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Demigod: Scheduled Games = the eVite of death

By on May 13, 2009 7:04:34 PM from JoeUser Forums JoeUser Forums

One of the things we want to really expand on in Demigod is the notion of multiplayer options.

As many of you know, one of the things that absolutely kills MP games in the long-run is the ability to get matches going with people of equal skill level.

The solution to this is to create a system that works inside and outside the game for setting up scheduled games.  Today, the web team submitted a proposal to provide an iPhone page to support this as well.


Here’s how it will work:

A user comes to the Demigod website and in the Pantheon area clicks on a future tab called “Schedule a Game”.  On that tab, the person can either create a game or participate in a scheduled game.

If you choose to create a scheduled game, you would then pick:

  1. Name of your game
  2. What time
  3. Number of players
  4. Map
  5. Game Mode
  6. Minimum XP level
  7. Maximum XP level
  8. Maximum number of No Shows allowed
  9. Maximum number of disconnected allowed

When a user tries to join it, if they aren’t on the host’s “ban list” (which will be implemented this Spring), they are then added to the list.  The game creator can reject people for their game if they want.

At the scheduled time, players load up Demigod, choose “Scheduled Game” and it shows all the games that they’ve committed to.   At the scheduled time, they choose “Fight” and off they go.  There will be a 5 minute window for players to get into the game. After 5 minutes, if a player doesn’t show they get a “no show” stat added to their account.

So when?

I’m afraid to give estimates other than “sooner rather than later”.  It will probably be part of the Demigod: Clan Wars DLC.

+897 Karma | 51 Replies
June 3, 2009 11:10:06 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I dont like planning games in advance. I dont have a stable IRL schedule and i most certainly will get banned really quick if such a system were implemented... I think you should work on pre-made team matchmaking before doing this.

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