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Are Desyncs correlated with too low of a Sim Speed?

By on May 2, 2009 5:00:49 PM from Demigod Forums Demigod Forums

Last night, I was playing this extremely exciting 3 v 3 game where both sides purchased giants and catapaults nearly simultaneously: it was heading very quickly to an exciting conclusion, and honestly it wasn't clear which side was going to win.

Then, suddenly, the game froze, a Desync window pops up, and the heart-wrenching announcement "A PLAYER HAS LEFT THE GAME" boomed forth from the speakers: THREE players had been kicked out.

A team mate accused me of being the problem, as he claimed my Sim speed was either 0 or 1 at the time. However, I don't recall noticing any severe jerkiness before the game froze just prior to the desync.

He had also claimed that I had been the cause of this the previous evening 3 times, but I only recall it occuring once, and that same previous evening I played 3 games in a row with 5 other players not including this guy, and I had not a single issue with Desyncs.


Obviously, Sim speed is tied to performance and can cause all players to experience jerky game play. My Sim speed score is frequently rather low, sometimes 3 or 4, often 6, and rarely even lower than 3.

I do try to lower my settings to increase my Sim speed. However, I'm forced to use GameRanger for the time being until proxy servers are up, and apparently GR resets my graphics and sound settings to their defaults prior to the game.

Can an extremely low Sim speed cause the game to suddenly freeze without too much prior jerkiness and cause a desync like I experienced, especially when there are a ton of creeps fielded as in this case?

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