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Official Bandwith usage thread (Ok not official)

By on May 25, 2009 7:38:57 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ok, most people who have internet have larger download speeds than upload speeds.  As a result many are having connection issues in game due to the upload rates.

From what I have read Demigod requireds 4 k/s for each player in the game (not including self).  posted by Istari on page 1.

It is also my understanding that K and kB represent the same thing, Kilobyte (please correct me if I am wrong).  Now as the post below me has pointed out, many providers such as my own list speed as kilobits, not kilobites.  kb=kilobit, kB or k=kilobyte.  This makes a huge diffenece. I will use k for kilobyte and kb for kilobit. Also Mb = to megabit, which is commonly seen on speed tests. (Note: Mb IS NOT megabyte, MB is) It seems there is much confusion due to differing units of measurement and their abbreveations.

So for 2v2 you need 3x4 k/s = 12 k/s  = 96kb/s = .094 Mb/s

3v3 needs               5x4 k/s = 20 k/s = 160kb/s = .16Mb/s

4v4 needs               7x4 k/s = 28 k/s = 224kb/s = .22Mb/s

5v5 needs               9x4 k/s = 36 k/s = 288kb/s = .28Mb

So now we know that idealy you need at least: 288kb/s or 36k/s or .28Mb/s upload speed to play this game. That is for this game only, no background programs, and no ther users on your network.

Now I have Att DSL Express With an actual upload close to the advertised 384 kb/s.

This means my upload can be represented as 384kb/s or 48k/s or .375Mb/s.  This explains why I have issues playing on line if a) I am running thing in the backround that use the internet, or my laptop is using my wireless network thus also hogging bandwith.

Also my net moniter (on a g15 keyboard, part of SirReals app) confirms that the upload rate is never really any higher than 36k. So I am inclined to think the numbers above should be acurate for all Demigod players.

+4 Karma | 6 Replies
May 25, 2009 9:05:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Now I have Att DSL Express With an actual upload close to the advertised 384 kb/s. It is also my understanding that K and kb represent the same thing, Kilobyte (please correct me if I am wrong).

I believe that the discussion of bandwidth used was using kB (kilobytes) but most ISPs rate their speed in kb (kilobits). This means that if your ISP rates your upload at 384 kb/s, this is actually only 48 kB/s. ISPs have been using the subtle distinction between kb and kB for years to make their connections seem 8 times as fast.

May 25, 2009 10:51:34 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting muusbolla,

quoting post

Now I have Att DSL Express With an actual upload close to the advertised 384 kb/s. It is also my understanding that K and kb represent the same thing, Kilobyte (please correct me if I am wrong).

I believe that the discussion of bandwidth used was using kB (kilobytes) but most ISPs rate their speed in kb (kilobits). This means that if your ISP rates your upload at 384 kb/s, this is actually only 48 kB/s. ISPs have been using the subtle distinction between kb and kB for years to make their connections seem 8 times as fast.

THanks for the heads up.  You were correct, so I edited the above post. 

May 25, 2009 11:10:32 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

do people really have those slow speeds

the standard cable connection here has 1mbit up, and the standard dsl is like 384(really people only use dsl here if they HAVE to)

May 25, 2009 11:17:38 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Someone just posted in another thread who has a 0.13mb/sec connection complaining about his 3 on 3 experience.

Demigod requires a broadband connection which typically is considered 0.256mb/sec or better (megabit) both downloading and uploading.

v1.01 of Demigod is designed to use less bandwidth.

BTW, 5 on 5 Demigod uses around 26K per second right now now 36K per sec.

May 26, 2009 7:26:56 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting Istari,
v1.01 of Demigod is designed to use less bandwidth.

BTW, 5 on 5 Demigod uses around 26K per second right now now 36K per sec.


Im sorry but for now I will say that I personally reccomed 36k for 5v5.  That is the theoretical max one should need. I understand that it is often not what is needed, but that is what MAY be needed based on 4k a person.  And that number is from Istari.

For those who thing this is a rediculous amount of bandwith is not.  Is is more than many games, yes.  But  once we get that 35% reduction, it should be on par with many other online games. I will update my numbers when the update happens too.

July 11, 2009 9:55:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I have watched my bandwidth during the game and in a 3v3 the game normally sits around 20 to 25KB/s (Roughly 5KB is because of vent I have runnig to chat with freinds.) But when the game ends it normally spikes up to 45KB/S for a couple seconds (when the score comes up at the end of match).(As of 1.1 patch...

I have not watched a 4v4 or 5v5 yet but i will do that sometime this weekend since i want to know.



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