Ok, just a little bit of a critique on your game.
1. Saving up for a 4k breastplate as the first thing you buy after the start?! The cheaper items are much more efficient converting gold to stats and there is opportunity cost in losing stats early even if they were more expensive and that certainly isn't a TB's priority buying health before getting any decent regen.
2. Not buying consumables until late game. Not a single health or mana potion in the entire game. They are extremely useful. It takes about 10 minutes before a scaled helm generates more mana than spending that gold on potions, for example.
3. Not countering UB's spit. He forced you back to your crystal so many times with one ability. Get health potions, get more health regen, get Oak to send you a priest, there are scrolls that remove it, you could deep freeze it when he is casting it and there is even a favour item that removes all debuffs with a 30 seconds cooldown.
4. ...which led to going to the crystal constantly. You would never be out of mana if you spent just ~3k on mana regen helms. UB's spit is always going to be a real annoyance but it shouldn't force you back so often.
5. ...culminating in much less xp than you should have gotten and less flags.
6. As was said, tower regen. It makes it much harder to kill them over time. You have great aoe and should be able to pretty effectively protect your towers from being killed by a mob. Even tower attack upgrades 1 and 2 (3 onwards is terrible) are great when you can afford them (TB should be able to manage) - they massively increase the tower's aoe damage and they can stop those hordes of grunts and priests being a threat, which means less babysitting.
7. Currency, as was said. It's cheap and pays for itself in a couple minutes
8. Playing pure frost, you could at least switch to fire and back for 15 seconds of +50% mana regen when no one is around.
The other team got priests and then failed to push with them. And you were a TB able to one-shot waves with ease. This allowed you to gain a massive level advantage which you used to push them back.
I would comment on others but it was only from your PoV so I couldn't see what exactly they were doing. The UB for example gave the impression of not playing the mid to late game well. He gave a kill or two but more importantly he had opportunities where he meleed you for several seconds yet his damage was terrible. With bramble shield spam he should have been farming anyone who didn't keep their distance. Your 4k armor gave 30% further reduction to autoattack but that shouldn't have been enough in itself. He was 4 or so levels behind I believe which is very significant but he had plenty of gold to work with at that point. I don't know... anyone with more experience with UB want to point out why my expectations are wrong?