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1.01 Casting ("Sedna") bug and Path finding.

By on June 2, 2009 5:55:00 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok so the start off, the casting bug is in no way fixed. My Demigod still stands there like a lemon quite often when I try to activate a targetted ability and my Demigod will stops auto attacking and moving whilst refusing to activate the ability till I move them.


 Also the path finding seems to of been broken in the update? I was just in a game as UB on prison and I was constantly getting stuck on "invisible walls" (not even near any corners or edges which is what used to cause it...) which caused him to run on the spot, and while watching UB imitate being on a treadmill is quite humorous it's more than just a bit frustrating when you're trying to chase someone down or escape. I have never experienced characters getting stuck this extremely prior to the update, and NEVER in a wide open space like the middle of Prison.

+8 Karma | 1 Reply
June 2, 2009 6:00:19 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

i sort of wrote the same here

What I noticed is that if you give an ability command and the DG has to turn around more than 90 degrees, he gets stuck...

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