w/e this is the best QoT guide written yet imo.
I agree with the author that ground spikes is a nice skill but it also semi-negates the only thing QoT does good because it requires her to change forms and lose tempo.
I disagree with his assesment of how strong bramble shield is in comparison to sednas heal though. Early game its defintly more powerful but it gets progressively worse as the game goes on. Armor doesnt effect the damage shields absortion so it will get used up fast as the game progresses. Also later on Heal actually heals for a little more, cost less mana and has a nice little aoe damage effect. and Sednas last skill in her heal line has more synergy with sedna in general and is much better at keeping her alive. heals also can be used when someone is already badly injured to bring them back to full life... with shielding this is not possible. So if someone has 300 life left then they are stuck that low.. just with shield.
if you are playing QoT as a demigod assassin then you shouldn't be allowed to call this author or anyone else a noob imo.
First off, I really like the original post's strategy guide. Very interesting and I have played her that way, except without using the shamblers in the same way the OP did (I just didn't stop to consider that you could mulch long range like that).
However, I think what makes Sedna and her heals better than bramble shield are a few things:
1.) Sedna is healing at least a portion of the damage which occurs after the armor reduction mitigates some damage. On the other hand, shield is a mitigator but there is not armor reduction for shield. The cumulutive effect is that shield only mitigates a portion of the effective hit points heal mitigates.
2.) Sedna has more passive healing streams generally than QoT
3.) QoT is really mana dependent so you can't spend as much on armor and hp gear.
4.) Sedna almost always has a pounce to go with her healing. QoT's nukes are in the open stance and so she has to stance dance. The stance dancing can sometimes force her to have her flower open in a bad, low hp situation. Sedna, always has her nuke and heal ready for rapid use (pounce plus self heal is effectively a huge "Bite" a la Erebus). As a fight w/ Sedna wears on, she gets the upper hand. Late game Sednas are also fast, so they chase and pounce effectively. Not only that, they can heal thru any tower damage they may suffer while chasing.
I like to go shields early and then ground spikes, spike wave later w/ a few points in uproot. Grounds spikes and spike wave are great for hero kill assists and uproot is great w/ compost. You will take buildings down extremely fast this way.
Going full shamblers/shield is a very defensive playstyle and really limited vs AOE strong classes. I will try it more though after reading the above guide.