However, you can consider the achievements for chain killing, etc. in the same boat.
It's ture, some Demigods are better at killing others at the moment, but that is not the same. Your ability to kill enemys is strongly based on your item and skill build, if you go for support you really have a hard time to catch kills yourself, but you are still able to kill. Otherwiese you can still play Sedna / Oak / QoT Assasin-like and then you are definitly able to get all kill based awards. If you would implement a heal (and/or buff) award you won't ever be able to get such an award with DG's who don't have a heal ability. Hence this would be somewhat unfair.
We only want to give this award to those who really focus on healing. Maybe there should be a limit of HP she has to heal in order to get it? Some high, but not unreasonably high, goal that would really focus on keeping your teammates alive?
The limit would be more like an achievement, the awards are only for "got the most X". And the "Combat Medic" award of Sedna is to heal 1,500,000 HP.
P.S. Also, thinking about it, does anyone know if aura's count towards co-op kill awards? If TB or Setna are next to a teammate who lands a killing blow, without doing damage the oponent, would you get assist credit? This would seem benificial. Thoughts?
A really good idea, but you should create a new thread for that, so more people are able to read that.
A Sedna/QoT/Oak player should not be punished if he decides to buff his team mate and let him get the kill. This could also be applied to the Torchbearer if he assists a team kill with Frost Nova.
A really true thing. Like it is now you are punished for teamplay and rewarded for killing.