Ok, most people who have internet have larger download speeds than upload speeds. As a result many are having connection issues in game due to the upload rates.
From what I have read Demigod requireds 4 k/s for each player in the game (not including self). https://forums.demigodthegame.com/353092 posted by Istari on page 1.
It is also my understanding that K and kB represent the same thing, Kilobyte (please correct me if I am wrong). Now as the post below me has pointed out, many providers such as my own list speed as kilobits, not kilobites. kb=kilobit, kB or k=kilobyte. This makes a huge diffenece. I will use k for kilobyte and kb for kilobit. Also Mb = to megabit, which is commonly seen on speed tests. (Note: Mb IS NOT megabyte, MB is) It seems there is much confusion due to differing units of measurement and their abbreveations.
So for 2v2 you need 3x4 k/s = 12 k/s = 96kb/s = .094 Mb/s
3v3 needs 5x4 k/s = 20 k/s = 160kb/s = .16Mb/s
4v4 needs 7x4 k/s = 28 k/s = 224kb/s = .22Mb/s
5v5 needs 9x4 k/s = 36 k/s = 288kb/s = .28Mb
So now we know that idealy you need at least: 288kb/s or 36k/s or .28Mb/s upload speed to play this game. That is for this game only, no background programs, and no ther users on your network.
Now I have Att DSL Express With an actual upload close to the advertised 384 kb/s.
This means my upload can be represented as 384kb/s or 48k/s or .375Mb/s. This explains why I have issues playing on line if a) I am running thing in the backround that use the internet, or my laptop is using my wireless network thus also hogging bandwith.
Also my net moniter (on a g15 keyboard, part of SirReals app) confirms that the upload rate is never really any higher than 36k. So I am inclined to think the numbers above should be acurate for all Demigod players.