No doubt Demigod is a GOOD game. First game to get me to play online ALL the time. But since I play on my laptop, I'm mobile. And I don't always have the inetrnet. Combined with a flakey MP experience, when a player drops I've got an AI teammate. Or should I say, when a player drops, its game over.
What happened to the AI. I know its a GPG game, but I thought with you on board, we'd have a good AI to go along with it (like you did for SINS). On Hard level, the enemy AI is tougher, while my teammates are weak. When playing a defensive Demigod like Rook, I can forget about winning half the matches because my normal AI teammates have no problem thinking they can take on 2 Demigods by themselves. And with them dying off quickly and regularly, the Hard AI, buffed already, gets lots of gold and exp, quickly outleveling me.
I totally get that a tougher AI needs buffs (with an increase in gold income, it will get better equipment because it doesn't understand how to 'save' its pennies), but can't it be smarter to boot. Can't we get my teammates SOME logic.
It really hurts the Tournament mode. I'll never win the Kill 10 Demigod mode because my teammates throw themselevs at the enemy. They have no idea how to retreat. Forget the Capture and hold Flags mode, the enemy AI likes to cap flags, but my OWN teammates prefer to find other Demigods and get killed by them. In Fortress mode, the enemy AI doesn't seem to understand that they NEED to get the fortress'. They'd rather get to the Citadel. If my last fortress is wiped out, it seems only because it was in the way. For defensive DG's that rely on some sorta teamwork, its terrible. Rooka nd Regelus suffer alot. I can't even learn Regelus well because of it.
In another thread, someone said why not be able to 'plant AI flags', you know, defend this point here. Come defend me here. Capture this flag here. Destroy this structure here. I understand that with this method, it would seem more RTS like than you guys want, but we have it in MP. I may not 'control' my teammates, but we DO work together. Its a game ABOUT working together. (And I totally understand that even this flag method would be a HUGE undertaking and not easily implemented, I'm just wondering why it wasn't something that was put in there in the first place.)
I feel EVERY strategy game needs a good AI. Not great, not human like, but good. I want to practice in SP. When I'm playing MP, I want to know that if a teammate is disconnected or leaves for whatever reason, or the oppossing team loses a player, I want to know that we can still keep playing.
What does the future hold for the AI?
Thanks for listening. It is a great game, I just wish the AI wasn't so transparently awful.