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New Demigod: The Storm Kahn (Assassin)

By on May 5, 2009 4:40:33 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Demigod: Storm Khan (Assassin)

Summary: The Storm Kahn is a massive, majestic Gryphon, a sort of thematic counter, a light beast Demigod to counter the Unclean Beast. She is much more mobile than any other Demigod, with the ability to fly over obstacles that other characters cannot. This allows her to engage quickly, as well as make her way behind enemy lines to capture flags or harrass enemies. Her Thunderous dive ability lets her enter the battle with savage power. However, leaving battle is much more difficult, as taking off leaves her vulnerable for a time. If she can get airborne, however, she can usually escape. Her other skills are a blend of debuffs and savage attacks, as well as some powerful, if unpredictable, lightning attacks.

    Listen well, for I will tell you the story of the Storm Khan, the sky-queen, our protector and king. The people of the steppes have lived for always on the green ocean called Rethaz-hur. In ancient times our herds were fat, our children healthy, and our men strong. Our women wove beads of peacetime into our leathers, and not steel of war. Khans were fair and just, and strife was nigh unheard of.
    Lo, such paradise could not last forever. It came to pass that Hugriz, the wizard, toyed with forces that man should never touch, and created the abominable centaurs, chimera's of man and horse. They served him for a time, and were even considered noble. Hugriz was a harsh master, however, and their already brutish nature was hardened into savagery. Wielding them like a hammer, he began his conquest of the tribes.
    As mighty as our warriors were with their steppe horses and their shortbows, the centaur were a fearsome foe. The wars raged across the plains for generations, long after Hugriz had died. Running battles became a fact of life. The remaining tribes banded together, and the combined might of all the peoples of the steppes was indeed titanic.
    Leading the tribes was a man of great wisdom and virtue, Turez-Khan. Turaz was a paragon of men, and he lead the tribes to a stalemate with the centaur horde. An uneasy peace developed, but the people of the steppe could never rest or lay down arms, for fear of provoking an attack through their weakness.
    Turez-Khan ruled for many years, justly, but by some sick prank of the gods he was cursed never to bear a son of a woman. He married, and when his wife came full with child, she would sicken and die. Three wives he courted, wed, and impregnated before he refused to marry ever more. The people lamented, for they would have no heir of Turez' noble blood to lead them forwards. Gathering the tribes together, the Shamen sent a mighty prayer to the heavens, begging whatever gods would hear for an heir.
    Behold, it came to pass that night a woman came to Turez' tent. She was she was naked, fair to look upon, yet hard, with raven hair in a crest and piercing eyes. She lay with him, and in the morning, she was gone. Nine moons waxed and waned before she returned, bearing Turez an egg the size of a small foal. "Keep this, our child, for a year until she hatches, and she shall be your heir, the Storm Khan."
    Turez was puzzled, and so were we, his people, for the people of the plains bore live young. However, knowing the command of a goddess when he heard it, he obeyed, and cherished the egg for the required year, never letting it from his sight. And behold! One year from the day it was brought to him, the egg hatched!
    All of the people of the steppe came to watch as the egg cracked and the child emerged, and all of the people of the steppe gasped in wonder. For what emerged from the egg was no man or woman, but a Gryphon! Legendary beasts of the far northern plains, who ate whole horses and oxen each day. None living in the tribes had seen one, only heard tales. And here, their future Khan, sat before them. But that was not the greatest shock, oh no. For looking directly at Turez, the Storm Khan spoke! In a childs voice, to be sure, a simple "Father," but all the tales of the Gryphons spoke of them as beasts like any other with no intellect.
    The Storm Khan grew rapidly. Within 2 years she was full grown, a majestic queen of the skies. her intellect grew as well, and if became apparent that though she had the body and instinct of a gryphon, she had the mind and emotions of a woman. When, on occasion the centaur proved aggressive, she needed hardly fight; she dove amongst the attackers, snatched one off for her meal, and the rest fled.
    It was not until Turez-Khans death 30 years later, however, that her true power was revealed. Taking the reins of the tribal counsels, she never expected to find a massive centaur army so close to our lands. Emboldened by Turez-Khan's death, not even a mighty gryphon would deter them from our anihilation.
    When the armies met, the earth shuddered. The cries of the men and centaur filled the sky, and I tell you now, hell could be no worse. Most frightening of all, however, was the Storm Khan. Hundreds of centaur lay torn asunder by her great beak and mighty talons. yet, still they came, an endless tide of abominations.
    Seeing the fate of her people in the balance, the Storm Khan shrieked, so lound that the foe all around her fell, writhing. Launching herself into the air, she cried out her mother's name, which is forbidden to speak. Then, we saw the true fury of a god! In an instant, storm clouds filled the sky, and she was struck by an enormous thunderbolt. Far from being harmed, however, she seemed to grow, her iron-feathered wings crackling with lightning. She screamed again, and bolts of lighting began landing amongst the centaur army, throwing them high into the sky and raining down charred remains. Diving amongst the army once more wreathed in the fury of the storm, she resumed her slaughter tenfold.
    I do not need to tell you the eventual outcome of that battle, for obviously we sit here now. I do not need to tell you that the centaur have left the steppes, never to return. And I do not need to tell you that, as long as the Storm Khan flies these skies, the people of the steppe need never fear for the saftety of our paradise. Our herds are fat, our children healthy, and our men strong. Our women weave beads of peace into our leathers. The Storm Khan is fair and Just, and strife is nigh unheard of.

Strengths: Extremely mobile, able to fly over obstacles others cannot.
                Flight greatly reduces the damage she takes.

Weaknesses: Very mana dependant; flight uses up mana very quickly.
                    Takeoff and landing leave her vulnerable

Apearance: A mighty silver and blue-gray gryphon, with wings of steel feathers that crackle with electricity.


Soar/Prowl: Switches between Soar and Prowl mode. Soar allows flight over gaps in the map, but drains mana quickly. Damage taken is reduced 50%. Unable to attack. Prowl is default, land based mode. 1.5 second cast time. Default ability.

(Soar)Thunderous Dive: 600 Mana. Instant. Storm Kahn dives onto the battlefield, lading with a shockwave. Enemies she lands on take 300 damage. all other enemies within 20 feet get knocked back. Storm Kahn is stunned for 1 second on landing. Subsequen levels increase the damage up to 1000 damage and reduce the stun time to 0.

(Soar)Wings of the Storm: Toggle: The Storm Kahn's movement speed is increased by 10% and bolts of lightning randomly strike nearby enemies for 100 damage. Successive levels increase these values up to 25% and 250.

(Soar)Cyclone: The Storm Khan creates a cyclone beneath her that slows all enemy movement and attack speed inside it by 15%. Subsequent levels increase the penalty to 50%. Lasts for 10 seconds.

(Prowl)Scream: The Storm Kahn lets loose an earthshattering shriek, stunning all enemies for 1 second and decreasing their weapon damage by 20 for 6 seconds. Subsequent levels increase the debuff to 100.

(Prowl)Lighting Rod: Target becomes an attractor. Every 3 seconds for 12 seconds a lighting bolt hits them and anyone within 10 feet for 200 damage. If the target dies while this effect is active, and additional bolt will strike for 500 damage on the spot they die. Additional levels increase this to 400/1000 damage.

(Prowl)Maul: Storm Kahn leaps at her target, dealing 350 damage and silencing them for 2 seconds. Subsequent levels raise damage to 1050.

(Passive)Static: Any time the Storm Kahn is hit, attacker takes 50 damage, and all enemies within 10 feet of the attacker take 10 damage. This is a single rank ability at level 10.

(Passive)Gust: When the Storm Kahn takes off or lands, all nearby enemies are knocked back. Also reduces the mana cost of flight. Subsequent levels decrease mana cost of flight further, and add interupt (second rank) and 0.5 second stun (third rank).

+17 Karma | 18 Replies
May 5, 2009 8:26:44 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Perfect. Balanced, innovative, fun and fits the Demigod concept perfectly. 5 stars

May 5, 2009 9:15:39 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Reduce the silence length on Maul to 1-2 seconds and the character is well balanced. No single skill should put out 1k damage and still pack a 4 second silence.

May 5, 2009 1:32:12 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

You're right. I adjusted it in the original post. Thanks for the feedback!

May 5, 2009 2:04:54 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Very cool idea, and EXCELLENT fluff--would read again.

I like the idea of a fast, maneuverable character, and while most of the abilities seem balanced, I should only warn you that fast AND high damage is a dangerous combination. Movement speed is a crucial aspect of the game, and often times battles between Demigods come down to whether or not a player can flee in time.

Also, a dumb question: the Storm Kahn can still auto-attack ground targets while flying, right? Super Sweet Swooping action...

As far as the abilities proper, they all have a great blend of flavor and effectiveness, which is a must. Lightning Rod is truly brilliant, I applaud it. The only thing that seems out of place is the self-damage with Wings of the Storm--it doesn't seem to fit, flavor-wise, and it seems to discourage using it to escape battle, which is where movement speed is most critical. I'd almost say it'd be fine if it didn't have self-damage, or it increased the mana cost of flight instead.

Also, have you considered how flight will interact with enemy towers? It seems like it might be possible for the Storm Kahn to quickly infiltrate the enemy base, taking advantage of the damage reduction of flight, and capture a flag that would normally be safe until much later in the game, like the portal flags. I get the vibe of "glorious hunter war-beast" from your fluff, but a strategy like that seems to say "sneaky harassing fiend". I'm not saying that's necessarily bad or wrong, but it's something worth thinking about--whether or not you'd want to make that possible.

If it were up to me, I'd trade the damage reduction while flying for a small speed bonus, in the interest of aesthetics; the point of flight is increased maneuverability, but I think I'd almost use it more to tank, if it gave a whopping 50% damage reduction--not even artifacts do that much. Better yet, it could give some offensive benefit, rather than a defensive one, to encourage using it in combat instead of sneaking behind enemy lines--faster auto-attacking would fit well.

Last but not least, I gotta ask: what happens if you run out of mana when over a gap?

May 5, 2009 5:40:22 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting DoctorAwesome,
Very cool idea, and EXCELLENT fluff--would read again.

I like the idea of a fast, maneuverable character, and while most of the abilities seem balanced, I should only warn you that fast AND high damage is a dangerous combination. Movement speed is a crucial aspect of the game, and often times battles between Demigods come down to whether or not a player can flee in time.

Also, a dumb question: the Storm Kahn can still auto-attack ground targets while flying, right? Super Sweet Swooping action...

As far as the abilities proper, they all have a great blend of flavor and effectiveness, which is a must. Lightning Rod is truly brilliant, I applaud it. The only thing that seems out of place is the self-damage with Wings of the Storm--it doesn't seem to fit, flavor-wise, and it seems to discourage using it to escape battle, which is where movement speed is most critical. I'd almost say it'd be fine if it didn't have self-damage, or it increased the mana cost of flight instead.

Also, have you considered how flight will interact with enemy towers? It seems like it might be possible for the Storm Kahn to quickly infiltrate the enemy base, taking advantage of the damage reduction of flight, and capture a flag that would normally be safe until much later in the game, like the portal flags. I get the vibe of "glorious hunter war-beast" from your fluff, but a strategy like that seems to say "sneaky harassing fiend". I'm not saying that's necessarily bad or wrong, but it's something worth thinking about--whether or not you'd want to make that possible.

If it were up to me, I'd trade the damage reduction while flying for a small speed bonus, in the interest of aesthetics; the point of flight is increased maneuverability, but I think I'd almost use it more to tank, if it gave a whopping 50% damage reduction--not even artifacts do that much. Better yet, it could give some offensive benefit, rather than a defensive one, to encourage using it in combat instead of sneaking behind enemy lines--faster auto-attacking would fit well.

Last but not least, I gotta ask: what happens if you run out of mana when over a gap?


All excellent questions. And yes, UB is a perfect example of the danger of fast and high damage. I tried to make her a little less damaging than UB, and slightly less controllable damage, to make up for her unique ability to cross any terrain.

You might have missed the part where while flying, she doesn't attack. I wanted flight to be used purely for mobility, as well as some awesome skills.

I thought about the 'behind enemy lines' aspect, but I didn't think of the flag capturing aspect, good point. Without the ability to attack in the air, she couldn't do much damage until she lands. However, I would let her capture flags as per normal. I think that would add a nice dimension to the character, unique to her.

I was attempting less 'sneaky harrasser' and more 'lighting bolt out of nowhere.' She doesn't harrass, she dives in unexpectedly and tears her opponents apart. I purposefully triewd to make it a little more difficult to escape a battle than to engage in one.

I agree looking back that Wings of the Storm may be a bit harsh. I might change it to a toggle that increases mana consumption, but adds movement speed and randomly strikes nearby enemies with lighting. What do you think?

And finally, if she runs out of mana while flying over a gap, she'd simply make for the closest terrain to land. However I don't envision this happening TOO often.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it! I welcome any suggestions, and will edit the original post to reflect changes I like.


May 6, 2009 2:14:49 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Ah, I had missed the part where it said you can't attack. It also makes sense as a balancing factor, because an auto-attacking foe that is undeterred by terrain or enemy movement, and takes less damage than normal, sounds downright nightmarish. Also, I totally didn't realize that the point of WotS is to be more useful for aggression than for retreating, but that makes good sense. I like the idea of random lightning attacks while using it. I'd sure hate to see this thing coming.

May 7, 2009 9:48:53 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'd sure hate to see this thing coming.

Then my work here is done

Did some edits to formatting for the people who don't want to read the story.

May 8, 2009 12:10:04 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I'm impressed. When I read the title and summary I was like "No! Flying characters will never work in a game like this!" But you seem to have balanced this demigod out very nicely. I could really see this in-game.

May 8, 2009 2:57:27 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Quoting gyrum,
I'm impressed. When I read the title and summary I was like "No! Flying characters will never work in a game like this!" But you seem to have balanced this demigod out very nicely. I could really see this in-game.


Thank you. Yeah, I had to think really hard about giving her flight, but I wanted her to be totally unique. The Angel reinforcements and Oaks spirits fly, so I wanted a Demigod that can move like them. Actually, I might change her flight ability to allow her to attack other 'flying' creatures. What say you guys?

May 8, 2009 3:26:42 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums



Sorry, was just listening to the Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan Overture when I saw this thread... ;]

July 4, 2009 8:21:03 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Flying while only attacking flying units seem fair beauase there all minnions. the only thing that you would need to balance would be the ability to fly far off stage to get away or sneak to flags. You would have to either make invisible walls on the outer boundries of the stage or limit mana regen while not over land so that a high mana build cant keep it out of attackable range forever

July 4, 2009 9:32:43 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

hmm  really nice idea but i dont like all those switching mode things ...

July 5, 2009 11:02:46 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

This idea seems horribly unbalanced. I have no idea what any of you are talking about. With the current numbers, late game one could thunderous dive in for 1000 damage, drop lightning rod on the enemy, dealing 4000 damage over 12 seconds, and then maul them for an additional 1050 while also silencing them. Not to mention the imbalances present in a demigod that has such vast range of movement.


Also, 3 ways to cancel others abilities.

July 5, 2009 2:59:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

I think the idea is interesting. I'm not gonna weigh in on the balance, but I do have one pretty difficult question...What happens if the storm kahn runs out of mana while flying over a gap?

Also, not a lot of maps are designed with people have the ability to fly out of bounds in mind. Maps get screwed up enough with erebus bat swarming across giant gaps (crucible and exile, I'm pointing at you!)

I think it technically might be very difficult to implement this.

July 7, 2009 3:35:17 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Wowser, you got it all figured out. This DG is really balanced and a great idea. I don't really see anything bad about the idea and i really can see it in game. My closing comment kick ass idea. maybe i could do a sketch for you Dg. If ur interested email me @ [email protected]!

November 18, 2009 3:37:53 AM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Very balance indeed, This DG is perfect for getting into fight..on her terms!

December 2, 2009 8:10:33 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

reminds me of the sphinx in greek mythology (not the egyptian versions)


December 6, 2009 2:44:01 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Heh, been a while, nice to see this one getting some attention again. She was probably my favorite after Ao & Ona.

I might go back and tweak her abilities some. However, with Oculus doing the lightning thing now I may have to come up with more wind-based attacks so as not to trod on his toes. Or hoofs. Or whatever.

Keep in mind that all of the DGs are supposed to be fairly rediculously OP at high levels.

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