Ok, there's a lot of threads about this so I didn't want to start another, but I also bet a lot of ppl are ignoring the erebus got nerfed threads. Well even so let's see if this actually get's answered.
I think it has become clear that the vast majority of people (people are unclear from both sides of the fence apparently) are wondering/guessing just how GPG/SD decided to nerf bite? I ask because diminishing the quality of the skill on 3 different fronts that really don't even address the balance of the skill seems a lot like GPG/SD really are just catering to the forums. Can anyone really say they think this will fix anything? I'm still unclear what's was/is broken with it. Increasing the mana seems like he's getting too much use out of it, or possibly he didn't have to worry about mana gear, or holy crap, what if they added a level 15 level to it? Actually make the skill scale? wow then that might deserve a little balancing. I guess my point here is, ok it's getting nerfed, but WHY? I haven't seen one player that is actually good say that erebus' bite is OP'd. Also the fact of the matter is, having an erebus on your team != victory, which is the way it would be if were actually OP'd right? Isn't that the definition of OverPowered? Do some ppl even know what OP stands for besides original poster? It sure doesn't seem like it. OP doesn't mean a half useful skill that you don't like having used on you. Sure it's good at early leves, but how about not rage quiting and stick around for a whole game.
Why? GPG and SD this is directly at you. What kind methods did you use to come to the conclusion that bite is overpowered?
Stardock likely won't have an response simply because I believe this comes from GPG directly, the developer.
The short answer is that Erebus is balanced badly. He has 3 skills that function completely different than any other gods skills with two of them having a strong synergy together. The three skills are obviously Bat swarm, Bite and Mist. Mist is a optional skills and is not responsible for wide spread Erebus success as much as it is for clever avoidance and self preservation, such as misting through hammer slams or using it to drop debuffs off of you. Its not likely to kill anyone and because of that, the nerf calls for it are much lower.
Of the three skills I listed, the only one that is an actual attack that can be used to as a means of consistent offense is Bite. Outside of bite, Erebus uses his auto attack for damage and that is pretty much the sum of all his attacks in a nutshell. Batswarm has a nice slice of several hundred dmg on it but you must swarm through the enemy, and bat swarm is anything but mana efficient (hint: its a huge mana cost).
Basically the problem is and isnt Bite. Erebus is literally made to rely on Bite in the early game and because its a strong early game ability it serves very effectively at doing enough damage to scare a demigod and also keeping erebus alive, since without it hes just auto attacking. Since they tied a healing move into a damage move, Erebus often bites to keep his life up while keeping his foes life down. This is very annoying to people and devestating to players who simpyl don't know how Erebus plays. A good Erebus player wants to be close, because when hes close to you, even if taking damage, he can still damage and heal. His weakness is keeping him from biting while damaging him. In the early game Erebus is powerful with Bite's scaling but his armor is low early on and he goes down pretty quick when he cannot keep a bite chain going. Its not like there is an alternative to this. If bite is too weak, Erebus cannot sustain a 1vs1 versus many foes in the early phases, The real problem is that it also lowers the targets armor and snares them, so it makes it to wear a Erebus who was fighting for his life to survive vs a Oak is now chasing the oak who is now running but cannot get away. It pisses people off.
Once Erebus gets batswarm, now he has a zip line to get close to bite people and to keep biting them. When you factor in bite is a 7 second cooldown, but on a few maps, capturing certain flags brings that to a 5 second cool down and shit gets wild.
The flip side is in the end game, Bite is weak. It still helps and is by no means useless but you find enemies no longer lose the gracious chunk of life they once had before. Its dps effectiveness tops out around level 11-12 and from there on the other gods are only getting more used to it. As a balance I guess, Erebus armor value begins to scale highly at high level, compare to his squishy low level values. Its quite odd really but all the gods seem to have some quirks like this (different strength at different tiers of game time).
I personally think the nerf was a bit misguided. It nerfed the skill in odd ways, rather than say, remove the snare entirely or increase cooldown, they sliced it up on the sides and left both camps unhappy. Nerf cries fear its still too strong and Erebus players wonder why the mana cost was increased and the effectiveness was lowered.
I will agree that Bite has some nice debuffs attached to it that should perhaps be reconsidered or tweaked, but the base damage volume was fine and quite needed unless they take the skill back to the drawing board and scale it better for his entire game. A erebus player would rather have a good bite to rely on for staying alive in a fight than have one that slows/lowers armors and generally makes running from him impossible. Perhaps a way to chose if bite becomes a big health taker or a big debuffer would have offered some more build options with him and spliced the problem. Not sure. Sorry for the long post.