Man if you've seen it used so many times it just has to be correct...
I've seen "pss" used many times as well and it sure as hell isn't correct (hooray postscript script). Postscript #2? Is that like a postscript taking a shit? On top of that, it's always capitalized. I've seen it used many times not capitalized, but that doesn't mean it's correct. Those people are just retarded.
If you're going to educate others on grammar at least use some of it yourself. Beyond failing at postscript, you fail to use apostrophes. "So its correct what?" Failing to differentiate between "its" and "it's" is like using the wrong there / their / they're.
Ha ha ha 4Nana, you really make my day, you know that? 
First of all, I already said that I like p.s.2 better than P.P.S. "Post Postscript" seems lame to me.
Yes, I know it needs to be capitalized, but I dont like that either 
And you say those people are just retarded, I say you need to get laid asap, because you clearly have some issues my friend!
Also, checking out if your perfect cake has enough cherries on top, is kind of lame, IMO. My grammar is just fine comparing to most people here, considering that many of them are American, and English is their native, while my native is Greek.
Apostrophes huh? Is that all you got? Really?

99% of the people in the forums never use apostrophes, but whatever.
Now, you can cry about these errors of mine, OR you can

Happy now, howboutnooooo? 
Postscript #2? Is that like a postscript taking a shit? long did it take you to think of this "line"? Maybe YOU need to do what p.s.2 is doing? No? You ate too many pies? Ok then 
Now that we have established that 4Nana needs to get laid, and that he is clearly constipated, I want to point out the following, in order to clear any confusion:
English is NOT my native language. I am from Greece, and Greek is my native. I am constantly trying to improve my English, and I am kind of a grammar Nazi myself.
That doesnt mean that I am always the first to correct people's errors, but if I see a post thats really poor in grammar, I will probably do so.
Anybody who points out my errors is welcome to do so, as I do some mistakes in spelling sometimes, due to writing at a fast pace.
Now, 4Nana, I am gonna be very clear to you:
1. I dont care if you dont like the way I write.
2. I prefer to use p.s.2, than P.P.S.
3. I dont use any apostrophes in order to increase my writing speed.
4. Please dont cry about it. I dont want to cause you any kind of sadness, whatsoever 
5. Deal with the above or GTFO.
Now give me some noms, dammit! 

That would be all.