Thanks for the news update.
Ive got some time between work and will check it out.
So far the majority of hosters are hosting games in the US/AUS - Lets see.
There was an EU host named "Nazoe" or something. He gave up hosting as no one could join his game.
I can not connect or either people can connect to me to any of the current 7,8 hosted games ( hosting seems to be in AUS & USA ).
Will try Pantheon now...
Didnt get Pantheon working. Met the same people in the connection process which tried to host custom games a bit earlier.
I like that its given information now mentioning the players names on those "proxied" and how many people are looking for a Pantheon game.
Since the last updates I can connect to more than 1 person, but still most people cant connect to me.
>>> Its the first time since May14th that someone managed to connect to me.
Still I cant play multiplayer.
Tried 2 more Pantheons - The connection dialog didnt show up anymore in those 2 tries.
Tried another Pantheon: This time I can connect to a lot of people, but no one to me - Thats the screenshot below.
In the screenshot above it was the other way around.
Lets see how the German box sales goes.
If the Germans dont hesitate on the English language - Expect some new posts on connection issues.
I guess the experience for AUS/USA players is different than for EU players.
My friends in EU cant play Demigod since May14th.