytime you have to accomplish more than getting your kill and getting out. you definitely will run into situations where you went OOM too soon and missed a lethal spit on a runner or a Foul Grasp that could save your or a team-mate. it just goes with the territory, its a higher risk playstyle focused more narrowly on DG kills and less on staying power, lane control, or any of that other stuff. 

June 10, 2009 7:39:20 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

the lack of Foul Grasp will kill you,

You won't have interrupts,
You won't have HP regen.

Plus you need HP regen items to run ooze well,
But for your spit you need mana items.

Don't see an hybrid working.

June 10, 2009 8:22:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting klaaspyro,
the lack of Foul Grasp will kill you,

You won't have interrupts,
You won't have HP regen.

Plus you need HP regen items to run ooze well,
But for your spit you need mana items.

Don't see an hybrid working.

Are you referring to OP?  Because I definitely see a grasp at level 5.

And you use grasp for the interrupt; wasting skill points on levelling it up for the regen is a major waste.

June 10, 2009 8:54:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

The mana cost of Grasp II and III are insane, also the stun length is the same for all three levels, and +300 life is totally pointless if you are running 6-7k hp builds. It's really only worth it for interupting. Otherwise you get way more damage with Spit III (150+1150 over 10s), which costs the same als Foul Grasp I (332 life over 2s, delta ist 664).

Spit I is 1 dmg/mana, Spit II is 1.38 dmg/mana, Spit III is 1.62 dmg/mana and Spit IV is 1.73 dmg/mana. On a hybrid build I'd usually stay a bit behind on Spit to get Inner Beast II faster, which is 7%, and the best you can get is 10%. No need to rush Spit, the mana is limited anyway.

June 10, 2009 8:56:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Tassadar,
If 100 meter men finish quickly (get the kill) its worth the build, and returning to the crystal everytime is fine.

I disagree. Your presence is always better served on the battlefield where you can react to situations. If you're returning to the flag after every encoutner, yes, the enemy is dead, but you're not making any use of the advantage you've gained by killing an enemy DG.

June 10, 2009 9:30:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting TormakSaber,
I disagree. Your presence is always better served on the battlefield where you can react to situations. If you're returning to the flag after every encoutner, yes, the enemy is dead, but you're not making any use of the advantage you've gained by killing an enemy DG.

Early game I think it's almost always worth it to get a kill then return to the fountain -- more gold faster.  I do get HoL earlier with this build to prevent that as much as possible though.  It gives me all the mana regen I need -- with my item build, I usually have 3k+ mana (even after selling the Vlemish) by the time I get it, and 4k+ if I get to higher levels -- generally enough for 3-4 spits and a grasp, and the HoL will refill that fully (making it the only mana regen item I need, and it doesn't take an armor slot).  It also heals you by 3k HP, which coupled with the high HP regen anyways basically means you never have to go to the fountain again.  The weakness of this build is its early dependence on mana, but once you get Vlemish Faceguard you are pretty set for it. 

For changes to my original build, I'm prolly going to go with a couple of Ntropy's suggestions: I may try getting the wand of speed over the boots as I do like the fact that it's a faster sprint & frees up an armor slot, and I may get Inner Beast II at 7, and then depending on my items at that point, either keep upgrading Spit or pump Ooze.

As to Post Mortem, I do agree that you don't "need" it, but it definately helps farm creep waves throughout the whole game (2-3 hits will clear a wave).  I get it early to get the gold advantage faster, and I don't think I lose anything critical.

June 10, 2009 9:40:31 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I disagree. Your presence is always better served on the battlefield where you can react to situations. If you're returning to the flag after every encoutner, yes, the enemy is dead, but you're not making any use of the advantage you've gained by killing an enemy DG.

I disagree also, though i see where you are comming from. If you get a couple of early kills with this strat.. you will have more money.. thus more staying power. Once this happens you dont have to go to the crystal.

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