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Playing DG without opened ports !

By on May 14, 2009 11:23:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



im going to buy DG after Euro-Release.

But I cant open the ports because this would kill our home-network (complicated story, but it is so)

Is DG also playable without opened ports ? what are the handicaps for me without opened ports in 2 weeks ?


I hope the netcode for NAT connaction will be good enough for the EU-release !

0 Karma | 3 Replies
May 14, 2009 11:29:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

For EU release proxy servers are meant to be up so it shouldnt be a problem.

I opened my ports but with PortFF check (its a program) it says they are still close, but I can join and host games like everyone else.

Opening ports helps, but it really isnt something you should worry about if you cant

May 14, 2009 11:36:02 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Yeah. The whole idea behind Demigod's system is that you shouldn't have to open ports. It makes it easier and more fool-proof if you can but it's meant to work without having to. Currently, some European ADSL users are having problems, but as DalzK mentioned the proxies are hopefully going up today and are hoped to eliminate the issues there..

May 15, 2009 3:21:36 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

@ DemiCom,


here's quoting myself from a different thread..........

As I've posted about earlier, I don't believe "forwarding" of ports is even the bigger issue here.  The biggest issue with Demigod is that the level of NAT-filtering (either on out-going or incoming connections) is breaking things.

Unfortunately many people's setups don't allow for changes to the level of NAT-filtering being applied to their connections (and in some cases their ISP's are the culprits).  Symmetric NAT modems, double-NAT scenarios, ISP NAT-filtering etc. are the big problems here.

I have tested the following on my two internet connections (one is DSL, and one cable)

--  Disabling SPI ("telling SPI to back off"), and "relaxing NAT-filtering "  (as described in my generic networking guide Networking for the Gamer  ) was sufficient  (at least for my connections) I did not need to have any ports forwarded.

The problem is, many routers still don't have options for "relaxing NAT-filtering" etc. and so forwarding ports is the next best option.

Since UPnP is essentially "dynamic" port-forwarding (forwarding incoming traffic on ports the program has sent traffic out on) the only issue I see with using it for Demigod is that it may not detect having to forward traffic on a port-range and could therefore prevent incoming connections on ports that haven't been used for outgoing traffic yet.

Your best bet is to try changing the level of NAT-filtering being applied to (all points modem, router, ISP etc.) your connection, and if you can't do that, then properly forwarding the ports (port-range) as specified.


the Monk


That said, the proxies both DalzK and Annie mentioned are sure to help with your particular situation. 

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