(The name can be changed I couldn't think of a really good one.)
Short lore: Thousands of years ago a young man fell in love with one of the most beautiful rich girl in he's village. After months of practice and preparing he was finally ready to ask for her hand in marriage. Shocked, surprised and insulted the father rejected the mans request. The man wouldn't take no for an answer and kept coming back day after day and was still rejected. The father had,had enough with the young man and made him a deal. If the young man could slain a huge mountain lion that has been stalking around the village he would agree to his request. The young man full of love and courage set out and found the lion doing battle with only a simple sword and wooden sheild he was able to defeat the lion but was injured near death. His injures wouldn't stop him from winning his prize, he crawled all the way back to the girls house. Making it to the door he could hear the voices of the father and the girl he loved laughing at how much of a fool he was and how he was surely dead and would finally leave them alone. The man lied there cursing the world, humans and most importantly this whole family he now lied dieing infront of and they didn't even know. He was found dead in the morning and the family didn't even care. The man didn't stay dead long tho he's spirit returned earning the revenge he so wanted against the family he killed them all off one by one feeling stronger as he did it. Soon the family was dead but it still wasn't enough he needed more. More time on this world, more revenge on the world and much more power.
For years he has kept going losing all sense of whoever he was when he was living turning into a darker eviler monster as his moved from person to person ruining they're lives till he killed them and moved to the next person. Still seeking more power he now seeks the ultimate power, The power of the all father.
Name: Undying Spirit
Type: Assassain
Alignment: Dark
(Yes it's a pokemon lol I loved those games.)
Strengths: Moves fast, decent damage, sleep skill(stun).
Weaknesses: Low health, fairly low mana.
Abilities: (all these numbers are things I've pulled out of my head change them all you want.)
1) Ghost walk- (escape skill no goggles can see him run away.)
Turning on this skill allows Undying Spirit to phase out of the physical plane into the dead plane making him untouchable but he can't attack in this state, his movement is decreased, can't use items gained in the physical plane and it eats up mana every second it's in use.
(Less mana is used then in the invisble revenge phase state)
Level 1: -20% movement
Level 2: -15% movement (more mana used ofcourse)
Level 3: -10% movement (more mana used ofcourse)
Level 4: -5% movement (more mana used ofcourse)
2) ghostly touch-(passive)
Increase damage and attack speed
level 1-3 (Increase stuff more by level. I'm lazy right now)
Useing his ghost powers he forces the enemy into a nightmare of his own creation putting them into a deep horrifing sleep. (It's a stun really.)
1) Stuns for a short time
2) Stuns for a a bit more time and steals 300 health
3) Stuns for more time and steals 600 health
4) Stuns for about the same and steals 900 health.
4) Invisble revenge ( Now those see invisable stuff googles in favor shop will get used.)
Undying Spirit half phases out of the physical plane making him invisble and reappears when out of mana(eats mana every second, deactivates skill or attack. If he comes out of it in an attack he does bonus damage from the shock of the enemy.
1) eats mana and if appears for an attack gets a 150 damage bonus.
2) more mana eaten and 350 attack bonus
3) more mana eaten and 650 attack bonus
4) more mana and 800 attack bonus
5) more mana, 1000 attack bonus and +5% attack speed.
5) Undying regen. (Passive) (also yes bad name needs a new one I know.)
By channeling power from the dead plane he can use the energy to increase his own.
1-4 Increases health and mana regen more with each level. ( But no where close to allow him to stay in a phased state forever.)
6) Haunting memories
By channeling his hate for his past and horrible memories of what he's done he can leave them lingering where he is and if anyone walking into them or around them they are stunned. He also as vision of where he left them and who walked into or by them. (Think reg's mines but instead of damage it's a stun.)
1) places one stun and it stuns for 2 seconds
2) can place two stuns and stuns for 4 seconds.
3) can place three stuns and lasts for 6 seconds
Well thats my idea. Remember all these numbers can change I'm not saying it's in stone. I'm just giving a rough idea of how it would work.