Xen of Onslaught CLAN WARS Division -- Recruitment Thread
Demigod Div Members: 20+
Clan Active Members: 800+
Website: http://www.xoohq.com
Forums: http://www.xoohq.com/forums/
Recruiting Status: Currently Open
Timezone: US, EU, Oceanic
About Us: Xen of Onslaught strives to enhance and enrich the online gaming experience for adults through the use of actively supported forums, voice communications and dedicated game servers. There are several hundred members in our community and we are all about PvP.
Xen of Onslaught is a respected adult multi-gaming guild with over 800 members spanning several gaming fronts including: Warhammer, Age of Conan, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Darkfall, RFO, and COD4. We are a be all, end all guild that will fit every one of your guild needs for Demigod and the many games to come. A community of adult veteran players we will revel in power through tactical, military might and experience.
We're putting this together in preparation for the future Clan Wars DLC for Demigod, which has been officially announced but the release date is still TBA. Xen of Onslaught has been around for a long time, and we're always on the look out for serious members who want to enjoy Demigod in a professional and adult environment. Below is a list of people who have joined our fold, and will be taking the steps towards building a new Demigod division that we intend to have survive for a very long time.
We are active in posting on our forums and in ventrillo hosting a 250+ person server with plenty of people online at ALL times.
We are Xen of Onslaught...prepare for war and let the onslaught begin!
All recruits interested in joining XoO will be on a trial membership status for a month and then promoted to a full member once the alloted time has been fulfilled within the guild. The purpose of this period is to make sure your an active member of our community, make sure your right for us and allow you the ability to focus on relations within the guild to build strong ties with our members. Xen of Onslaught is all about friendship, ties, and teamwork and will emphasize the importance of this in our many strategic and effective methods of battle.
Since full membership takes a full month there will be no immediate restrictions on ability or functionality. We are not an elitist guild, but one that allows every one of our members to have a good time; be them a new recruit or a 7+ year old veteran. You will have the opportunity to voice your opinion and be taken seriously rather than be a number in a nameless guild. Membership will progress the moment you sign up and not when the game is released, so join now and become a member of a great guild that will last a lifetime.
Once you are accepted into XoO, we encourage you to get involved on our forums and in game right away so we can get to know you! As with most things in life, the more you put into the community the more you will take away from it.
You must be 18 years of age or older to join XoO. This isn't based solely on maturity, it is adult gamers tend to have a different set of priorities and our goals are to get people together in an environment they are looking for.

The Application Overview:
At present, the Demigod Divsion has no leader or organized goals for long term, yet. We've several applications open to people interested in not only joining, but if they show enough interest, perhaps even take control of the division itself. We offer three different time slot areas. There is much to be done in the growth of this division, and it takes a good amount of enthusiam to really keep people motivated and the numbers strong.
The application process for this game is simple, since there needs to be a ground floor opperation to get the ball rolling and to start gaining momentum for CLAN WARS.
- How old are you?
- What gaming experience do you have?/How often will you play during a week
- Do you have a mic?
- Are you willing to user Ventrillio?
- Why do you want to join XoO/Why do you feel you'll be a good fit?
- What will you contribute to the guild? How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?
- What are you good at? What builds/professions do you usually play? What weaknesses do you find yourself having?
- Country?
- Timezone? (GMT+/-)
- Normal Play-times? (e.g. M-F, weekends, etc)
Answer all 10 questions above within this thread, because complete access to our forms is not granted until you've been accepted as a trial member. A response to your application will be provided PM within this forum, including instructions on how to proceed further to join the ranks of XoO. Good luck!